
Congratulating four residents of Atria Kew Gardens Senior Living upon the occasion of celebrating milestone Birthdays in 2012

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION congratulating four residents of Atria Kew
Gardens Senior Living upon the occasion of celebrating milestone Birth-
days in 2012

WHEREAS, Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to
the increasingly active roles they play in today's society; their past
contributions and future participation are vital parts of, and valuable
assets to, the fabric of community life and activity; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
those exemplary individuals within the State of New York whose personal
triumphs serve as an inspiration to all citizens; and
WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate the
following residents of Atria Kew Gardens Senior Living upon the occasion
of celebrating milestone Birthdays in 2012, and who will be honored at a
Centenarian Celebration at the residence on June 21, 2012; and
WHEREAS, Thea Seeman is celebrating her 102nd Birthday on June 24,
2012; Thea is a survivor of the Holocaust who became the personal chef
to the Prime Minister of Israel, and continues to enjoy a full, active
and involved life at Atria Kew Gardens today; and
WHEREAS, Jeanne Mehler celebrated her 101st Birthday on April 21,
2012; Jeanne is an organizer and leader of Atria Kew Gardens' outstand-
ing Tehillim Prayer Group, which raises funds for worthy charities such
as the Red Mogen David (Red Cross) of Israel; and
WHEREAS, Rose Strassburger is celebrating her 100th Birthday on June
19, 2012; Rose is an original Atria Kew Gardens resident, 12 years and
counting, and a longtime leader in the local community, who served for
21 years as Chair of the Sisterhood of the Elmhurst Jewish Center; and
WHEREAS, Pauline Krawitz is celebrating her 100th Birthday on July 11,
2012; Pauline enjoyed a long and successful career as a dressmaker, and
has always designed and sewn her own clothes; and
WHEREAS, On June 21, 2012, Atria Senior Living in Kew Gardens, New
York, has the pleasure of celebrating the Birthdays of four distin-
guished residents at a Centenarian Celebration, who have experienced the
incredible joys and sorrows characteristic of and reserved for those
with the stamina and courage to savor a full life, who have inspired all
those around them; and
WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Legislative Body to publicly recog-
nize those who have reached such a remarkable age and who have witnessed
and celebrated the innovations, cultural developments and awesome
achievements of this country during the last century, while themselves
contributing to the growth and excellence of this great Empire State;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Thea Seeman upon the occasion of celebrating her 102nd Birthday;
Jeanne Mehler on her 101st Birthday; Rose Strassburger on her 100th
Birthday; and Pauline Krawitz on her 100th Birthday; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Thea Seeman, Jeanne Mehler, Rose Strassburger, Pauline Kraw-
itz, and Atria Kew Gardens Senior Living.


  • 20 / Jun / 2012

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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