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This entry was published on 2023-11-17
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Veterans memorial registry
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 1
* § 29-a. Veterans memorial registry. 1. The department is directed to
develop a veterans memorial registry in consultation with the director
of the New York state military museum and veterans resource center, the
commissioner of the office of parks, recreation and historic
preservation, the commissioner of the office of general services and the
state historian. The registry shall be made available on the
department's website.

2. The registry shall consist of a searchable database of those
veterans memorials located within the state submitted pursuant to
subdivision three of this section. The registry shall include, but not
be limited to, information regarding the location of a memorial and who
or what veteran or battle such memorial is honoring. Additional
information may include historical information such as who authorized
the erection of such memorial and the year of the dedication. Such
registry shall be searchable by location, veteran or battle.

3. The state commissioner shall issue, on behalf of the department, a
public request for information for any county, city, town, or village
desiring to have any memorial located within their municipality listed
within the registry. Each county, city, town, or village may submit
responses to the department's request for information at any time after
the request for information has been issued. Individuals and
organizations, including but not limited to, local veterans' service
agencies staff and members of congressionally chartered veterans'
service organizations may provide recommendations to a municipality for
inclusion in the registry. In responding to the department's public
request for information, a municipality shall identify the memorial or
memorials it desires to have included in the registry and submit any
information required pursuant to subdivision two of this section to the

* NB There are 2 § 29-a's