Joint Legislative Public Hearing on 2017-2018 Executive Budget Proposal: Topic "Health" - Testimonies
February 17, 2017
- Health
- public health
- Medicaid
- Finance

Hearing Event Notice:
Archived Video:
2 -----------------------------------------------------
4 In the Matter of the
6 -----------------------------------------------------
Hearing Room B
8 Legislative Office Building
Albany, New York
February 16, 2017
10 9:40 a.m.
13 Senator Catharine M. Young
Chair, Senate Finance Committee
Assemblyman Herman D. Farrell, Jr.
15 Chair, Assembly Ways & Means Committee
17 Senator Liz Krueger
Senate Finance Committee (RM)
Assemblyman Robert Oaks
19 Assembly Ways & Means Committee (RM)
20 Senator Kemp Hannon
Chair, Senate Committee on Health
Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried
22 Chair, Assembly Health Committee
23 Senator David J. Valesky
Cochair, Senate Committee on Health
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
3 PRESENT: (Continued)
4 Senator James L. Seward
Chair, Senate Committee on Insurance
Assemblyman Kevin A. Cahill
6 Chair, Assembly Committee on Insurance
7 Senator Diane Savino
Vice Chair, Senate Finance Committee
Senator Gustavo Rivera
Assemblyman Andrew P. Raia
Assemblyman Phil Steck
Senator Neil Breslin
Assemblyman Andrew Garbarino
Assemblyman John McDonald
Senator Martin J. Golden
Assemblyman Edward P. Ra
Assemblywoman Ellen C. Jaffee
Assemblyman Kevin M. Byrne
Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer
Senator Leroy Comrie
Assemblywoman Patricia Fahy
Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
5 Howard Zucker, M.D., J.D.
6 NYS Department of Health
7 Jason Helgerson
NYS Medicaid Director 12 21
Maria T. Vullo
9 Superintendent
NYS Department of Financial
10 Services 207 226
11 Dennis Rosen
Medicaid Inspector General
12 NYS Office of the Medicaid
Inspector General 307 315
Bea Grause
14 President
Healthcare Association of NYS
15 of NYS (HANYS) 333
16 Stephen Hanse
President and CEO
17 New York State Health Facilities
Association (NYSHFA)
18 New York State Center for
Assisted Living
19 -and-
Mark Olsen
20 Administrator
Kingsway Arms Nursing Center 338 346
Claudia Hammar
22 President
Laura Haight
23 Vice President, Public Policy
NYS Association of Health
24 Care Providers 349
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
5 Al Cardillo
Executive Vice President
6 Home Care Association of
New York State 360 372
Ami J. Schnauber
8 VP, Advocacy & Public Policy
LeadingAge New York 375 382
Kathy A. McMahon
10 Consultant
Hospice and Palliative Care
11 Association of NYS 384
12 Paul Macielak
President and CEO
13 NY Health Plan Association 388
14 James Lytle
15 NYS Coalition of Public
Health Plans and
16 NYS Coalition of Managed Long
Term Care and PACE Plans 398 406
Lacey Clarke
18 Assistant Director of Policy
Community Health Care
19 Association of NYS (CHCANYS) 408
20 Moe Auster
Senior VP/Chief Leg. Counsel
21 Medical Society of the
State of New York 416 425
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
5 Nora Margaret Higgins, RN
Region 12 Coordinator
6 Kenneth Ferro
Associate Healthcare
7 Fiscal Analyst
NYS Public Employees
8 Federation (PEF) 426
9 Jill Furillo, RN
Executive Director
10 NYS Nurses Association 440
11 Frank Kruppa
12 NYS Association of County
Health Officials (NYSACHO) 446
Neal Kalish
14 Codirector
United Ambulette Coalition 453
John Tomassi
16 President
Upstate Transportation
17 Association 463 472
18 Kathy Febraio
Executive Director
19 Russell Gellis
20 Pharmacists Society of
the State of New York 473 481
Michael Duteau
22 President
Chain Pharmacy Association
23 of New York State 481 487
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
5 Bill Hammond
Director of Public Policy
6 Empire Center for Public Policy 488 495
7 Jo Wiederhorn
President and CEO
8 Associated Medical Schools
of New York
9 -and-
Richard Pacheco
10 First-Year Medical Student 500
11 Nathan Tinker
Executive Director
12 NY Biotechnology Association 511
13 Thomas Faith
14 NYS Association of Ambulatory
Surgery Centers 515
Dr. Bryan Ludwig
16 Albany District Representative
New York Chiropractic Council 519
Shelley J. Wagar
18 Executive Director
NYS Center for Assisted Living 526 532
Jim Kane
20 Treasurer
Empire State Association of
21 Assisted Living 534 541
22 Louise Cohen
23 Primary Care Development Corp. 543 549
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
5 Bryan O'Malley
Executive Director
6 Consumer Directed Personal
Assistance Association of NYS 554
Julie Hart
8 Director, Government Relations
American Cancer Society
9 Cancer Action Network 563
10 Jane Ginsburg
Executive Director
11 Coalition of NYS Alzheimer's
Association Chapters 570 577
Andrea Smyth
13 Executive Director
NYS Coalition for Children's
14 Behavioral Health 579
15 Timothy Hathaway
Executive Director
16 Prevent Child Abuse New York 582
17 Steven Sanders
Executive Director
18 Agencies for Children's
Therapy Services 587
Lisa Foehner
20 Director of State Advocacy
Parents as Teachers
21 National Center 592
22 Kim Atkins
Board Chair
23 Planned Parenthood Empire
State Acts 599
1 2017-2018 Executive Budget
Health and Medicaid
2 2-16-17
5 Rebecca A. Novick
Director, Health Law Unit
6 The Legal Aid Society 607
7 Maria Alvarez
Executive Director
8 Statewide Senior Action Council
9 Campaign for New York Health 615 619
10 Bailey Acevedo
Health Counselor & Attorney
11 Community Service Society of
New York
12 -for-
Health Care for All New York 620
Claudia Calhoon
14 Director, Health advocacy
New York Immigration Coalition
15 -for-
Coverage 4 All Campaign 624
1 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Good morning. I'm
2 Senator Catharine Young, chair of the Senate
3 Standing Committee on Finance, and I'm joined
4 by my colleague from the Assembly, Assembly
5 Ways and Means Chairman Denny Farrell.
6 And also we have several colleagues
7 who I will introduce, and then let the
8 Assembly introduce their members, and from
9 there we will proceed.
10 So joining us today, just coming in,
11 is Senator Liz Krueger, who is ranking member
12 on the Finance Committee. We also have our
13 chair of the Health Committee, Senator Kemp
14 Hannon; we have Senator David Valesky, who is
15 vice chair; we have Senator Jim Seward,
16 Senator Marty Golden, Senator Gustavo Rivera,
17 and just joining us is Senator Neil Breslin.
18 Good morning. Chairman?
19 CHAIRMAN FARRELL: Good morning.
20 Thank you.
21 Assemblyman Dick Gottfried, chair.
22 Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, chair also.
23 Assemblyman Phil Steck, Assemblywoman Ellen
24 Jaffee, Assemblyman John McDonald,
1 Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer, and Assemblyman
2 Oaks, who will tell us his folks.
3 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Yes, we are joined
4 by Assemblyman Raia, Assemblyman Ra, and
5 Assemblyman Garbarino.
7 If you look at the schedule today, we
8 have more than 50 witnesses. Health is a hot
9 topic this year -- it always is a hot topic,
10 but this year especially so. I am going to
11 ask all of the witnesses to stick to the time
12 period. I know for the commissioners we will
13 have extra time allotted for you, just
14 because there's so many questions.
