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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Supervision and installation of traffic devices in Suffolk county
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 40
§ 1652-b. Supervision and installation of traffic devices in Suffolk
county. The county superintendent of highways of Suffolk county may,
when authorized by the Suffolk county governing board, erect and
maintain traffic signs, signals and markings on, and provide traffic
engineering services in relation to any highway, road or street within a
town or village within such county, except state highways maintained by
the state, providing the governing body of the town or village having
jurisdiction over such highway, road or street determines on the basis
of an engineering and traffic investigation that such traffic signs,
signals and markings are necessary, issues any necessary ordinance,
order, rule or regulation with respect thereto, consents to the erection
and maintenance of such traffic signs, signals and markings by the
county and consents thereto by written agreement with the Suffolk county
governing board as to the extent of the authority and responsibility of
the county superintendent of highways of Suffolk county and any
apportionment of costs for the erection and maintenance of signs,
signals and markings and traffic engineering services. The power granted
to the Suffolk county superintendent of highways by this section shall
in no way diminish any power over roads granted to him by law but shall
be in addition to any such powers.