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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rights and Duties of Certain Secondary Obligors
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) CHAPTER 38, ARTICLE 9, PART 6, SUBPART 1
Section 9--618. Rights and Duties of Certain Secondary Obligors.

(a) Rights and duties of secondary obligor. A secondary obligor
acquires the rights and becomes obligated to perform the duties of the
secured party after the secondary obligor:

(1) receives an assignment of a secured obligation from the

secured party;

(2) receives a transfer of collateral from the secured party and

agrees to accept the rights and assume the duties of the secured

party; or

(3) is subrogated to the rights of a secured party with respect

to collateral.

(b) Effect of assignment, transfer, or subrogation. An assignment,
transfer, or subrogation described in subsection (a):

(1) is not a disposition of collateral under Section 9--610; and

(2) relieves the secured party of further duties under this