15 But for the following witnesses, I
16 would ask that you give a summary of your
17 testimony -- that we will have written
18 testimony that you will submit so we will
19 have that, we will look at it. But in the
20 interests of time, we don't want to be here
21 until tomorrow, because we have to have the
22 Housing Committee meeting tomorrow. We don't
23 want to run into that. So I'm going to ask
24 all of the witnesses to be on message and
1 sticking within time limits. Of course we
2 may have to ask you questions.
3 But also the members, I'm asking the
4 members to watch the clock. Watch the clock.
5 We have clocks all over the place, watch the
6 clock. And I am going to be strict today
7 about members. There will be leeway given to
8 the chairs of the fiscal committees and
9 chairs of the health committees, but other
10 than that I'm asking the members to stick to
11 the time period. Thank you.
12 Pursuant to the State Constitution and
13 Legislative Law, the fiscal committees of the
14 State Legislature are authorized to hold
15 hearings on the Executive Budget. Today's
16 hearing will be limited to a discussion of
17 the Governor's proposed budget for the
18 Department of Health and the Office of
19 Medicaid Inspector General.
20 Following each presentation, there
21 will be some time allowed for questions from
22 the chairs of the fiscal committees and other
23 legislators.
24 I would like first to welcome
1 Dr. Howard Zucker, commissioner of health.
2 Following the presentation by Dr. Zucker will
3 be Dennis Rosen, Medicaid inspector general.
4 And also we have Jason Helgerson joining
5 Dr. Zucker here today.
6 All testimony will be followed by a
7 question-and-answer period by members of the
8 Legislature. And after the final
9 question-and-answer period, an opportunity
10 will be provided for members of the public to
11 briefly express their views on the budgets
12 under discussion.
13 So Dr. Zucker, good morning. Welcome.
14 We are delighted to have you here, and we
15 look forward to your testimony.
17 good morning, Chairpersons Young and Farrell,
18 Hannon and Gottfried, and members of the
19 New York State Senate and Assembly. I'm here
20 today to discuss Governor Andrew Cuomo's
21 2017-2018 Executive Budget as it relates to
22 health. And I am joined by Jason Helgerson,
23 the state's Medicaid director.
24 In the last six years, New York has
1 made remarkable progress improving the health
2 of New Yorkers and, at the same time,
3 controlling costs. We are transforming the
4 healthcare delivery system; improving the
5 quality of care provided; expanding access to
6 health insurance through the success of the
7 New York State of Health; promoting the
8 state's Prevention Agenda; and all the while,
9 responding to emerging priorities such as
10 infectious diseases, weather emergencies,
11 water quality, and the devastating effects of
12 opioid abuse and heroin and synthetic
13 cannabinoid use.
14 In a healthcare environment that is
15 ever challenged to maintain spending within
16 sustainable limits, the Governor is proposing
17 to confront one of the biggest drivers of
18 premium rate increases for New York's
19 commercial health insurance market -- soaring
20 prescription drug prices. Not only do these
21 rising prices drive up commercial health
22 insurance premiums, but there are
23 implications for New York taxpayers who have
24 subsidized a $1.7 billion drug-related cost
1 increase in the Medicaid program over the
2 last three years.
3 The Governor's budget proposes a
4 three-point plan to protect consumers and
5 taxpayers from the consequences of the
6 rapidly rising cost of prescription drugs.
7 The plan insulates taxpayers by preventing
8 prescription drug price-gouging in the
9 Medicaid program; imposes a surcharge on drug
10 manufacturers that charge exorbitant prices
11 and reallocates that money to insurers and
12 businesses to lower premiums for the
13 following year; and protects ratepayers from
14 abusive business practices by intermediaries
15 that drive up drug prices.
16 The Governor's Budget also proposes
17 significant actions to promote and improve
18 public health. The Executive Budget proposes
19 a comprehensive tobacco control and
20 prevention strategy by incorporating the use
21 of electronic cigarettes into the definition
22 of "smoking," thereby including electronic
23 cigarettes within the Clean Indoor Air Act
24 and the Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention
1 Act. This will prevent the use of electronic
2 cigarettes in most public places and allow
3 the Department of Health to regulate
4 electronic cigarettes in the same way as
5 other tobacco products.
6 Also, vapor products used in
7 electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, will
8 be taxed along with other tobacco products.
9 This proposal is significant because tobacco
10 use remains the number-one cause of
11 preventable disease and death in New York
12 State.
13 A report released by the Office of the
14 Surgeon General at the end of 2016 states
15 that "E-cigarette use among U.S. youth and
16 young adults is now a major public health
17 concern." E-cigarette use among youth and
18 young adults is associated with the use of
19 other tobacco products. In New York State,
20 the rate of high-school-age youth e-cigarette
21 use has doubled in just the years between
22 2014 and 2016, increasing from 10.5 percent
23 to 20.6 percent.
24 Because most tobacco use is
1 established during adolescence, actions to
2 prevent our young people -- who are sensitive
3 to price increases -- from the potential of a
4 lifetime of smoking and addiction are
5 critical.
6 In order to support ongoing public
7 health programs or achieve flexibility to
8 support new investments to meet emerging
9 public health priorities, the Executive
10 Budget proposes to consolidate some of the
11 many public health appropriations into pools,
12 and to reduce the overall funding for each of
13 the pools. This action achieves savings, but
14 will also allow the Department of Health to
15 coordinate, streamline, and prioritize our
16 public health spending.
17 Governor Cuomo's Executive Budget
18 seeks to establish New York's Capital Region
19 as a hub for life sciences innovation. This
20 economic development proposal will complement
21 the Governor's $650 million Life Sciences
22 Initiative announced in December of 2016.
23 The $150 million appropriation and authority
24 to build, using more efficient approaches,
1 represents the first step in the development
2 of a new modern public health laboratory
3 facility in the Capital Region that is
4 designed to enhance partnerships and
5 encourage growth in the life sciences and
6 health data sectors.
7 The Wadsworth Center Laboratory is a
8 tremendous asset with an international
9 reputation and a robust history of
10 collaboration with private business, academic
11 institutions, healthcare providers, and
12 research facilities. Through the efforts of
13 the department, the Empire State Development
14 Corporation and the Dormitory Authority of
15 the State of New York, we will improve our
16 readiness to respond to public health
17 priorities and to position the lab as a core
18 element in the development of a life sciences
19 cluster in the Capital Region.
20 New York, along with states across the
21 country, is working to confront emerging
22 contaminants in our drinking water. Governor
23 Cuomo is taking an aggressive approach to
24 this issue by proposing the Clean Water
1 Infrastructure Act of 2017, an investment of
2 $2 billion in critical water infrastructure
3 across New York State. These funds will
4 support drinking water infrastructure,
5 wastewater infrastructure, and source water
6 protection actions.
