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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Issuance and records
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 10, ARTICLE 46
§ 2107. Issuance and records. (a) The commissioner shall file each
application received and, when satisfied as to its genuineness and
regularity and that the applicant is entitled to the issuance of a
certificate of title, shall issue a certificate of title of the vehicle,
except that the commissioner may require that any such vehicle be
inspected in a manner prescribed by him for conformity to the
description given in the application before he issues a certificate of

(b) The commissioner shall maintain a record of all certificates of
title issued by him:

(1) Under a distinctive title number assigned to the vehicle;

(2) Under the identifying number of the vehicle;

(3) Alphabetically, under the name of the owner, unless he maintains
alphabetical records of all owners holding certificates of registration;

(4) Under the registration number of the vehicle; and

(5) In the discretion of the commissioner, in any other method he

(c) When the commissioner issues a certificate of title for a vehicle
as a result of an original application for a title or as a result of the
filing of a security interest, he shall also issue and mail to the
lienholder or lienholders named in the original application, or to the
lienholder who filed the subsequent security interest a notice of
recorded lien.