
Applauding the steps that have been taken by the chief judge and the judiciary to institute an ongoing program with respect to civil legal services

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION applauding and approving the foregoing steps that
have been taken by the chief judge and the judiciary to institute an
ongoing program with respect to civil legal services in the State of New

WHEREAS, Millions of New Yorkers annually find themselves having to go
to court and to navigate our complex court system; and
WHEREAS, The fair administration of justice requires that every person
who must use the courts have access to adequate legal representation;
WHEREAS, For such universal access to be a reality, there is need for
a comprehensive commitment of bench, bar and community to assure that
(i) there is an ongoing process of identifying the extent and nature of
unmet civil legal service needs, especially where fundamental human
needs are concerned or the matter involves society's most vulnerable
members, including the elderly, children, struggling families, people
with disabilities and abuse victims; and (ii) the New York State Legis-
lature and the Governor are periodically apprised of those needs that
are unmet; and
WHEREAS, The New York State Legislature finds the chief judge of New
York has committed himself annually to preside over public hearings
across the state, in collaboration with the presiding justices of each
judicial department, the chief administrator of the courts and the pres-
ident of the New York State Bar Association, to assess the extent and
nature of unmet civil legal services needs; and
WHEREAS, The chief judge has appointed a task force, the Task Force to
Expand Access to Civil Legal Services in New York, made up of distin-
guished New Yorkers representing the courts, civil legal services and
pro bono providers, bar associations and bar foundations, government,
law schools, business and the not-for-profit community to assist him in
recommending statewide priorities, defining the types of legal matters
in which civil legal services are most needed, advocating for expanded
services, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of existing
programs, gathering and distributing information about programs, strate-
gies and technological approaches that have proven successful, and issu-
ing guidelines or best practices to help providers; and now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
applaud and approve the foregoing steps that have been taken by the
chief judge and the judiciary to institute an ongoing program that will
bring the State of New York closer to the ideal of equal access to civil
justice; and be it further
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body requests the chief judge annually
report to the governor and the legislature concerning the findings of
his statewide hearings and the work of the Task Force to Expand Access
to Civil Legal Services in New York, with recommendations to address
gaps in available resources to meet the need for civil legal services in
the State of New York.


  • 29 / Jun / 2010

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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