7 There are an estimated 1.1 million
8 private wells in New York State, providing
9 drinking water to as many as 4 million
10 residents, yet there is no requirement to
11 test that water. The Executive Budget
12 proposes to require the testing of
13 private-well drinking water upon the sale of
14 a residential property and the construction
15 of a new well. In addition, the Governor
16 proposes to require landlords to conduct
17 periodic testing of private well water and
18 notify tenants of the results. We will work
19 with our partner agencies to ensure the
20 testing includes contaminants of local or
21 regional concern, and we will make hardship
22 funding available for low-income homeowners
23 and seniors.
24 The Governor has taken decisive action
1 towards ensuring New Yorkers have access to
2 clean drinking water, and addressing
3 unregulated contaminants is one of our top
4 priorities. The Water Quality Rapid Response
5 Team has been working to identify and address
6 drinking water quality issues across the
7 state. To enhance the effort, the Executive
8 Budget proposes to require the testing of
9 additional public water supplies for
10 unregulated contaminants. Fewer than 200 of
11 the over 9,000 public water supplies in
12 New York are required to test for unregulated
13 contaminants.
14 The state will use the model of the
15 emerging contaminant testing required by the
16 federal EPA for large public water supplies
17 to require testing for smaller public water
18 supplies, but consideration will be given to
19 specific issues affecting localities when
20 establishing the requirements. As with the
21 private-well testing proposal, the Governor
22 will make funding available for small
23 community water systems with financial
24 hardship.
1 From clean water to healthcare
2 providers, the Governor proposes investments
3 to support essential activities. The
4 Executive Budget provides $500 million in
5 additional capital support for essential
6 healthcare providers, including a minimum of
7 $30 million directed to community-based
8 providers. These funds will be used for
9 capital projects, debt retirement, working
10 capital, and other non-capital projects that
11 facilitate healthcare transformation. The
12 total amount of capital support provided to
13 healthcare providers for transformation
14 efforts, between the current and the last two
15 state budgets, will now be $3.3 billion.
16 It is not enough, however, to provide
17 investment. We must continue to reimagine
18 the structure in which care is delivered.
19 New York has made great progress with
20 Medicaid redesign and with the State Health
21 Innovation Plan, or the SHIP, and now it is
22 time to take a comprehensive approach to
23 modernize the regulations that serve the core
24 purposes of ensuring access and protecting
1 safety. The department will undertake a
2 stakeholder engagement process to review
3 existing healthcare regulatory structures and
4 recommend appropriate changes.
5 With the uncertainty that now exists
6 in federal healthcare policy, Governor Cuomo
7 is taking decisive action in New York to
8 ensure access to high-quality, cost-effective
9 healthcare for all New Yorkers.
10 Thank you, and I'm glad to answer any
11 of your questions.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you very
13 much.
14 Our first speaker will be Senator Kemp
15 Hannon, who is chair of the Health Committee.
16 Senator?
17 SENATOR HANNON: Commissioner, you
18 raise a number of interesting questions,
19 which at some point during the course of this
20 morning I'm going to have a dialogue with
21 you.
22 But the first topic that I want to
23 discuss is the provision that's in the health
24 proposal in regard to the powers of your
1 department and the Executive in the event
2 there is a revenue shortfall from that which
3 is projected in the adopted budget. I'm just
4 thinking that this is an extraordinary
5 request for powers that have hitherto not
6 been seen in the Executive, even with the
7 strong executive Division of Budget that we
8 have in the state. And I'm wondering in what
9 events that you envision that you're going to
10 do this, and do you have alternatives?
11 Because I frankly don't see that that's a
12 proposal that's something I agree with.
14 provides for an opportunity, in the event of
15 emergencies, to make sure that there's a way
16 for us to address that, not at the -- not by
17 increasing the budget, but to redirect
18 resources as necessary. And I think that
19 that's the -- it gives us a little latitude
20 in case that were to occur. And we've seen
21 situations where there have been emergencies
22 that surface.
23 SENATOR HANNON: Well, I think this
24 goes beyond a latitude that's ever been seen
1 for allocating and suballocating and moving
2 funds in a budget. So I would just suggest
3 that there be some -- you may want to
4 consider some alternative.
5 Obviously there are dramatic proposals
6 in Washington, there are budgeting -- they're
7 talking about doing two or three budgets by
8 reconciliation during the course of the
9 calendar year. Their fiscal year doesn't
10 begin until October 1, so there's a lot of
11 mismatch in regard to calendar years. But I
12 think there needs to be a practical proposal,
13 not a pie-in-the-sky proposal in regard to
14 dealing with that situation.
16 SENATOR HANNON: You mentioned the
17 Wadsworth Lab, and I know this is something
18 that you as commissioner are especially
19 passionate about. My difficulty with that is
20 I would look through the budget and I don't
21 see any location proposed for a new Wadsworth
22 Lab to the tune of $150 million. Has the
23 Executive and yourselves come up with a finer
24 tuning to where it might be located?
1 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So thank you for
2 that question. So we are looking at -- the
3 $150 million will work towards looking at,
4 number one, engaging stakeholders, looking at
5 site evaluations, trying to design the lab.
6 And we are trying to identify the right place
7 for this to make sure there's an opportunity
8 for both a public/private partnership but
9 also to engage those in academic communities
10 and others to be able to utilize the
11 unbelievable services that the lab has.
12 And this is all the first stage of
13 what we're planning to do.
14 SENATOR HANNON: So it may be
15 appropriate for us, in response, to say this
16 is something to look at and to evaluate and
17 to see where the request for proposals should
18 be made and where the site selection should
19 be. Because I know the lab is nationally,
20 internationally renowned, yet could still be
21 improved, but still this is a major
22 undertaking for a fairly tight-knit region of
23 the state.
1 think, as you mentioned, it's a gem in our
2 department, and what the Wadsworth Lab has
3 achieved over the course of the past three
4 years that I've been in the department,
5 including the issues of Legionnaires' disease
6 and Ebola and Zika and water testing.
7 So we want to be sure when we move
8 forward with a new lab, the location, the
9 site, the design, the partnerships are
10 addressed, and that's where the first step of
11 that $150 million -- or the $150 million will
12 go.
13 SENATOR HANNON: The -- you mentioned
14 water, which we have spent a considerable
15 amount of time on, for good reason. And I
16 noticed that yesterday the department mailed
17 out to residents of the Newburgh area, the
18 Hudson Valley, the results of their own blood
19 tests.
20 One of the things I went looking for
21 is whether or not your department has
22 progressed in regard to levels of standards
23 of safety for the contaminant that was tested
24 in Newburgh, also in Hoosick Falls, the PFOA.
1 Now, since we began all the hearings, I know
2 the federal government has come up with a
3 standard that's 70 parts. But I was
4 wondering, has the department adopted that?
5 Has the department looked at the fact that
6 that's -- you call the EPA standard an
7 advisory, as opposed to a rigorous standard?
8 And so if we don't have this adopted in this
9 state as a standard, I'm wondering what's the
10 use of mailing out the blood tests to people.
11 Will they say it's safe, it's not safe. Do
12 we --
13 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So thank you for
14 that question. We've spent a lot of time on
15 water.
16 The advisory put forth by the federal
17 government was 70, as we know. However, we
18 recognize that we've been working with --
19 trying to work with the EPA in the last
20 administration. However, as of today, or
21 maybe perhaps it's tomorrow, that there will
22 be a new EPA administrator that will be
23 confirmed, or it goes up for confirmation.
24 And the department wants to work with the
1 federal government on identifying the steps
2 for MCLs for these unregulated contaminants.
