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This entry was published on 2022-07-08
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SECTION 1640-R*2
Residential parking system in the city of New Rochelle
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 39
* § 1640-r. Residential parking system in the city of New Rochelle. 1.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, the city
council of the city of New Rochelle may, by adoption of a local law or
ordinance, provide for a residential parking permit system and fix and
require the payment of fees applicable to parking within the area in
which such parking system is in effect in accordance with the provisions
of this section.

2. Such residential parking permit system may only be established
within the city of New Rochelle on Farragut Circle, Decatur Road and
Sutton Manor Road.

3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no permit shall be required on
streets or portion of streets where the adjacent properties are zoned
for commercial/retail use.

4. The local law or ordinance providing for such residential parking
system shall:

(a) set forth factors necessitating the enactment of such parking
system; and

(b) provide that motor vehicles registered pursuant to section four
hundred four-a of this chapter shall be exempt from any permit
requirement; and

(c) provide the times of the day and days of the week during which
permit requirements shall be in effect; and

(d) make not less than twenty percent of all spaces within the permit
area available to non-residents and shall provide short-term parking of
not less than ninety minutes in duration in such area; and

(e) provide the schedule of fees to be paid for such permits; and

(f) provide that such fees shall be credited to the general fund of
the city.

5. No ordinance shall be adopted pursuant to this section until a
public hearing thereon has been had in the same manner as required for
public hearings on a local law pursuant to the municipal home rule law.

* NB There are 3 § 1640-r's