
Commending Raymond Figueroa upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of distinguished service to DOMI/Turning Point

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending Raymond Figueroa upon the occasion of
his retirement after many years of distinguished service to DOMI/Turning

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body seeks to acknowledge those individuals
whose professional lives and civic endeavors serve to enhance the stat-
ure of the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commend
Raymond Figueroa upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of
distinguished service to DOMI/Turning Point; he officially retired on
Friday, September 30, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Since 1989, Raymond Figueroa rendered faithful, conscientious
and valuable service to DOMI/Turning Point, a non-profit organization
which helps economically disadvantaged individuals in Brooklyn, New
York; and
WHEREAS, Ray Figueroa began his luminous career with DOMI/Turning
Point as an Assistant to the Executive Director; throughout his tenure,
he has served as Facility Manager, Housing Development Coordinator,
Program Director, Director of Operations, Deputy Executive Director, and
finally as Executive Director; and
WHEREAS, Over the years, Ray Figueroa was responsible for the develop-
ment of permanent low-income housing opportunities, special needs hous-
ing, and HIV/AIDS outreach and case management services in Red Hook; and
WHEREAS, In 2002, Ray Figueroa became the Executive Director of
DOMI/Turning Point; in this capacity he served with loyalty, honor and
distinction; and
WHEREAS, Ray Figueroa completed Pratt Institute's Community and
Economic Development Internship Program and served as a panelist for the
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) HIV
Prevention Program Capacity-Building proposal; and
WHEREAS, In 2004, Ray Figueroa was one of ten recipients nationally of
the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Community Health Leadership Program
Award; and
WHEREAS, One year later, this remarkable man was honored on World AIDS
Day at the United Nations as one of the first recipients of the National
HIV/AIDS Partnership's "Red Ribbon" Leadership Award; and
WHEREAS, In 2008, Ray Figueroa was honored by the Brooklyn Borough
President as one of Brooklyn's leading Hispanic citizens; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Figueroa is the President of SIBRO and President of the
Board of Directors of the Brooklyn Outreach Workers (BOW) Network; and
WHEREAS, In his official acts, Raymond Figueroa was governed by a keen
sense of duty and always showed a unique grasp of human problems; and
WHEREAS, During his tenure with DOMI/Turning Point, Raymond Figueroa
earned the admiration, esteem and affection of his colleagues; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Raymond Figueroa upon the occasion of his retirement after many
years of distinguished service; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Raymond Figueroa.


  • 12 / Jan / 2012
  • 19 / Jan / 2012
  • 19 / Jan / 2012

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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