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Enforcement of small claims judgments
Uniform Justice Court Act (UJC) CHAPTER 898, ARTICLE 18
§ 1812. Enforcement of small claims judgments.

(a) The special procedures set forth in subdivision (b) hereof shall
be available only where:

1. there is a recorded judgment of a small claims court; and

2. (i) the aforesaid judgment resulted from a transaction in the
course of the trade or business of the judgment debtor, or arose out of
a repeated course of dealing or conduct of the judgment debtor, and (ii)
there are at least two other unsatisfied recorded judgments of a small
claims court arising out of such trade or business or repeated course of
dealing or conduct, against that judgment debtor; and

3. the judgment debtor failed to satisfy such judgment within a period
of thirty days after receipt of notice of such judgment. Such notice
shall be given in the same manner as provided for the service of a
summons or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall
contain a statement that such judgment exists, that at least two other
unsatisfied recorded judgments exist, and that failure to pay such
judgment may be the basis for an action, for treble the amount of such
unsatisfied judgment, pursuant to this section.

(b) Where each of the elements of subdivision (a) of this section are
present the judgment creditor shall be entitled to commence an action
against said judgment debtor for treble the amount of such unsatisfied
judgment, together with reasonable counsel fees, and the costs and
disbursements of such action, provided, however, that in any such action
it shall be a defense that the judgment debtor did not have resources to
satisfy such judgment within a period of thirty days after receipt of
notice of such judgment. The failure to pay a judgment obtained in an
action pursuant to this section shall not be the basis for another such
action pursuant to this section.

(c) Where the judgment is obtained in an action pursuant to
subdivision (b), and arises from a business of the defendant, the court
shall, in addition to its responsibilities under this article, advise
the attorney general in relation to his authority under subdivision
twelve of section sixty-three of the executive law, and if such judgment
arises from a certified or licensed business of the defendant, advise
the state or local licensing or certifying authority.

(d) Where a judgment has been entered in a small claims court and
remains unsatisfied, the small claims clerk shall, upon request, issue
information subpoenas, at nominal cost, for the judgment creditor and
provide the creditor with assistance on their preparation and use. The
court shall have the same power as the supreme court to punish a
contempt of court committed with respect to an information subpoena.