
Honoring Roseanne Smith upon the occasion of her retirement after 37 years of distinguished service to the Town of Newburgh

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION honoring Roseanne Smith upon the occasion of her
retirement after 37 years of distinguished service to the Town of

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and honor
those distinguished citizens of this great Empire State who have devoted
themselves to faithfully serving the best interests of their community
and the needs of its residents; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Roseanne Smith upon the occasion of her retirement after 37 years of
distinguished service to the Town of Newburgh; and
WHEREAS, Roseanne Smith, who was a beautician, started as a temp at
Town Hall 37 years ago; she attended Orange County Community College at
night and took as many civil service tests as she could; and
WHEREAS, Displaying extraordinary intellect, extreme competence and
exemplary leadership skills, Roseanne Smith was invited to institute a
personnel office for the town; and
WHEREAS, A Newburgh Free Academy graduate, Roseanne Smith is responsi-
ble for successfully implementing the first personnel department in the
growing town; and
WHEREAS, As the Personnel Director, Roseanne Smith has at times over-
seen as many as 240 employees; she has created an environment where
employees can stop by in person or call and obtain information about
their benefits and more; additionally, she has been responsible for
assisting the town board with grievances and working closely with the
town labor attorney; and
WHEREAS, Throughout her esteemed career, Roseanne Smith served the
Town of Newburgh with intelligence and caring dedication, continuously
striving to effectively fulfill the duties of her position; and
WHEREAS, Sincerely loved and greatly respected by all those with whom
she worked, Roseanne Smith will be remembered for her honesty, integri-
ty, keen sense of duty and ability to show a unique grasp of human prob-
lems in her official acts; and
WHEREAS, With her throughout have been husband, John Smith, and her
children, as well as her grandchildren, all of whom feel privileged to
be a part of her life and rejoice in her achievements; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that when individ-
uals of such noble aims and accomplishments are brought to our atten-
tion, they should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens of
the great State of New York; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Roseanne Smith upon the occasion of her retirement after 37 years
of distinguished service to the Town of Newburgh, and to wish her
continued success in all of her future endeavors; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Roseanne Smith.


  • 05 / Aug / 2009
  • 10 / Sep / 2009
  • 10 / Sep / 2009

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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