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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Summons; service without the county permissible but not giving personal jurisdiction in certain actions
Uniform City Court Act (UCT) CHAPTER 497, ARTICLE 4
§ 405. Summons; service without the county permissible but not giving

personal jurisdiction in certain actions.

Service may be made in any part of the county or any adjoining county
by any person authorized to make service in a like instance in supreme
court and in the same manner as service in such court may be made:

(a) in an action involving real property as defined in § 203 of this
act; or

(b) in an action to foreclose a lien on, or to recover, a chattel
seized within the county; or

(c) where a levy upon property of the person to be served has been
made within the county pursuant to an order of attachment.