Senate Resolution No. 4023
COMMENDING Russell H. Reimer upon the occasion of
his retirement after more than 32 years of
distinguished service to the New York State
Legislative Bill Drafting Commission
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize
outstanding individuals whose professional lives are both an example and
an inspiration to their colleagues, friends, and family; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
commend Russell H. Reimer upon the occasion of his retirement after more
than 32 years of distinguished service to the New York State Legislative
Bill Drafting Commission; he will officially retire on Wednesday,
February 28, 2018; and
WHEREAS, Russell H. Reimer is a 1985 cum laude graduate of the E.I.
White College of Law at Syracuse University; he began his illustrious
career with the Commission on September 26, 1985, as a Legal Assistant;
WHEREAS, Through many years of hard work and commitment, Russell H.
Reimer received several promotions during the next three decades; he
held the positions of Assistant Counsel, Associate Counsel, Senior
Counsel, and since October 26, 2000, Special Counsel; and
WHEREAS, Throughout his tenure and in his capacity as Special
Counsel, Russell H. Reimer not only brought his expertise and
consistency to each and every task he performed, he also conveyed
professionalism, enthusiasm and a solid work ethic; and
WHEREAS, In addition to his daily responsibilities, Russell H.
Reimer always found time to advise and answer questions; his open-door
policy was well-known not only in Bill Drafting but throughout the
Capitol; and
WHEREAS, Russell H. Reimer joined the United States Navy Reserve in
1983 as an Ensign; he served in the Intelligence community at Naval
Reserve Units in Poughkeepsie, New York; Albany, New York; and South
Weymouth, Massachusetts; and
WHEREAS, In 1993, Russell H. Reimer left the United States Navy
Reserve after 10 years of valuable service, reaching the esteemed rank
of Lieutenant Commander; and
WHEREAS, After more than 32 years of a job well done, Russell H.
Reimer, a resident of Voorhesville, New York, can now enjoy his much
deserved retirement with his wife, Natalie, and their daughter, Nicole,
both of whom have shown him love and support and rejoice in his many
achievements; and
WHEREAS, In acknowledgment of his exceptional service, it is the
sense of this Legislative Body to extend its highest commendation to
Russell H. Reimer, and to applaud him for his devotion, loyalty and
accomplishments; and
WHEREAS, It is the further sense of this Legislative Body that those
who have shown a long and sustained commitment to the maintenance of
high standards in their profession, certainly have earned the
recognition and applause of all the citizens of this great Empire State;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Russell H. Reimer upon the occasion of his retirement after more
than 32 years of distinguished service to the New York State Legislative
Bill Drafting Commission, and to wish him a healthy and happy future;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Russell H. Reimer.