LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION congratulating Josephine Pucci, of Pearl River,
New York, upon the occasion of capturing a Silver Medal as part of the
United States Women's Hockey Team at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in
Sochi, Russia
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to extend its full
recognition and grateful tribute to the athletes of New York State who
have dedicated their purposeful lives to athletic achievement and proud-
ly represented their great State and Nation in Olympic competition; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to congratu-
late Josephine Pucci of Pearl River, New York, upon the occasion of
capturing a Silver Medal as part of the United States Women's Hockey
Team at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, on Thursday,
February 20, 2014; and
WHEREAS, Josephine Pucci started ice skating when she was only five
years old; she was first interested in learning figure skating, until a
family Christmas present of a hockey stick and helmet ignited her
passion for hockey; and
WHEREAS, Unable to find any girl's hockey teams in her area, this
remarkable young woman played in the highly physical boys' home and
travel leagues until she entered high school; and
WHEREAS, At the age of 14, Josephine Pucci enrolled in Choate Rosemary
Hall, a prep school in Wallingford, Connecticut, where she lived away
from her family for the first time; she joined the girls' hockey team
and achieved success both athletically and academically; and
WHEREAS, In 2009, this gifted student-athlete was accepted at Harvard
University, starting on defense for the school's women's hockey team;
her excellent play led to many awards and also to her being named Team
Captain; and
WHEREAS, In 2011, Josephine Pucci competed and won a place on the
roster of the USA Women's Hockey Team; although injured with a concus-
sion, she worked diligently to train and recover, and in June 2013 was
invited to the Olympic tryouts, successfully earning her place on the
2014 Sochi Olympics team; and
WHEREAS, As a member of the United States Women's Hockey Team, Jose-
phine Pucci made her country proud, playing against the best teams in
the world, and helping her team capture the Silver Medal at the 2014
Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia; and
WHEREAS, Josephine Pucci will enter her senior year at Harvard in the
fall; a major in Psychology, she plans to pursue further studies in
neuroscience; given her personal experience, she hopes to advocate for
the proper and diligent treatment of patients with head injuries; and
WHEREAS, A role model for all, Josephine Pucci is a talented, dedi-
cated athlete who has brought honor to her community and to her family,
coaches, and friends who have supported and cheered for her throughout
her life; and
WHEREAS, Josephine Pucci's character and her many achievements stand
as example and inspiration to all who would aspire to extraordinary
success; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Josephine Pucci upon the occasion of capturing a Silver
Medal as part of the United States Women's Hockey Team at the 2014
Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Josephine Pucci.