
Commemorating the 43rd Anniversary of SEBCO Development, Inc., April 1, 2011

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commemorating the 43rd Anniversary of SEBCO
Development, Inc., April 1, 2011

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize that the
quality and character of life in the communities across New York State
are reflective of the concerned and dedicated efforts of those organiza-
tions and individuals that are devoted to the welfare of the community
and its citizenry; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commem-
orate the 43rd Anniversary of SEBCO Development, Inc.; this auspicious
occasion will be celebrated on Friday, April 1, 2011, at the Marina del
Rey in the Bronx, New York; and
WHEREAS, The South East Bronx Community Organization (SEBCO) was
formed in the fall of 1968, under the visionary leadership of Father
Louis R. Gigante; its mission is to provide both affordable housing and
to improve the quality of life for the residents of Hunts Point in the
Bronx, New York; and
WHEREAS, SEBCO works with urban planners and political leaders to
develop schools, recreational facilities, and to redevelop the infras-
tructure, in order to pave the way for the reinvigoration of the neigh-
borhood's housing stock; through its development efforts, SEBCO has
obtained extensive experience undertaking renovation and rehabilitation
work in occupied multifamily buildings and is consistently recognized as
one of New York City's top subsidized housing developers; and
WHEREAS, While the majority of the housing developed by SEBCO has been
for low-income families, seniors and the formerly homeless, it also
sponsors the construction and renovation of private houses, coops, and
condos; and
WHEREAS, As of June 2000, SEBCO has been involved in the creation of
63 apartment buildings and 358 private homes, coops and condos, repres-
enting a total of 2,991 housing units; close to 3,000 families are
living in permanent housing that SEBCO has developed over the past 32
years; and
WHEREAS, In addition, SEBCO's focus is not limited to physical housing
but to improving all aspects of the community; it provides over 130 hot
meals through its Department for the Aging sponsored senior center; its
computer learning center prepares community residents for the workplace
and over 2,000 residents receive its newsletter six times per year; and
WHEREAS, Other SEBCO services include five after-school programs that
provide tutoring for over 80 children; it also provides quality transi-
tional housing for homeless families and operates two TIER II shelters
composed of 96 units for New York City Department of Homeless Services;
WHEREAS, The SEBCO organization can proudly point to the fact that its
creation has been a pivotal component in the redevelopment of the Hunts
Point community; and
WHEREAS, SEBCO has grown from a small group of community activists
into a sizable and sophisticated development company with over 300
employees; it has contributed greatly to the City of New York by provid-
ing jobs, commerce, recreational facilities and housing for low and
moderate-income residents; and
WHEREAS, Rightfully proud of its record, its accomplishments and its
success in carrying out its mission of providing decent, safe and
affordable housing, SEBCO stands ready to continue its efforts and
mission to better the City of New York and the Bronx for years to come;

WHEREAS, April 1, 2011, is the 80th birthday of Father Louis R.
Gigante, the founder of SEBCO; and
WHEREAS, This auspicious occasion presents an opportunity for this
Legislative Body to recognize and pay tribute both to SEBCO Development,
Inc. and to Father Louis R. Gigante; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that when organiza-
tions and individuals of such noble aims and accomplishments are brought
to our attention, they should be recognized and applauded by all the
citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 43rd Anniversary of SEBCO Development, Inc.; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to SEBCO Development, Inc., 885 Bruckner Boulevard, Bronx, New
York, and to Father Louis R. Gigante.


  • 30 / Mar / 2011

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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