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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Program plan submission
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 11-B
§ 179-r. Program plan submission. 1. Each state agency receiving an
appropriation of state or federal funds for any program shall produce
and immediately thereafter submit a program plan to the division of the
budget, the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means
committee. Such program plan shall be submitted not more than forty-five
days following the latest date on which any of the appropriations
covered by the program plan become law except as provided by section one
hundred seventy-nine-x of this article.

2. The division of the budget shall have not more than ninety days
following the latest date on which any of the appropriations covered by
the program plan become law to issue a certificate of approval for each
item of appropriation included in the program plan. A copy of such
certificate of approval shall be forwarded to the senate finance
committee, the assembly ways and means committee and the office of the
state comptroller.