3/30/2012: Honoring Shirley N. Moore Resolution

Shirley L. Huntley

March 29, 2012

LEGISLATIVE  RESOLUTION  honoring Shirley N. Moore posthumously upon the occasion of the co-naming of a section of 150th Street between  Rockaway   Boulevard  and  North Conduit in Queens, New York, in her honor on March  7, 2012
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body  to  pay  tribute  to  citizens  of  the  State  of  New York whose lifework and civic endeavor  served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and the great  State of New York; and

WHEREAS, On Wednesday, March  7,  2012,  a  section  of  150th  Street  between  Rockaway  Boulevard and North Conduit in Queens, New York, will  be co-named in Shirley Moore's honor, a fitting tribute to  her  memory;  and

 WHEREAS,  Founding  member  of  the  Southeast Queens Community Corporation, formerly known as the Chairperson of  Community  Board  12,  and  founding  member  of the Southern Queens Park Association, Shirley Moore  passed away on September 8, 1997, at the age of 72; and

WHEREAS, Born on  July  14,  1925,  Shirley  Moore  was  one  of  five  siblings,  the  mother of two children, Susan Lina Moore-Jones and Wayne  Barnes, and was the wife of Mr. Lee Moore for 52 years; in addition, she  was a grandmother of five and great-grandmother of 11; and

WHEREAS, A community activist, Shirley Moore  played  the  part  of  a  strong  and  determined  woman  with  the ability to make change and the  power to infect her community; an ever positive figure in her children's  lives, Shirley Moore lead by example; her children reaped  the  benefits  as she was an involved parent; and

WHEREAS, Shirley Moore sat on the Board of her children's school as an  active  PTA member; she became a den mother to the Boys and Girls Scouts  of her children's chapters, and also sat as a member of the  vestry  for  both  St.  Margaret's and St. Stephens Church, teaching Sunday school at  both; and

WHEREAS, Fortunately, Shirley Moore was an advocate for  all  children  and as a result, she worked toward making sure that the community recognized the need to facilitate programs in response to its youth; she also  served on the board of the New York City Parks Department to ensure that  the youth in her community were not left behind; and

WHEREAS,  Shirley  Moore established herself over her long career as a  staunch community volunteer and activist; she was affiliated with quality organizations such as the Guy R. Brewer United  Club,  the  NAACP  of  Jamaica,  the  Board of Directors at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce and  the Advisory Board at York College, to name a few; and

WHEREAS, A true asset to society, she believed wholeheartedly that she  could make a difference throughout her 35 years of volunteering; and

WHEREAS, Rare indeed is the impressive dedication shown by an individual for the benefit of others which Shirley Moore  displayed  throughout  her life; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,  That  this  Legislative  Body pause in its deliberations to  honor Shirley N. Moore posthumously upon the occasion of  the  co-naming of  a  section  of  150th  Street  between  Rockaway Boulevard and North  Conduit in Queens, New York, in her honor; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the family of Shirley N. Moore.