3 We need to give them a little bit of
4 an opportunity to move forward in identifying
5 an MCL. If they do not identify one -- or
6 set one, I should say, then we as the state
7 will do that.
8 SENATOR HANNON: Well, you could do
9 that now, is that not the case?
10 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Right, we could
11 do that. However, because the issue of water
12 is such a national issue, it's in the best
13 interests of everyone, whether New York or
14 neighboring states or other states across the
15 nation, to have a national standard. When
16 the issues of PFOA were addressed upstate
17 here in this area and I had an opportunity to
18 speak with my colleagues in neighboring
19 states, we all recognized that the best thing
20 is for the federal government to set that.
21 And so again, we will ask the federal
22 government. We hope that they do the right
23 thing and set a standard. But if they don't,
24 this state, New York and the Governor and the
1 department, will set one.
2 SENATOR HANNON: I've proposed
3 legislation in regard to setting up in the
4 state a Water Institute that would do
5 testing, that would have standards, that
6 would issue those. And I think in light of
7 the fact that we don't have one for PFOA, the
8 fact that the other day you and the Governor
9 signed a letter to the EPA asking for testing
10 of another contaminant, dioxin -- at the end
11 of your statement you said, If the EPA won't
12 do it, we will convey a group of experts and
13 try to come up with our own standard -- I
14 think that it's really incumbent upon this
15 state to act.
16 If in eight years of an Obama
17 administration, arguably an environmentally
18 friendly administration, they could not come
19 up with standards -- they don't even have the
20 standard for chromium, which is Erin
21 Brockovich's thing. So if they couldn't come
22 up with a standard, the expectations are not
23 high, and I think we should move forward
24 having our own standard-making system
1 automatically, continually -- not ad hoc --
2 in this state.
4 that. And I had an opportunity to read the
5 report that you provided to us regarding --
6 and the recommendations. I think that we --
7 yes, and I have it here too, thank you. And
8 I appreciate the recommendations.
9 The -- and so the question that I
10 raise is, okay, what are some of the things
11 that putting together a committee would do
12 that we are already looking at? So the
13 Department of Environmental Conservation, my
14 department, the Department of Transportation,
15 all of us are working together and using our
16 experts -- and we just mentioned Wadsworth,
17 the experts there -- to come up with how do
18 we move forward on these issues of water
19 quality. And so I am with you on this and
20 would love to work with you further on
21 getting this done.
22 SENATOR HANNON: Well, thank you. I
23 know there's a lot of good work that's been
24 done, but I think there's a lot more that
1 needs to be done.
2 Madam Chair, I'll cede my time. At
3 the end of my colleagues' time, I'd like to
4 come back for questions, but I know people
5 are anxious.
7 Certainly.
8 SENATOR HANNON: And I didn't even ask
9 anything of the Medicaid director.
10 (Laughter.)
11 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: That's coming.
12 (Laughter.)
13 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: We've been joined
14 by Senator Diane Savino.
15 And also I want to point out -- I
16 didn't announce it at the beginning, but we
17 also will be hearing from Maria T. Vullo,
18 superintendent of the New York State
19 Department of Financial Services. She's up
20 next after the two esteemed witnesses that we
21 have now.
22 Chairman?
23 CHAIRMAN FARRELL: Assemblyman
24 Gottfried, chairman of the Health Committee.
2 don't know whether this question is better
3 directed to Dr. Zucker or Jason Helgerson,
4 but you can divide it up. And I'm going to
5 read through it, because it's kind of long.
6 So my first question is about
7 prescription drug pricing. The proposals for
8 dealing with high-priced prescription drugs
9 suggest that DOH believes it can do a better
10 job of bringing down those prices than
11 individual insurance companies can. If that
12 is correct, why limit it to those drugs? Why
13 not provide the same benefit for antibiotics
14 and all other drugs?
15 In the past, DOH has objected to
16 restoring the role of the Preferred Drug
17 Program to negotiate price or rebates for
18 drugs for the whole Medicaid program. DOH
19 has said individually Medicaid managed care
20 plans get better prices than the PDP could,
21 because they work through giant PBMs. But
22 now DOH says it can do a better job bringing
23 down prices than the managed care plans can.
24 And the proposal to regulate PBMs suggests
1 that the Executive thinks PBMs are actually
2 ripping off their health plan clients.
3 Please explain.
5 there's two parts there. One is the issue of
6 the prescription drug prices. And as we all
7 know, we've seen this, the price of
8 prescriptions on some medications are just
9 astronomical. And this is not -- not
10 acceptable in -- it's just not acceptable for
11 the high-quality care we're trying to
12 provide. The commitment of Governor Cuomo is
13 to not allow that to continue.
14 The -- we all have gone to pharmacies
15 and have looked at filled prescriptions,
16 we've all heard from -- you've heard from
17 your constituents, and I've heard from them
18 as well about the price of medicines. I
19 personally have heard of patients when I was
20 practicing medicine who cut --
22 Dr. Zucker?
1 focus on my question?
3 prescription benefit?
5 state can do a better job negotiating prices
6 than drug companies, which I believe -- than
7 insurance companies, which I believe it can,
8 but which was -- which is the opposite of
9 what the department has said in the past.
10 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So -- well, one
11 part is that with regards to these prices,
12 it's a -- as the Governor has put forth, it's
13 not all medications, it's a small pool of
14 medications.
15 There are three areas. One are new
16 medicines that come onto the market that are
17 markedly elevated in price. Another are
18 medicines that are -- and for example, some
19 of the hep C, hepatitis C medicines that were
20 put out there. A second one are medicines
21 that come into the marketplace that were
22 there and then they have a dramatic increase
23 in the price. So that's like the EpiPen,
24 where it went from $100 and up by
1 500 percent. And others are medicines that
2 are brought into the marketplace that have a
3 very narrow area of diseases or a specific
4 area of disease that has a markedly elevated
5 price.
6 So the -- what you're saying is that
7 the state addressing all medicines -- that's
8 not the plan of what the Governor has put
9 forth.
10 Regarding the Medicaid component,
11 which is set, some of the prices -- Jason,
12 did you want to add anything about the
13 Medicaid?
15 Assemblyman, I think that generally speaking
16 both the state through the Preferred Drug
17 List, as well as managed care plans through
18 their contracts with PBMs, have an ability in
19 the case of most drugs and most drug classes
20 to create competition and, with that, to help
21 bring down prices.
22 But what we have seen in the last few
23 years is a relatively new phenomenon, which
24 is manufacturers in a select set -- actually,
1 a relatively small set -- of specific drugs
2 and specific classes, in which there is no
3 competition, in which there really is just
4 one drug available for a period of time, and
5 during that period of time, during that
6 period of patent protection, a manufacturer
7 is using in essence their monopoly power to
8 charge an outrageous price, a price that
9 simply is not affordable.
10 And so in response to that, the
11 Governor has proposed very aggressive action
12 designed to target only those drugs where
13 that's an issue. His proposal is not unique
14 to Medicaid, it is an all-payer approach to
15 basically provide a strong financial penalty
16 to any manufacturer who brings such a drug to
17 market or attempts to increase a drug's
18 price, you know, during that period in which
19 there is really no competition. Whether it's
20 PBMs nationally or locally or whether it's
21 state Medicaid programs, whether they
22 negotiate as a whole or through their managed
23 care partners, if there is no competition,
24 there is no competition.
