Senate Resolution No. 5651
BY: Senator GRIFFO
MEMORIALIZING Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim
June 5, 2018, as Animal Advocacy Day in the State of
New York
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that all living
creatures have value and to recognize and appreciate the service,
companionship, loyalty, unconditional love and happiness animals bring
to the lives of New Yorkers; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim June 5, 2018, as Animal
Advocacy Day in the State of New York; this year marks the 8th Annual
Animal Advocacy Day; and
WHEREAS, Animals are a beloved and cherished member of many of our
families and play a positive role in the lives of so many of New York's
citizens; and
WHEREAS, Pets offer companionship in more than 71 million United
States households, and studies have shown companion animals can provide
a variety of health benefits; and
WHEREAS, Companion animals provide comfort and assistance to seniors
and people with disabilities; and
WHEREAS, Companion animals play an important role helping police,
fire departments, and search and rescue efforts to keep our citizens
safe; and
WHEREAS, Animal abuse, cruelty and neglect result in unnecessary
pain and suffering to animals; and
WHEREAS, Violence against animals is a bridge crime that can and has
led to violence against people; and
WHEREAS, In 1999, a statewide petition drive was initiated to help
pass the landmark Buster's Law which created the felony category of
"aggravated cruelty to animals," punishable by up to two years in prison
and a $5,000 fine; prior to this bill becoming law, animal cruelty
resulted in only misdemeanor penalties, if any charges were imposed at
all; and
WHEREAS, It is vital that we encourage empathy and compassion for
our companion animals, and that we provide a voice for those who cannot
speak for themselves; and
WHEREAS, Previous Animal Advocacy Day events promoted the importance
of increased penalties against the viewing of animal fighting and
criminalizing materials and paraphernalia used to train animals for
fighting, and advocating its passage into law; and
WHEREAS, On June 5, 2018, New York animal advocates, supporters, pet
owners, and citizens come together to support, protect, and acknowledge
all animals' positive contribution to society and the family of New
York; and
WHEREAS, The exhibitors participating in the 8th Annual Animal
Advocacy Day include: Mercy for Animals, Furballs Rescue, Schenectady
SPCA/ASPCA, Daily Gazette, Gloversville Cat Sanctuary, Saratoga Springs
Police Department K-9 Unit, Whiskers Animal Benevolent League, Orange
Street Cats, Urban Resource Institute (URI), Whispering Willow Wild
Care, Regional Animal Shelter, Canine Companion for Independence, Kitten
Angels, Schenectady County CAC/DA's Office, Humane Society of the United
States (HSUS), Living Resources - Sea Biscuit, Northland New Finland
Club, Spaying Capital Region Unowned Feral Felines (SCRUFF), Albany
Kennel Club, Unchartered Wild, Out of the Pits, Albany Obedience Club,
Unbridled Thoroughbred, Albany County District Attorney's Animal Abuse
Taskforce, Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, Homeward Bound, Heart of the
Catskills Humane Society, New York State Humane Association (NYSHA),
Equine Advocates, Little Brook Farm - with Fritz, CART-(Garry Horne),
Capital Region Parrot Society, Animal Protective Foundation (APF),
Saratoga County Shelter, Hudson the Rail Road Puppy, Victoria Bonavita,
Rottie Empire Rescue, Animal Support Project, Therapy Dogs International
Schenectady Chapter No. 74, Empire State Humane Voters, Well Spring,
Cornell, Northeast Pyr Rescue, Upstate Underdog Rescue, Associated Dog
Clubs of New York State, Northeast Avian Rescue, Peppertree, Operation
at Ease, Long Island Rabbit Rescue Group, Dutchess County SPCA, Saratoga
County Sheriff's Office, Irish Terrier Club of New York, Rensselaer
County Humane Society, and Voters For Animal Rights; now, therefore, be
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim June 5, 2018, as Animal
Advocacy Day in the State of New York; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of
New York, and the aforementioned exhibitors.