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This entry was published on 2019-04-19
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Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 44-C
§ 1703. Definitions. For the purposes of this article, unless the
context otherwise requires:

1. "City" means the city of New York.

2. "Central business district toll" means a toll charged for entry
into or remaining in the central business district as described in
section seventeen hundred four of this article.

3. "Central business district tolling program" means the program for
charging tolls for vehicles that enter or remain in the central business
district and includes the central business district tolling
infrastructure, the central business district tolling collection system
and the central business district tolling customer service center.

4. "Central business district" means the area described in section
seventeen hundred four of this article for which tolls shall be charged
for a vehicle's entry into or remaining in such district.

5. "Central business district tolling infrastructure" means the
devices and structures including but not limited to gantries, clear
signage delineating entry into the central business district and toll
amounts, and power and communication lines that the Triborough bridge
and tunnel authority will plan, design, construct, and use as part of
the central business district tolling program. Such infrastructure shall
be planned, designed, installed and constructed pursuant to the
memorandum of understanding executed pursuant to subdivision two-a of
section seventeen hundred four of this article.

6. "Central business district tolling collection system" means the
electronic system of collecting tolls or other charges using electronic
data and/or images that the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority will
plan, design, install and construct pursuant to the memorandum of
understanding executed pursuant to subdivision two-a of section
seventeen hundred four of this article, and that such authority shall
operate as part of the central business district tolling program.

7. "Central business district tolling customer service center" means
the customer contact and back-office system and operation services for
the collection of central business district tolls and enforcement of
central business district toll violations that the Triborough bridge and
tunnel authority will plan, design, implement and operate as part of the
central business district tolling program.

8. "Operation date" means the date determined by the Triborough bridge
and tunnel authority, which shall not be earlier than December
thirty-first, two thousand twenty, for the beginning of the operation
and enforcement of the central business district tolling program. The
operation and enforcement date shall commence only after an initial
program testing period of thirty days where no collection of any tolls,
fees, or other charges shall be authorized. As of the commencement date
of operation and enforcement, there shall be a period of sixty days
where only the established tolls may be collected without the collection
of other fees or charges or fines.

9. "Triborough bridge and tunnel authority" means the corporation
organized pursuant to section five hundred fifty-two of the public
authorities law as consolidated pursuant to section five hundred
fifty-two-a of the public authorities law or any successor corporation
or corporation into which it may be consolidated.