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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Dealers and manufacturers
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 11, ARTICLE 48-A
§ 2267. Dealers and manufacturers. 1. No person shall engage in the
business of selling limited use vehicles unless there shall have been
issued to him a dealer registration in accordance with section four
hundred fifteen of this chapter. The commissioner may, by regulation,
provide for identification of dealers as dealers in limited use
vehicles, and he shall make provision for the issuance of appropriate
dealer demonstrator number plates to such dealers.

2. No dealer shall acquire any limited use vehicle for the purpose of
resale for use on the public highways within this state unless such
limited use vehicle has a vehicle identification number in a form and
manner acceptable to the commissioner permanently affixed to the frame
by the manufacturer or authorized agent of the manufacturer.

3. The commissioner may prescribe, by regulation, procedures to be
followed by dealers with respect to record keeping and documents
required upon the sale of a limited use vehicle, and procedures to be
followed by manufacturers with respect to the assignment and affixing of
vehicle identification numbers.