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This entry was published on 2022-10-21
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Dumping or plowing snow onto parking places for handicapped prohibited
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 7, ARTICLE 32
§ 1203-e. Dumping or plowing snow onto parking places for handicapped
prohibited. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision two of this
section, any person who knowingly dumps or shovels snow onto a parking
place for handicapped persons rendering such place unusable for parking
purposes shall be subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars for the first
offense and a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars for every offense
thereafter. However, a local or municipal government may, by local law
or ordinance, establish fines higher than those established in this
subdivision, but in no instance shall the fines exceed fifty dollars for
the first offense or two hundred dollars for the second or subsequent

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section,
any firm, corporation, partnership or association engaged in the conduct
of any business, trade or commerce or in the furnishing of any service
in this state who knowingly dumps, shovels or plows snow onto a parking
place for handicapped persons rendering such place unusable for parking
purposes shall be subject to a fine of one hundred twenty-five dollars
for the first offense and a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars
for every offense thereafter. However, a local or municipal government
may, by local law or ordinance, establish fines higher than those
established in this subdivision, but in no instance shall the fines
exceed two hundred fifty dollars for the first offense or four hundred
fifty dollars for the second or subsequent offense.