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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Expense for rehabilitating injured volunteer ambulance workers
Volunteer Ambulance Workers' Benefit (VAW) CHAPTER 64-B, ARTICLE 2
§ 15. Expense for rehabilitating injured volunteer ambulance workers.
A volunteer ambulance worker, who as a result of injury is or may be
expected to be totally or partially incapacitated for a remunerative
occupation and who, under the direction of the state education
department is being rendered fit to engage in a remunerative occupation,
may receive such additional financial benefit necessary for his
rehabilitation as the workers' compensation board shall determine. Not
more than thirty dollars per week of such additional amount shall be
expended for maintenance. Such expense and such of the administrative
expenses of the state education department as are properly assignable to
the expenses of rehabilitating such volunteer ambulance workers shall be
paid out of the vocational rehabilitation fund created pursuant to
subdivision nine of section fifteen of the workers' compensation law.
Any such volunteer ambulance worker for the purposes of such fund shall
be considered an employee of the political subdivision or volunteer
ambulance company liable for the payment of benefits to such volunteer
ambulance worker under this chapter and such "employer" or its insurance
carrier, as the case may be, shall make the same financial contribution
to such fund as required by subdivision nine of section fifteen of the
workers' compensation law in every case of injury causing death of a
volunteer ambulance worker in which there are no persons entitled to
financial benefits under this chapter other than (1) funeral expenses
and (2) the death benefit provided in subdivision two of section seven
of this article.