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This entry was published on 2019-02-22
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Distinctive "Elks Association" license plates
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 14
§ 404-z. Distinctive "Elks Association" license plates. 1. Any member
of the New York state Elks association of the benevolent and protective
order of the Elks residing in this state shall, upon request, be issued
a license plate bearing the words "Elks Association". Application for
said license plate shall be filed with the commissioner in such form and
detail as the commissioner shall prescribe, and shall be verified
annually by the applicant.

2. The distinctive plate authorized in this section shall be issued
upon proof, satisfactory to the commissioner, that the applicant is
presently an active member of the New York state Elks association of the
benevolent and protective order of the Elks.

3. A distinctive plate issued pursuant to this section shall be issued
in the same manner as other number plates upon payment of the regular
registration fee prescribed by section four hundred one of this article,
provided, however, that an additional annual service charge of
twenty-five dollars shall be charged for such plate.