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Continuation of transportation coordinating committees; committee membership
Transportation (TRA) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 15*
* § 401. Continuation of transportation coordinating committees;
committee membership. 1. The Mid-Hudson south transportation
coordinating committee is continued, with voting membership to include:

(a) the Westchester county executive;

(b) the Putnam county executive;

(c) the chairman of the Rockland county legislature;

(d) the mayor of the city of Yonkers, whose tenure of membership shall
be determined by the Mid-Hudson south transportation coordinating

(e) the chairman of the metropolitan transportation authority; and

(f) the commissioner of the New York state department of

2. The Nassau-Suffolk transportation coordinating committee is
continued, with voting membership to include:

(a) the Nassau county executive;

(b) the Suffolk county executive;

(c) the chairman of the metropolitan transportation authority; and

(d) the commissioner of the New York state department of

3. The New York city transportation coordinating committee is
continued, with voting memberhsip to include:

(a) the chairman of the New York city planning commission,
representing the mayor of the city of New York;

(b) the commissioner of the New York city department of
transportation, representing the mayor of the city of New York;

(c) the chairman of the metropolitan transportation authority; and

(d) the commissioner of the New York state department of

* NB Expired June 30, 1983

* NB There are 2 § 401's