
Congratulating the 2010 New York State Senate Contemporary Women of Distinction Award honorees

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION congratulating the 2010 New York State Senate
Contemporary Women of Distinction Award honorees to be celebrated May
25, 2010

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and pay
tribute to those Women of Distinction within the Empire State who have
made strong contributions to their communities and who inspire others
through their model citizenship; and
WHEREAS, These illustrious women have added vitality, sensitivity and
understanding to the diversity and value of the people of the State of
New York; and
WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate the
2010 New York State Senate Contemporary Women of Distinction Award hono-
rees to be celebrated at its Annual Ceremony and Reception on Tuesday,
May 25, 2010; and
WHEREAS, For the past 13 years, the New York State Senate has honored
a select group of outstanding women who work to improve the lives of
others, subsequently making the world a better place to live; to date,
more than 400 women across the State have been awarded this most presti-
gious accolade; and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Contemporary Women of Distinction are being recog-
nized for their dedication to community, achievements in education, the
arts, health, and business; they have not only achieved great success
on an individual level, but also on a community and social level,
strengthening the communities of this great Empire State; and
WHEREAS, Historically, great achievements have been made by women of
New York, such as Susan B. Anthony who was a teacher in Hardscrabble,
New York, and began her career in social activism in Rochester; Eleanor
Roosevelt, born on West 37th in New York City, fought for civil rights
during her tenure as First Lady; Ella Fitzgerald who grew up in Yonkers
and became a jazz legend; Lucille Ball, born and raised in Chautauqua
County, went on to become a legend of the screen; and Harriet Tubman who
did a majority of her work in the women's suffrage movement from her
home in Auburn, New York; and
WHEREAS, The 2010 Contemporary Women of Distinction include: Aissatou
Ndao, Muriel Allerton, JoAnn T. Atlas, Aurelia Greene, Mary Walsh Boat-
field, Dolores Patterson Caldwell, Edie Carbone, Linda S. Chiarenza,
Mary Carroll Clavin, Susan M. Cohen, Ilene Corina, Corrina Grant, Joy
Cousminer, Rachel Lee Davis, Andrea L. DeMeo, Katherine M. Doherty,
Alice J. Fiacco, Rena Finkelstein, Eileen Frey, Lisa A. Frisch, Ada
Grabowski, Ph.D., Dedra Grant-Wade, Cheryl Anne Hall, Helen Ann Henkel,
The Honorable Jacqueline Grace Boyce, Catherine McVay Hughes, Dafny Joy
Irizarry, Paloma Izquierdo-Hernandez, Janice Emanule-Bunn, Carrie Kahn,
Lynn Kennison, Peggy Liuzzi, Kathy Marchione, Mary-Howell Martens, Kath-
leen "Katie" Kilcommons McGowan, Anna Marie Lusins McLachlan, Ann Cham-
bers Meagher, Mimi Pierre Johnson, Mayor Stephanie A. Miner, Margaret B.
"Mardy" Moore, Peg Overdorf, Jodie A. Perry, Jean Phelps, Magaly Polo,
Terri Pouymari, Carol Quirk, Chandler M. Ralph, Julie Ratner M.D.,
Lillian Rodriguez-Lopez, Carol Ruane, Eileen Santiago, Ph.D., Mary
Silver, Carol G. Simon, Dee G. Vandenburg, Diane Arneth, Victoria
Schneps, Tricia Haggerty Wenz, Helen R. Worth, and Olga Rovt; and
WHEREAS, Each of these exceptional women of singular distinction have
continually demonstrated extreme competence, extraordinary intelligence,
and diligent leadership in their unwavering service to their communi-
ties; and
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body that those who
enhance the wellbeing and vitality of their community and have shown a

long and sustained commitment to excellence certainly have earned the
recognition and applause of all the citizens of this great Empire State;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate the 2010 New York State Senate Contemporary Women of
Distinction Award honorees to be celebrated May 25, 2010; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to the 2010 Contemporary Women of Distinction honorees.


  • 25 / May / 2010

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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