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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rights and duties of superintendent of financial services as administrator of the fund
Workers' Compensation (WKC) CHAPTER 67, ARTICLE 6-A
§ 109-e. Rights and duties of superintendent of financial services as
administrator of the fund. The superintendent of financial services may
designate or appoint a duly authorized representative or representatives
to appear and defend an insured against a liability claim under the
employer's liability portion of the standard New York workers'
compensation and employer's liability insurance policy, and to appear
and defend before the board any or all claims for compensation or
benefits against an employer insured by an insolvent carrier or against
such insolvent carrier. The superintendent of financial services shall
have, as of the date of the insolvency of any carrier, only all the
rights and duties which the insurance carrier would have had with
respect to awards made or claims for compensation or benefits filed or
pending, or pending liability claims, if it had not become insolvent.
For the purposes of this article the superintendent shall have power to
employ such counsel, clerks and assistants as may by him be deemed
necessary, and to give each of such persons such powers to assist him as
he may consider wise.