1 And what the Governor is acknowledging
2 in his proposal is in those extraordinary
3 circumstances -- and it's a limited number of
4 drugs -- that if a manufacturer abuses the
5 rights that they have under their patent
6 protection and attempts to charge outrageous
7 prices that no one can afford, that could in
8 fact cost taxpayers in New York State
9 billions of dollars, that in those rare
10 circumstances the extraordinary all-payer
11 initiative is necessary. And that's where
12 his surcharge proposal comes in.
13 That's why, in our view, it's really
14 two separate issues. And we think at the end
15 of the day an all-payer surcharge penalty
16 upon those limited number of drugs -- which
17 we hope actually we don't have to use, but if
18 we have to, is a very strong stick to
19 discourage the kind of behavior that we've
20 seen in the past few years.
22 ask my second question, which may focus this
23 point a little more, I'll just note that in
24 the past you've said that PBMs with
1 90 million covered lives have more bargaining
2 clout than the Medicaid program, even if
3 under the PDP it was bargaining for
4 6.5 million lives, and therefore going
5 through a PBM has more clout, presumably, to
6 deal even with these big bad super-drugs.
7 But let me read my second question.
8 On January 13th, I wrote to you
9 saying: "The Health Department has asserted
10 that the current system saves Medicaid money
11 because the managed care plans, by using the
12 services of national pharmacy benefit
13 managers, negotiate lower prices than the
14 PDP, Preferred Drug Program, could.
15 "I assume that with hundreds of
16 millions if not billions of dollars at stake,
17 the department has evidence to support this
18 assertion. For example, there ought to be
19 evidence comparing the rebates negotiated by
20 the PDP when it was at full strength,
21 comparing that to the rebates by or for the
22 various Medicaid managed care plans after the
23 carve-in.
24 "I would appreciate it if you would
1 provide me this evidence before the budget
2 hearing."
3 Now, I had asked this same question at
4 previous budget hearings, got no evidence in
5 response. In the intervening weeks since my
6 letter, the department assured me that I
7 would get that information prior to today's
8 hearing. At 11:27 p.m. on Tuesday, DOH
9 emailed my office saying: "Staff have been
10 working on this issue, but the analysis is
11 complicated and requires a bit more of a
12 deeper dive to ensure that they have a full
13 understanding."
14 So considering DOH's lack of
15 understanding, wouldn't it be prudent and
16 helpful to the department, to delete the drug
17 pricing and PBM provisions from the
18 Article VII bill until DOH can develop a full
19 understanding and explain it all to the
20 Legislature? We could then consider that in
21 a departmental program bill after the budget.
23 of the -- we are completing the analysis per
24 your request. The issue is just -- what
1 we're trying to do is go back and basically
2 try to replicate what the world would have
3 looked like back to 2010. We're now in 2017,
4 so the drug carve-ins now have been in place
5 for five, six years. So it is a bit of a
6 challenge to go back and try to replicate
7 what the world would have looked like,
8 considering how much has changed.
9 I think the bottom line is that the
10 supplemental rebates that the managed care
11 organizations are able to generate compared
12 to what we were able to generate as a percent
13 of total spend before the drug carve-in is
14 basically comparable. It's about 5 percent
15 of total drug spend comes from supplemental
16 rebate revenue. That is about what it was
17 back in 2010. That's about what the plans
18 are able to generate. In fact, the plans
19 generate slightly more than what we were able
20 to do in 2010.
21 Now, obviously 2010 was 2010. We're
22 now in 2017. So we're trying to see and
23 update that to 2017, which is what is the
24 complexity and a bit of a challenge working
1 with our actuaries as well as the state's
2 contracted pharmacy benefit manager.
3 So that's what's taking a little bit
4 of time. Apologize for it. But I do think
5 that one fact which is known is that one of
6 the things that carving the drug benefit into
7 the managed care contracts did, and did very
8 clearly -- and it is very clearly something
9 that we can demonstrate -- is that they were
10 very successful increasing the generic
11 dispensing rate. And the vast majority of
12 what is hundreds of millions of dollars in
13 savings that was generated as a result of the
14 drug carve-in had nothing to do with
15 negotiations with manufacturers on brand-name
16 medications. It rather was the fact that we
17 have significantly increased the number of
18 patients who are utilizing generics when the
19 generic equivalent is available. In fact,
20 prior to the carve-in we had a generic fill
21 rate of 73 percent. We now have a generic
22 fill rate of 86 percent. And that has
23 generated significant savings, hundreds of
24 millions of dollars in savings to taxpayers
1 as a result. And that's -- that is a key
2 part of why we believe at the end of the day
3 the drug carve-in has been a successful
4 policy for the State of New York.
6 two problems with that answer. One is that
7 the reason the generic fill rate went up is
8 not because of any magical powers of PBMs or
9 Medicaid managed care plans. Isn't it
10 because we enacted a statute that mandates
11 generic substitution in Medicaid, whether the
12 prescriber wrote "dispense as written" or
13 not? Isn't that what bumped up the generic
14 fill rate?
15 And secondly, you have said at these
16 hearings and elsewhere, several times, that
17 you know that the managed care plans have
18 been more effective than the PDP was or could
19 be. You've put specific dollar amounts on
20 that increased effectiveness, both at this
21 hearing and in budget negotiations. Now
22 you're telling me that you really do not have
23 a factual basis for those statements because
24 you don't know what the rebates were in 2007.
1 And I find it hard to believe that the
2 department wipes out those records. But
3 you're saying you don't know what the rebates
4 were in 2011 and are therefore having a hard
5 time comparing it to the rebates, let's say,
6 in 2013, when the carve-in was fully
7 effective.
8 So how can you be so adamant that all
9 along when I've been asking this question, I
10 was wrong and you had a specific price tag to
11 put on that answer?
13 know exactly how much rebate revenue we
14 collected in 2010 prior to the carve-in. We
15 know how much rebate revenue is collected by
16 the managed care organizations. They report
17 that to us each and every year.
18 The issue is that what you had asked
19 us to do was to try to replicate -- and we do
20 this each year, but we wanted to do a deeper
21 dive, per your request, because a lot has
22 changed since 2010. That's part of the
23 reason why we're here. Part of the reason
24 why the Governor has proposed such aggressive
1 action in his budget is that in 2010, we did
2 not have the kinds of treatments that we now
3 have for the treatment of hepatitis C. In my
4 time --
6 a minute. First of all --
8 Medicaid director, I've never seen anything
9 that was more disruptive to the Medicaid
10 program nationally than the new drug agents
11 that came in for the treatment. Very
12 exciting in so many ways, but so high cost
13 that -- it's such a significant game changer
14 that it made sense for us to sort of take a
15 little bit more time because we knew at the
16 end of the day whatever number we put on your
17 proposal would be one that we would want to
18 have the maximum ability to defend.
19 And we thought it made sense, with our
20 actuaries and with the pharmacy benefit
21 manager, to take that time to do that
22 analysis. And that's what we're doing. And
23 we will get your analysis shortly.
1 all, I never asked you to create a
2 hypothetical scenario for 2016. I asked to
3 know what the rebates were for 2011, the last
4 year when the carve-out was in full effect,
5 with what I guess would be 2012 or 2013, the
6 first year when the carve-in was fully
7 effective.
