
Congratulating the New Hartford Marching Spartans Band upon the occasion of capturing the NYS Field Band Conference Div. I Championship

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION congratulating the New Hartford Central School
District's Marching Spartans Band upon the occasion of capturing the New
York State Field Band Conference Division I Championship title on Octo-
ber 26, 2008

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize the dedi-
cation and commitment of our young people who distinguish themselves
through excellence in musical competition; and
WHEREAS, Music competition provides an opportunity for students to
exhibit their practical skills to an audience, thereby giving them a
sense of pride in their hard work and efforts; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to congratu-
late the New Hartford Central School District's Marching Spartans Band
upon the occasion of capturing the New York State Field Band Conference
Division I Championship title on Sunday, October 26, 2008, at the Carri-
er Dome at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York; and
WHEREAS, Talent, dedication, and countless hours of practice have made
the Marching Spartans the outstanding ensemble it is today; and
WHEREAS, The 89-member marching field band commenced their competitive
season on September 6, 2008, at ESM; they went on to compete in seven
competitions throughout New York State and New Jersey culminating at
this year's Championship where they scored a season high 92.20 in a
stunning performance; and
WHEREAS, Directed by Marty Hollister, the Marching Spartans' perform-
ance for this year was titled "Winter Solstice," a creative show
designed by Rick Morey and Ken Turner; and
WHEREAS, All members of the Marching Spartans work hard at their music
rehearsals, classroom assignments and practice sessions, fully aware
that the amount of time and energy they are willing to expend directly
affects the quality of their music; and
WHEREAS, The members of the Marching Spartans include: David More-
house, snare; Ryan Butler, snare; Shawn Bradley, snare; Moriah Murray,
snare; Brian Fee, tenor drum; Tyler Rice, tenor drum; Brandon Mahaffy,
bass drum; Madeline Palumbo, bass drum; Michael Santiago, bass drum;
Mark Turnbull, bass drum; Joshua Phillips, bass drum; Kayleigh Hind,
weapon; Kayla Kwiecinski, weapon; Victoria Sandock, weapon; Alyssa
Carone, weapon; Sara Orsino, weapon; Danielle Bali, weapon; Amber Liles,
flag; Marissa Fenton, flag; Cecilia Ludowieg, flag; Sarah Muder, flag;
Shannon Stockbridge, flag; Emilie Butler, flag; Kristen Laria, flag;
Lauren Harris, flag; Elizabeth Baldwin, flag; Jesse Luna, flag; Cortney
Laria, flag; Stephanie Inman, flag; Emily Cassidy, flag; Melissa Bali,
flag; Meghan Hind, flag; Joanna Phillips, flag; Meredith Bobrow, mallet;
Courtney Couture, mallet; Simon Day-Roberts, percussion; Thomas Palmer,
mallet; Kayla Kamp, timp; Joe Thistleton, bass; Nick German, mallet; Ed
Herrin, synth; Vicki Pietruszka, Drum Major; Jocelyn Nackley, Assist.
Drum Major; Adam Fenton, trumpet; Samantha Hollister, trumpet; Colleen
Kearney, trumpet; David Macrina, trumpet; Jeremy Philipson, trumpet;
Phil Fleischer, trumpet; Kathryn Kasky, trumpet; Ben Phelps, mellophone;
Ezra Day-Roberts, mellophone; Joshua Kaye, alto sax; Michaela Macrina,
alto sax; Herbert Ludowieg, alto sax; Diane Mathews, alto sax; Harrison
Zogby, alto sax; Anna Tsibina, alto sax; Noel Heaney, alto sax; Nate
Spaziani, tenor sax; Amanda Phelps, tenor sax; Mario Carrillo, trombone;
Wayne Murphy, baritone; Justin Morgan, baritone; John Capecelatro, trom-
bone; John Miller, baritone; Shelby Carl, tuba; Ian Clark, tuba; Corinne
Smith, clarinet; Danielle Macrina, clarinet; Rachel Inman, clarinet;
Tatyana Carrillo, clarinet; Sarah Morehouse, clarinet; Gabi Spaziani,

clarinet; Victoria Perretta, clarinet; Christine Krumbach, piccolo;
Rachel Johnson, flute; Heather Matthews, flute; Danielle Malta, flute;
Kathleen Krumbach, flute; Miranda Wheeler, flute; Tory Pardee, flute;
Eileen Hernon, flute; Lauren Harper, flute; Judayah Murray, flute; Bian-
ca Malta, flute; and Samantha Long, flute; and
WHEREAS, Each of the young musicians is deserving of his or her own
recognition and spotlight, for their remarkable commitment and hours of
practice in perfecting their musical abilities; and
WHEREAS, All this success would not have been possible without the
active and encouraging support of its Director, Marty Hollister, as well
as the Marching Band Staff: Nick Anderalli, James Branche, Anne Clark,
Ken Dining, Tim Ferguson, Nick Gerling, Martin Hollister, Stephen Kimak,
Rich Light, Christine McKenna, Rick Morey, Steve Stoddard, Ken Turner,
Joel Servant, Chris Wengert and Maribeth Doyle, who have devoted their
time and energies to developing the talents of their students; and
WHEREAS, In addition, the administrators of the New Hartford Central
School District are committed to actively promoting and nurturing a
comprehensive music program for all students of the district; and
WHEREAS, The Marching Spartans' achievements stand as a proud example
of the leadership of Band Director, Marty Hollister, and the dedication
of its members, parents, and the community-at-large, as well as the
School Board members and administrators, illuminating the spirit of
excellence and achievement which is the hallmark of their school and
community and providing a shining example for all youth of the State of
New York to emulate; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate the New Hartford Central School District's Marching Spar-
tans Band upon the occasion of capturing the New York State Field Band
Conference Division I Championship title; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to the New Hartford Central School District's Marching Spartans


  • 23 / Feb / 2009

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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