
Commending Sergio Saravia upon the occasion of his designation for special recognition by the Sullivan County Democrat

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending Sergio Saravia upon the occasion of
his designation for special recognition by the SULLIVAN COUNTY DEMOCRAT
for his business and community accomplishments

WHEREAS, A great community is only as great as those persons and organ-
izations that provide exemplary service, whether through participation
in voluntary programs, through unique personal achievement in their
profession or other endeavors, or simply through a lifetime of good
citizenship; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, it is the sense of this Legislative Body to commend
Sergio Saravia upon the occasion of his designation for special recogni-
tion by the SULLIVAN COUNTY DEMOCRAT for his business and community
accomplishments; and
WHEREAS, Born in war-torn El Salvador, Sergio Saravia escaped with his
family at the age of seven to White Lake, New York, where St. Peter's
Roman Catholic Church in Monticello gave them aid while they were seek-
ing asylum status; by the time his father had purchased the poultry farm
known as Hy Frank's near Jeffersonville, the family had secured legal
immigration status; and
WHEREAS, Encouraged by his teachers and counselors at Jeffersonville
High School to pursue his dreams, Sergio Saravia earned a Bachelor's
degree in both Sociology and Political Science from SUNY Geneseo in
2004, before moving on to Pace University, where he received a juris
doctorate in 2007; and
WHEREAS, Through interning with various law firms in the Hudson
Valley, Sergio Saravia quickly found that he could handle cases on his
own and subsequently set up his own private practice in Liberty, New
York, where he offers general legal services to anyone, and focuses on
representing and guiding immigrants through a complicated and confusing
legal, governmental and employment system; and
WHEREAS, With Sergio Saravia throughout has been his wife, Layne, who
feels privileged to be a part of his life and rejoices in his many
achievements; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that those who
enhance the quality of life in their community and have shown a long and
sustained commitment to the maintenance of high standards in their
profession, should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens of
the great State of New York; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Sergio Saravia upon the occasion of his designation for special
recognition by the SULLIVAN COUNTY DEMOCRAT for his business and commu-
nity accomplishments, and to wish him continued success in all of his
future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Sergio Saravia.


  • 12 / May / 2009
  • 12 / May / 2009
  • 12 / May / 2009

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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