8 I can't believe that you couldn't get
9 that number by dinnertime tonight, if you
10 wanted it, from a member of your staff. And
11 when I first started asking you this
12 question, it was long before Sovaldi or any
13 of these other things were on the market, it
14 was long before the sevenfold increase in the
15 price of an EpiPen. And I think I've been
16 asking a pretty simple question and not
17 getting an answer. And I believe at this
18 point that the reason that evidence has not
19 been presented is that that evidence, like
20 the dog that didn't bark, does not prove your
21 point. I believe it will prove my point.
22 And the fact that you think for these
23 high-priced drugs you are more powerful than
24 a 90-million-covered-lives PBM -- I agree
1 with you that I think you are more powerful
2 for negotiating about Sovaldi, but I think
3 you are also more powerful when negotiating
4 about Crestor or amoxicillin.
6 in a sense -- I mean, we will get you the
7 information. I think what we were -- maybe
8 we were reading more into this in terms of
9 your questions. But we were anticipating, as
10 has been the case last year and in past
11 years, that you would be needing this
12 information for the preparation for a budget
13 proposal, and that what you'd want us to do
14 is to say if we changed our policy, what
15 would be the fiscal implications of that and
16 provide you with sufficient evidence to
17 support our conclusion.
18 So that's the core of what we were
19 doing. And obviously in order to do that,
20 you have to take into account the current
21 state of pharmaceutical prices and the
22 current state of utilization. So that's --
23 so I apologize, but that was what we were
24 anticipating, so that's a key reason for why
1 we are taking a bit more time to do that.
2 But we definitely will get you what it is
3 that you need.
4 I would say, however, the Governor's
5 proposal really isn't about negotiation. The
6 Governor's proposal is about situations in
7 which negotiation doesn't work. It's about
8 situations like we had with Sovaldi, where
9 you had a drug come to market when there was
10 no alternative -- and this was a drug that
11 cured a horrific disease, a cure that many,
12 many people have been waiting for for a long
13 time. And it came in at a price tag that
14 when you look at the potential cost to
15 taxpayers, was in the billions, with a B.
16 And it shook the healthcare industry
17 and shook the payer community and shook the
18 Medicaid and Medicare programs like nothing
19 I'm seen in my 10 years as a Medicaid
20 director. And it has scared a lot of people
21 about the future of healthcare costs in this
22 state. And we have seen in the last couple
23 of years a growth in our costs on drugs that
24 we have not seen in the past.
1 And this isn't a general trend. This
2 is a trend that is occurring with a select
3 number of specialty medications and a select
4 number of manufacturers who are using this
5 small window in which they have patent
6 protection and no other competitor -- you
7 can't have a competition if there's only one
8 player on the field. And that's the
9 challenge, that's where the Governor's
10 proposal is, is the only drugs that will go
11 into, under his proposal, into the penalty
12 box that is this surcharge are those in which
13 the practice -- in which there is no
14 opportunity for competition, where they use
15 that unique window to drive inappropriate
16 prices. That's the only time we plan to use
17 it.
18 In fact, in a lot of ways we hope not
19 to use it because we hope this will have a
20 chilling effect on bad practice, on bad
21 behavior, and as a result we'll see a more
22 affordable drug benefit moving forward.
2 with a couple of other questions later.
4 I have a few questions, and I would
5 like to start with the Governor's proposal.
6 In his Executive proposal he has a provision
7 about avoidable emergency room visits and
8 that people could basically be turned away if
9 it's deemed somehow that they are not rising
10 to the level of an emergency situation.
11 I'd like to point your attention to a
12 law that was enacted in 1986. It's a federal
13 law. It's the Emergency Medical Treatment
14 and Active Labor Act that requires anyone
15 coming to an emergency department to be
16 stabilized and treated regardless of their
17 ability to pay or their insurance status.
18 And it applies when an individual comes to an
19 emergency department.
20 So how does what the Governor is
21 proposing interface with this federal law?
23 obviously serves a very critical purpose for
24 anyone to show up in an emergency room and
1 get the necessary care, at least for
2 stabilization or, obviously, for labor.
3 And the commitment is to continue to
4 provide that kind of care. The issues that
5 we have in transformation of care is to make
6 sure it's a seamless process of care. But
7 I'm not clear as to where you're saying that
8 we would be not following the EMTALA law.
9 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Well, if somebody
10 shows up to an emergency department and
11 they're deemed somehow -- I guess it's up to
12 the hospital? How would that even work?
13 Who's responsible for deeming whether
14 somebody is having an actual medical
15 emergency or not?
17 someone shows up in the ER -- and having
18 worked in these emergency rooms, if someone
19 walks in that door, they are stabilized and
20 the necessary care would be provided.
21 At some point after they are
22 stabilized -- and this is the case for those
23 who may be transported to another facility
24 for one of many reasons, including care that
1 may not be provided at the hospital where
2 they walked into the emergency room -- but
3 that is the decision made at that point,
4 after the patient has been -- their condition
5 has been basically stabilized.
6 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: So -- but what if
7 somebody is having a heart attack? Sometimes
8 the -- I mean, you know better than anyone
9 else, if somebody is having a heart attack
10 sometimes the symptoms aren't as obvious in
11 some people as others. So what if somebody
12 is basically told, "You're stable, go home,"
13 and then they die? I mean, that could
14 happen; right?
16 have -- number one, I mean, I hope that
17 doesn't happen.
18 Number two, I think that the
19 department is responsible for a lot of the
20 obviously regulations that -- we monitor very
21 closely hospital emergency rooms, and if
22 there's ever a problem brought to our
23 attention, we will investigate it.
24 The judgment call, it should not be
1 based on anything more than potentially a
2 physician's or other healthcare provider's
3 judgment call at that point. We hope that
4 the judgment call is correct and that the
5 decision to send somebody home was not based
6 on anything more than their belief that the
7 patient was doing better.
9 proposal penalize hospitals if they treat
10 somebody and the condition is found to be not
11 that serious?
12 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I would check on
13 that, but I don't think that we would
14 penalize a facility. I mean, do you --
16 what the proposal is is to basically reduce
17 the payment through Medicaid to hospitals for
18 non-emergent ER visits. It's a specific set,
19 we worked with clinicians to identify
20 specific instances where there -- really this
21 was a service that should not have been
22 provided in the emergency room but rather
23 should have been provided in an outpatient or
24 primary care setting.
1 We subsequently increase
2 reimbursements to outpatient services, to
3 hospitals, to basically incentivize them to
4 work with patients, work with others to
5 redirect.
6 And I do think it's important to point
7 out that the emergency room is not the
8 appropriate place for someone with the flu.
9 It is not the appropriate place for someone
10 who does not have an emergent condition.
11 Last year roughly a half a million visits to
12 emergency rooms occurred in New York State
13 that were for things that were not truly
14 emergencies. A core function of the Delivery
15 System Reform Incentive Program is to
16 actually begin to help reconnect patients
17 back to primary care, which is the most
18 appropriate place for those services to be
19 provided, not in the emergency room.
20 And I would also say one of the
21 challenges are --
22 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: But what you're
23 saying is somebody shows up at the emergency
24 room and they are required to be seen and
1 stabilized, under federal law. And if the
2 hospital does that, and then they have the
3 flu, which you don't think is that serious,
4 then the hospital will be penalized
5 financially if they treat that person. I
6 don't understand how this could even work.
