
Honoring Merlene Smith-Sotillo for her community outreach, support and many contributions to Sickle Cell Awareness

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION honoring Merlene Smith-Sotillo for her community
outreach, support and many contributions to Sickle Cell Awareness

WHEREAS, It is incumbent upon the people of the State of New York to
recognize and acknowledge those within our midst who have made signif-
icant contributions to the quality of life therein; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Merlene Smith-Sotillo for her community outreach, support and many
contributions to Sickle Cell Awareness; and
WHEREAS, Born and raised in the beautiful Island of Trinidad and Toba-
go West Indies, Merlene Smith-Sotillo always had a special interest in
the medical field at a young age; and
WHEREAS, Merlene Smith-Sotillo attended Success Village R C School and
later went to Mills High School, where she graduated at the top of her
class; continuing her studies, she attended Geans Secretarial School,
graduating with a degree in clerical studies; and
WHEREAS, Six months later, Merlene Smith-Sotillo began working at
Trinidad Hilton Hotel in the housekeeping department, working there for
15 years; in early 1989, her family migrated to the United States and
she began working at McDonald's, advancing to management; and
WHEREAS, Merlene Smith-Sotillo then decided to further her education;
she took several night classes at York College, studying for her G.E.D.
and taking several courses in the medical field; and
WHEREAS, Having two of her four children have Sickle Cell Disease, she
wanted to know as much about this illness as possible; she questioned
about cures and types of treatment for the disease; and
WHEREAS, Dealing with situations and the frustration of not being able
to get proper treatment and information in her country of Trinidad &
Tobago, Merlene Smith-Sotillo's passion for knowledge and information
allowed her the opportunity to get involved with various Sickle Cell
organizations in America; and
WHEREAS, In Merlene Smith-Sotillo's quest for treatment options and
information, she decided to volunteer at Queens General Hospital which
allowed her the opportunity to attend various seminars on the topic of
Sickle Cell Disease; while developing her knowledge, she saw the drastic
need for education and information on the illness; and
WHEREAS, In August of 2007, Merlene Smith-Sotillo made a decision to
bring awareness by starting her own foundation, Sickle Cell Awareness
Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit organization; by doing so she began a
blood drive, walk and bike-a-thon, health fairs, and a community refer-
ral center; and
WHEREAS, In 2009, Merlene Smith-Sotillo learned much from the Sickle
Cell Act of 2003 and with this has obtained much needed support; with
the help of her community, family, friends, and church members, the
Foundation has been a success; and
WHEREAS, Merlene Smith-Sotillo has also supported a variety of civic
and charitable organizations, including the Cancer Action Council,
NAACP, and the 1199; outside of her professional interests, she is deep-
ly committed to church activities; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that those who
enhance the well-being and vitality of their community and have shown a
long and sustained commitment to excellence certainly have earned the
recognition and applause of all the citizens of this great Empire State;
now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Merlene Smith-Sotillo for her community outreach, support and many
contributions to Sickle Cell Awareness; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Merlene Smith-Sotillo.


  • 09 / Jan / 2012

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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