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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Additional requirements for applications
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 10, ARTICLE 46
§ 2116. Additional requirements for applications. (a) An application
for a certificate of title shall be accompanied by the required fee when
mailed or delivered to the commissioner.

(b) Except as provided for in subdivision (c) of this section, an
application for the naming of a lienholder or his assignee on a
certificate of title shall be accompanied by the required fee when
mailed or delivered to the commissioner.

(c) The filing of a notice of lien by the office of temporary and
disability assistance, or a local social services district, or its
authorized representative, or a lien of another state agency operating
under title IV-D of the social security act, shall constitute an
application for the naming of a lienholder on a certificate of title.
The filing of an application by any such agency shall be completed
without payment of a fee.