7 And on top of that, in rural areas you
8 know there is a dire shortage of primary care
9 providers. In many cases, doctors have
10 caseloads of 10,000, 15,000 patients, and
11 there's not access. So if they have to go to
12 the emergency room, that might be the only
13 option that a person has.
14 So I don't understand how the
15 hospitals could be penalized for this.
16 They're required under federal law to provide
17 the service, and then you would determine,
18 no, you shouldn't have provided the service.
19 And I think the hospitals are at risk of
20 being sued if they don't treat someone and
21 they go home and they die. I just think this
22 is a really bad, bad proposal.
23 I understand the overutilization of
24 emergency rooms. I understand the costs.
1 But I don't think this is the right direction
2 to take.
3 Just switching gears, I want to talk
4 about the Medicaid global cap. And there are
5 a few questions regarding that, because the
6 current fiscal year estimates emerging
7 pressures on the global cap due to
8 higher-than-expected enrollment with the
9 managed long term care. Is the global cap on
10 track to remain balanced through the
11 conclusion of this year after accounting for
12 higher projected deficits?
14 answer is yes, we are on track this year to
15 finish the year with the global cap in
16 balance. As has been the case in past years,
17 it is not without its challenges, but we
18 anticipate finishing the year in balance.
19 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: What's the total
20 amount of accrued Medicaid liabilities moving
21 forward from the current year into fiscal
22 year 2018?
24 the midst of closeouts. So at that point, as
1 we come to the end of any fiscal year, we are
2 looking at potential liabilities that may
3 drag into the next year. And we always
4 strive to make sure we have sufficient
5 credits that we too can move into the next
6 year so we do not create a structural
7 deficit.
8 We've never created a structural
9 deficit in the Medicaid program from one year
10 to the next in terms of our management of the
11 global cap. At this point we do not
12 anticipate having that occur this year.
13 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Is the growth in
14 the global cap -- or I guess I'll reframe
15 that. Does the growth in the cap increase
16 the minimum wage? Is that included in it?
18 actually a fund that's been set aside, I
19 believe it's $255 million, that's actually
20 outside of the global spending cap that is
21 administered jointly by the Division of
22 Budget and the Department of Health. That is
23 monies that are set aside, that's state share
24 funding that is available to basically
1 support costs of implementing the minimum
2 wage. The Governor made the commitment, and
3 the Legislature in the last budget agreed,
4 that the global cap would not bear the cost
5 to the Medicaid program of the minimum wage.
6 And the Governor's budget fulfills that
7 commitment.
8 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: But isn't that
9 fund, isn't that still Medicaid? Aren't
10 those still Medicaid dollars?
12 in addition to the global cap itself, which
13 grows at its historic rate of the 10-year
14 rolling average of the medical portion of
15 CPI, there is this separate fund, which in
16 essence will be allocated on an as-needed
17 basis to the global cap to cover those costs.
18 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: But the separate
19 fund is still Medicaid.
21 only becomes Medicaid when it's transferred
22 into that global cap for that purpose.
23 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay, so it's still
24 Medicaid.
1 (Laughter.)
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: What percentage of
3 DOH State Medicaid global cap funds are used
4 for funding purposes outside the Medicaid
5 global cap?
7 top of my head, I don't know the percentage.
8 There are a couple of transfers that occur.
9 One of those transfers is associated with --
10 if people remember from a few years ago, we
11 had to fundamentally change how we reimbursed
12 or provided federal reimbursement to services
13 within the OPWDD system. It was a loss of
14 federal money, a very substantial loss of
15 federal money, about a billion dollars per
16 year loss of federal money.
17 The global cap helped contribute to
18 that, and to the tune of about $700 million
19 in the initial loss. And phasing out that
20 contribution, that -- the last increment to
21 that contribution is continuing, in the sense
22 that it goes into the General Fund. Off the
23 top of my head, I think it's about
24 $260 million that is transferred out.
1 There's an additional transfer out of
2 the global spending cap this year of
3 $115 million that is also going to the
4 General Fund. Obviously those dollars are
5 supporting overall healthcare expenditures,
6 including other expenditures in Medicaid.
7 Medicaid doesn't cover the entire -- or the
8 global cap doesn't cover all of Medicaid,
9 there are other parts of the program that are
10 outside. As well as obviously the rest of
11 the Department of Health budget is outside.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: So does the
13 Executive proposal reduce funding for the
14 supportive housing program?
16 this year. Although the good news is next
17 year there will be a return of some capital
18 funds that have been temporarily, in last
19 year's budget, reduced. And so while we have
20 a slowdown in the program this year, we
21 anticipate ramping back up in terms of our
22 supportive housing program beginning in the
23 next fiscal year.
24 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay, thank you.
1 My time is up, so I'll come back.
3 Assemblyman Cahill, chair of the
4 Insurance Committee.
6 Mr. Chairman.
7 Dr. Zucker, good to see you. Thank
8 you for the many times that I've called your
9 office and you've been very responsive. I
10 really do appreciate it.
11 I want to focus on two areas, as much
12 as we can fit into the time we have allotted,
13 and that would be early childhood
14 intervention programs and the Essential
15 Health Benefit Plan increases that are
16 proposed in the budget.
17 So with regard to Early Intervention
18 programs, the state several years ago took an
19 initiative to remove the responsibility of
20 the counties to seek reimbursement from
21 insurance companies and place that
22 responsibility directly with the providers,
23 and put in place a fiscal agent. The fiscal
24 agent, it was proposed at the time and
1 several times since, was to increase
2 participation by insurance companies from
3 their slightly under 2 percent to some
4 significantly higher number. And over the
5 course of the several years since this
6 program has been initiated, we've spent about
7 three-quarters of the $45 million that we
8 promised to give the fiscal agent.
9 So can you give us a thumbnail report
10 on the progress that the fiscal agent has
11 made in increasing insurer participation?
13 Intervention, we have 68,000 newborns and
14 toddlers, or infants and toddlers in it.
15 We've got 16,000 or more Early Intervention
16 providers. The state fiscal agent was put in
17 place to help recover some of the
18 insurance -- the reimbursement for these
19 services.
20 However, of the 68,000 infants and
21 toddlers, about 40 percent of them are
22 covered by commercial insurance. And the
23 reimbursement for that, it's only been about
24 2 percent that's come back. And the budget
1 is proposing to modify that work to create a
2 system so that they can get more
3 reimbursement. Because otherwise it ends up
4 falling on -- obviously, on the state.
5 So the goal here is to increase the
6 third-party reimbursement. It's also to
7 expand the access to the commercial insurance
8 as well. So we would like to see this be
9 better reimbursement than what we see right
10 now, and the goal here in the Executive
11 Budget is to get that more in line.
12 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: So this is the
13 fourth year of the program, right?
15 fourth year, I think, yes.
16 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: What has been the
17 success for the first years of the program
18 from the fiscal agent? Have they actually
19 improved it over the course of the last
20 several years?
22 check about how much of the changes, but I do
23 know that we are not where we want to be at
24 this point.
1 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: I can tell you
2 I've checked, and there's been no progress.
4 the modifications, yeah.
5 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: We spent several
6 tens of millions of dollars for a fiscal
7 agent, we've placed a lot more administrative
8 burdens on providers, so that providers have
9 been leaving the system. These are folks who
10 are making, you know, sometimes $20 an hour
11 and then are required to take one-third of
12 their time to go out and secure billing,
13 where in the past they got reimbursed
14 directly from the counties.
