
Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of the Lutheran Social Services

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commemorating the 125th Anniversary of Lutheran
Social Services

WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Legislative Body to recognize and
celebrate the long histories and dedicated service of certain exemplary
institutions whose purpose is to fulfill the needs of the citizenry and
communities of this great Empire State; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commem-
orate the 125th Anniversary of Lutheran Social Services, located in
Jamestown, New York; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Social Services began its important role as a
provider of services to the people of Chautauqua County in 1886 with the
opening of an orphanage, the Gustavus Adolphus Children's Home; and
WHEREAS, In 1930, the organization expanded to serve the needs of
senior citizens with the opening of its Lutheran Home for the Aged; and
WHEREAS, The Gustavus Adolphus Children's Home was rebuilt in 1958 in
order to transition the facility to a treatment center for youth with
family and social problems; this five-section 'open resident facility'
replaced the original structure; in 1978, a stand-alone Gustavus Adol-
phus Learning Center was constructed; and
WHEREAS, The Hugo A. Lindgren Apartments, Lutheran Social Services'
first independent senior housing unit, was opened in 1973 to provide a
housing alternative to senior citizens; and
WHEREAS, In 1988, Lutheran Social Services expanded to open Grace
Lutheran Residential Home, its first house for the developmentally disa-
bled in Rochester, New York; Grace Lutheran is an Individualized Resi-
dential Alternative home; and
WHEREAS, In further expansions, Hultquist Place Assisted Living opened
in 2006, and the Warner Place Adult Day Healthcare Program began in
2010; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Social Services, a Christian organization, has grown
throughout its long history, and its administrators and employees have
worked diligently to fulfill the group's mission of providing a compre-
hensive continuum of community, residential and home-based supportive
services that help people gain or retain independence; and
WHEREAS, Included under the umbrella of Lutheran Social Services are
senior services and housing, adult day care, medical rehabilitation,
assisted living and skilled nursing; therapeutic foster care, residen-
tial care and a school for youth at risk through Gustavus Adolphus Fami-
ly Services; and programming and housing for the developmentally disa-
bled through Grace Community Services; and
WHEREAS, The success of Lutheran Social Services is dependent upon the
generosity of individuals and groups within the community who help
support the organization through the Lutheran Social Services Foundation
of Upstate New York, Inc., which was established to support charitable,
religious, scientific and educational purposes solely for Lutheran
Social Services; equally commendable are the skilled staff members,
administrators and professionals who provide outstanding services to the
people who seek assistance through Lutheran Social Services; and
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to publicly recog-
nize and honor milestones in the history of organizations that provide
critical social services to their communities in this great Empire
State; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 125th Anniversary of Lutheran Social Services; and be it

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Lutheran Social Services.


  • 14 / Jan / 2011
  • 19 / Jan / 2011
  • 19 / Jan / 2011

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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