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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 16-1600
Reincorporation of special village under this chapter
Village (VIL) CHAPTER 64, ARTICLE 16
§ 16-1600 Reincorporation of special village under this chapter. A
village incorporated by special law and subject to its provisions may be
reincorporated under this chapter by adopting a proposition therefor.
Such a proposition may be submitted at an annual election or at a
special election to be called for that purpose.

The board of trustees of such village may, upon its own motion, and
shall, upon the petition of twenty-five electors assessed upon the last
assessment-roll of the village, cause to be submitted at a village
election a proposition for such reincorporation. The ballots to be used
at such an election may be written or printed, and shall contain the
words "For the reincorporation of the village of (naming it) under the
village law."

A proposition for the reincorporation of a village under this article
shall not be submitted at a special election during the months of
February or March.