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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Interests in Goods Covered by a Certificate of Title
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) CHAPTER 38, ARTICLE 9, PART 3, SUBPART 1
Section 9--303. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security

Interests in Goods Covered by a Certificate of Title.

(a) Applicability of section. This section applies to goods covered by
a certificate of title, even if there is no other relationship between
the jurisdiction under whose certificate of title the goods are covered
and the goods or the debtor.

(b) When goods covered by certificate of title. Goods become covered
by a certificate of title when a valid application for the certificate
of title and the applicable fee are delivered to the appropriate
authority. Goods cease to be covered by a certificate of title at the
earlier of the time the certificate of title ceases to be effective
under the law of the issuing jurisdiction or the time the goods become
covered subsequently by a certificate of title issued by another

(c) Applicable law. The local law of the jurisdiction under whose
certificate of title the goods are covered governs perfection, the
effect of perfection or nonperfection, and the priority of a security
interest in goods covered by a certificate of title from the time the
goods become covered by the certificate of title until the goods cease
to be covered by the certificate of title.