
Commending the Auburn Rotary Club upon the occasion of celebrating its 95th Anniversary

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending the Auburn Rotary Club upon the occa-
sion of celebrating its 95th Anniversary on April 9, 2010

WHEREAS, It is the practice of this Legislative Body to recognize and
pay tribute to those organizations of high purpose and worthy accom-
plishment whose endeavors have faithfully served the welfare of the
citizens of the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commend
the Auburn Rotary Club upon the occasion of celebrating its 95th Anni-
versary; and
WHEREAS, The Auburn Rotary Club will mark 95 years of continuous
service to the local, national, and international community at a cele-
bration to be held at the Auburn Holiday Inn on Friday, April 9, 2010;
WHEREAS, Rotary is a not-for-profit organization of business and
professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service,
encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build good-
will through service in the community, in the workplace, and throughout
the world; and
WHEREAS, One of the oldest clubs in New York State, Auburn Rotary was
established on April 12, 1915, with initially 45 members, including
William Henry who served as the club's first President; Syracuse Rotary
was the club's sponsor and its founding came only 10 years after the
beginning of Rotary International in 1905; and
WHEREAS, By October 1915, club membership had grown from 45 to 85
members; meetings were held at the Palm Room at the Osborne House, which
was later named the Osborne Hotel and the Auburn Inn; today, the club
meets at the Holiday Inn; and
WHEREAS, The Auburn Rotary Club has also sponsored the establishment
of numerous clubs, some of which include those located in Seneca Falls,
Geneva and Skaneateles; and
WHEREAS, Throughout is distinguished history, the Auburn Rotary Club
has been involved in countless local causes including: aiding the Girls
and Boys Scouts; working with disabled children and being recognized and
awarded the Warren G. Harding Memorial Flag in 1923; supporting Cayuga
Museum of History and Art; sponsoring numerous youth sports teams; host-
ing the AMBA Bloodscreening Wellness program for the community as well
as Success By Six and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library; and
WHEREAS, In addition, the Auburn Rotary Club was instrumental in the
donation of land for Camp Rotary on Owasco Lake and continues to offer
its support to this noteworthy program; and
WHEREAS, On the international front, the Auburn Rotary Club has been
actively involved in eradicating polio, establishing clean water
projects in Argentina as well as supporting such illustrious programs as
World Literacy, Books4World, and Youth Exchanges; it also contributes to
the clean-up efforts of catastrophes around the world, including aid to
Haiti; and
WHEREAS, The tradition of service to the community has been maintained
throughout the 95 year history of the Auburn Rotary Club, as it contin-
ues to exemplify Rotary International's motto, "Service Above Self"; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and pay
tribute to organizations whose singular purpose is devoted to community
service and global benevolence; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend the Auburn Rotary Club upon the occasion of its 95th Anniver-
sary, honoring this worthy organization's unremitting dedication to

service and its distinguished record of accomplishment; and be it
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to the Auburn Rotary Club.


  • 24 / Mar / 2010
  • 08 / Apr / 2010
  • 08 / Apr / 2010

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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