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Delegation of powers
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 35
§ 1603. Delegation of powers. (a) Any or all of the powers granted by
this chapter to the legislative body of a city or village or to the New
York state thruway authority, the office of parks, recreation and
historic preservation, the department of environmental conservation, the
department of agriculture and markets, the industrial exhibit authority,
a county park commission, a parkway authority, a bridge authority or a
bridge and tunnel authority may be delegated to any official, board or
agency thereof designated by it or designated by law. If any authority
or commission herein mentioned shall cease to exist, its powers as
granted by this chapter shall devolve upon the state or municipal
corporation succeeding to the property, functions, powers and duties of
such authority or commission, as the case may be, and may be delegated
by its legislative body to any official, board or agency thereof as
designated by it or by law.

(b) Any or all of the powers to adopt orders, rules or regulations
granted by this chapter to the legislative body of any city having a
population in excess of one million, whether through provisions
applicable to cities generally or applicable specifically to any such
city, may be exercised in such city, with respect to any highway, park,
bridge or tunnel therein, except as otherwise provided in subsection (c)
of this section, by any official, board or agency thereof authorized by
law, immediately prior to the effective date of this section, to
promulgate traffic regulations with respect to such place, unless and
until any such power shall be transferred to any other official, board
or agency of such city by local law or state statute.

(c) Any or all of the powers to adopt orders, rules, regulations or
health code provisions in relation to transportation of combustibles,
chemicals, explosives, inflammables or other dangerous substances,
articles, compounds or mixtures granted by this title to the legislative
body of any city having a population in excess of one million may be
exercised by the official, board or agency having the power immediately
prior to the effective date of this section, to promulgate regulations
or health code provisions governing such matters, unless and until a
different official, board or agency is designated by local law or state
statute to exercise such power.

(d) In any case where any provision of this title grants to the
legislative body of any city having a population in excess of one
million any power to adopt orders, rules, regulations or health code
provisions not possessed by such legislative body or any official, board
or agency of such city, immediately prior to the effective date of this
section, such power may be exercised by the official, board or agency
authorized by law, immediately prior to the effective date of this
section, to promulgate traffic regulations applicable generally
throughout such city, unless and until a different official, board or
agency is designated by local law or state statute to exercise such
power, provided that any such power with respect to any park or highway
under the jurisdiction of a commissioner of parks or a department of
parks, shall be exercised by the official, board or agency having the
power, immediately prior to the effective date of this section, to
promulgate traffic regulations with respect to such park or highway,
unless and until a different official, board or agency is designated by
local law or state statute to exercise such power, and provided further
that any such power in relation to transportation of combustibles,
chemicals, explosives, inflammables or other dangerous substances,
articles, compounds or mixtures shall be exercised by the official,
board or agency having the power, immediately prior to the effective
date of this section, to promulgate regulations or health code
provisions governing such matters, unless and until a different
official, board or agency is designated by local law or state statute to
exercise such power.

(e) Any or all of the powers granted by this title to the town board
of a town, except those set forth in paragraphs one, five, nine, fifteen
and twenty of subdivision (a) of section sixteen hundred sixty may be
delegated to any official, board or agency designated by it or by law.