
Honoring Brenda Ramos, a Brooklyn Woman of Valor, upon the occasion of receiving the Guardian of the Community Award

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending Police Officer Brenda Ramos, upon the
occasion of being honored on May 20, 2010, in conjunction with Women of
Valor Day in the State of New York

WHEREAS, The State of New York is home to countless women who have
contributed to the advancement of our culture through their traditional
and non-traditional roles in society; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and pay
tribute to those Women of Valor within the Empire State who have made
strong contributions to their communities and who inspire others through
their model citizenship; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commend
Police Officer Brenda Ramos, upon the occasion of being honored on May
20, 2010, in conjunction with Women of Valor Day in the State of New
York; and
WHEREAS, Women of every race, class, and ethnic background have made
historic contributions to the growth and strength of New York State in
countless recorded and unrecorded ways; and
WHEREAS, The New York State Senate has set aside time to recognize the
unique contributions that valiant women have made to this great Empire
State and its society; and
WHEREAS, Police Officer Brenda Ramos was born in the Williamsburg
section of Brooklyn, where she attended and graduated from Eli Whitney
Vocational High School and afterwards enrolling in the John Jay College
of Criminal Justice; and
WHEREAS, Police Officer Brenda Ramos is a community activist, counse-
lor, and humanitarian; while attending John Jay College of Criminal
Justice, she worked for a law firm specializing in landlord\tenant
issues such as warrants, and holdover proceedings which gave her a
greater appreciation for people in need of good reliable counsel; and
WHEREAS, Upon graduation from John Jay College of Criminal Justice,
Ms. Ramos took the New York City Police Officers exam and was hired in
1990; upon her graduation from the Academy, she was assigned to the
busiest command in the City, the 75th Precinct; and
WHEREAS, Police Officer Brenda Ramos has served in various capacities
at 75th Precinct, including patrol, training officer, truancy detail,
and truancy liaison (between the 75th Precinct and the Brooklyn District
Attorney's Office); and
WHEREAS, Police Officer Brenda Ramos has been credited for processing
over 37,000 truants; she has communicated with parents and legal guardi-
ans, assisting them with reducing juvenile victimization; and
WHEREAS, Officer Ramos has organized and participated in various
events geared towards activism and community self-empowerment; she
strongly believes that an investment in the community is an investment
that will yield good dividends in the future; and
WHEREAS, Officer Ramos, being of Latino heritage and dealing with a
large Latino community in East New York for the past twenty years, was
appointed as one of the Community Affairs Officers; as Community Affairs
Officer, she has received numerous community citations and recognitions
from elected officials for her interactions within the East New York
community; and
WHEREAS, Officer Ramos, in addition to her commitment to the community
she serves, is also committed to her family; she is the proud mother of
two lovely sons, Christopher and Rayanthony.

WHEREAS, Officer Ramos stands as a model to women everywhere, encour-
aging them to be strong, hold family together, work hard to build commu-
nity, and succeed in every field of human enterprise; and
WHEREAS, Police Officer Brenda Ramos, exemplifies the New York Police
Department's philosophy to Serve and Protect; and
WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is pleased to have this opportunity to
express its highest admiration for Police Officer Brenda Ramos, and to
wish her continued success in all of her future endeavors; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that when Women of
Valor, noble aims and accomplishments are brought to our attention, they
should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens of the great
State of New York; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Police Officer Brenda Ramos, upon the occasion of being honored
on May 20, 2010, in conjunction with Women of Valor Day in the State of
New York; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed be trans-
mitted to Police Officer Brenda Ramos.


  • 10 / May / 2010
  • 12 / May / 2010
  • 12 / May / 2010

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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