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This entry was published on 2020-08-07
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Riding on roadways, shoulders, and lanes reserved for non-motorized vehicles and devices
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 7, ARTICLE 34-D
§ 1284. Riding on roadways, shoulders, and lanes reserved for
non-motorized vehicles and devices. 1. Upon all roadways, any electric
scooter shall be operated either on a usable bicycle or in-line skate
lane or, if a usable bicycle or in-line skate lane has not been
provided, near the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway or upon a
usable right-hand shoulder in such a manner as to prevent undue
interference with the flow of traffic except when preparing for a left
turn or when reasonably necessary to avoid conditions that would make it
unsafe to continue along near the right-hand curb or edge. Conditions to
be taken into consideration include, but are not limited to, fixed or
moving objects, vehicles, bicycles, in-line skates, pedestrians,
animals, surface hazards or traffic lanes too narrow for a person
operating an electric scooter and a vehicle to travel safely
side-by-side within the lane.

2. Persons operating electric scooters upon a roadway shall ride
single file. Persons operating electric scooters upon a shoulder,
bicycle or in-line skate lane, or bicycle or in-line skate path intended
for the use of bicycles, in-line skates or electric scooters may ride
two or more abreast if sufficient space is available, except that when
passing a vehicle, bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device,
person on in-line skates or pedestrian standing or proceeding along such
shoulder, lane or path, persons operating electric scooters shall
operate such scooters single file.

3. Any person operating an electric scooter who is entering a roadway
from a private road, driveway, alley or over a curb shall come to a full
stop before entering the roadway.