15 Has there been any thought of
16 abandoning this modification that has proven
17 to be a failure over the past three years and
18 returning to the old system where the
19 counties sought out the reimbursement and the
20 providers were directly reimbursed?
21 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So we think that
22 with the proposal we have now, that may help
23 facilitate the role of the state fiscal
24 agent. So let's see how that works at this
1 point.
3 understand the proposal, it is to expand the
4 range that insurers would be required to
5 cover to add essentially new benefits, but
6 also to deny those plans some of their
7 administrative tools that they currently use.
8 In other words, right now a plan can say
9 that's not a covered benefit and therefore
10 we're not going to cover it, and under the
11 rule that's being proposed in the budget, the
12 plan would no longer have that authority if
13 there's been a doctor's diagnosis or
14 something of that sort.
15 That seems to be just increasing the
16 rates. Couldn't that also be done without a
17 fiscal agent, couldn't the money that we're
18 spending on the fiscal agent be better spent
19 on reimbursing providers at a more
20 responsible level?
21 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Well, we think
22 that the role of the fiscal agent -- and it
23 may not be as efficient as we want it to be
24 right now, but we think that it serves a
1 role, and that's why these modifications, to
2 help facilitate that role.
3 I hear what your concerns are.
4 Let's -- so I would ask that we see where we
5 are a year from now on this.
7 several years ago some of our colleagues,
8 some of whom are on this panel -- Senator
9 Hannon, Senator Seward and myself,
10 Assemblyman Barclay, Senator Breslin --
11 visited the premises of the fiscal agent, and
12 they were basically a start-up at the time.
13 And great promises were made of success.
14 When do we decide that it was a
15 failure? Do we wait till we've spent the
16 entire $45 million to decide that it's a
17 failure? Because we've spent a significant
18 amount of that money already.
20 examined this -- and I hear your concerns.
21 We've examined it, this is why we think these
22 modifications that we've put in would help
23 expedite the process of getting more
24 reimbursement for this.
1 So I recognize that, you know, there's
2 a period of time, several years have gone by,
3 but this is sort of a complex process and
4 we'd like to see if this works.
5 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: I would suggest
6 to you that there is no value added from the
7 fiscal agent. I didn't reach that conclusion
8 when I walked out of their offices -- that
9 had xeroxed signs on the door, no artwork on
10 the walls, no kids' pictures on the desks,
11 that looked like something from The Sting
12 that was set up just for our visit. I didn't
13 make that conclusion at the time, but I said
14 let's see what they produce and let's judge
15 them on their product. And now it's time to
16 judge them on their product, and they have no
17 product.
18 All the changes you're proposing could
19 go directly to the benefit of the providers
20 themselves. If we were to continue with
21 those changes without the need for the
22 intervention, it would provide another maybe
23 $10 million -- I don't know, have they been
24 paid any bonuses over this time? I know
1 their contract called for bonuses. Have they
2 been paid any?
3 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I couldn't hear
4 the last part.
5 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: I said, has the
6 fiscal agent been paid any bonuses over the
7 course of these four years?
9 that answer. I'd have to find out.
11 provide that answer, I would really
12 appreciate it.
13 The other question that I have is
14 about the Essential Health Benefits Plan and
15 the proposal on the part of the Governor to
16 impose a $20 premium on people whose income
17 ranges from 138 to 150 percent of the poverty
18 level. This is probably for you,
19 Mr. Helgerson. What is 138 percent of the
20 poverty level? What's that family income in
21 New York?
23 based on family size. So off the top of my
24 head, a family of two -- I can get that for
1 you before the end of the hearing.
2 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: It's not much,
3 right?
5 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: It's not much.
7 much. It is -- it is incomes above,
8 obviously, the Medicaid level. We already
9 have a premium for individuals whose
10 incomes are between 150 and 200 percent of
11 federal poverty. And so this program -- or
12 this proposal extends that.
13 Now, it does cap total out-of-pocket
14 expenses. But I hear your concern. I think,
15 though, that we feel at the end of the day
16 this is still a very affordable form of
17 insurance. If these individuals -- if we
18 didn't offer the Essential Plan, these
19 individuals would be in qualified health
20 plans through the exchange, and they'd be
21 paying considerably more.
22 And so in a sense, because at the end
23 of the day this is a program that is
24 subsidized by state taxpayers, in addition to
1 the federal government, we still are offering
2 a very, very affordable insurance that is
3 actually better than anything you'd find
4 anywhere in the country, with the possible
5 exception of Minnesota.
7 savings represented in the budget of
8 approximately $15 million as a result of this
9 $20 copay. Is that just the income from the
10 $240 a year you're going to receive from
11 these families between 138 and 150 percent of
12 the poverty level? Or is there a component
13 in there where there's anticipating that
14 people will be leaving the system?
16 with our actuaries, so we basically estimate
17 what our reductions will be in the premiums.
18 I don't know if we have any estimates for
19 reductions in actual enrollment as a result.
20 I mean --
22 $15 million just reflects the actual premium
23 cost?
1 off the top of my head, I'd have to go back
2 and check to see whether there's any premium.
3 But what I can say is this program has
4 been amazingly successful and popular. There
5 are almost 700,000 people enrolled in it, far
6 in excess of what the earlier estimates were.
7 I don't think at the end of the day this is
8 going to deter too many people, because
9 compared to what they might find in other
10 means, this is still exceptionally affordable
11 insurance.
13 you'll have to go back and get that
14 information. I'd appreciate it if you could
15 get it for us before we have to actually
16 decide on the Governor's budget proposal. I
17 think it's information we need.
18 Are there any other changes for those
19 people in 138 to 150 percent of the poverty
20 level to the plan that they would get under
21 the Essential Health Benefits Plan?
23 there are changes to the other forms of
24 out-of-pocket expense that individuals will
1 be facing, not only in that 138 to 150 range
2 but also the 150 to 200 range. So they are
3 the institution of what I would consider
4 fairly modest copays that -- but as I say,
5 they're capped.
7 change in the copay? Because what you might
8 consider fairly modest at a state employee's
9 salary might be something different than what
10 somebody at 138 percent of the poverty level
11 might think is modest.
13 range from say $5 for a copay for a visit to
14 your primary care provider to an outpatient
15 surgery procedure where the copay would be
16 about $20. So that just gives you the range.
18 appreciate if you could provide us with any
19 information that your actuaries have
20 determined would result in people leaving the
21 plan and, if so, what we expect those folks
22 to do for their healthcare and what you
23 expect us to do for their healthcare.
5 Golden.
6 SENATOR GOLDEN: Good morning,
7 gentlemen. Commissioner, I'm going to change
8 the tone a little bit, going over to
9 ambulances and ambulance service.
10 The good Governor has authorized you
11 to take over the responsibility of the
12 managed long term care transportation.
13 You're going to select the contractors for
14 this transportation system. Do localities
15 have any input into that?
16 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: The localities
17 what?
18 SENATOR GOLDEN: That they're going to
19 have these transportation systems in.
21 identified them? We're working on that.
22 We're working on it.
23 SENATOR GOLDEN: Will the localities
24 have some input into that?
2 SENATOR GOLDEN: The Governor has
3 suggested -- not suggested, he's proposed
4 repealing the standards. So since there's no
5 standards in the bill, aren't we sort of like
6 jeopardizing the transportation system for
7 our --
9 why you're saying that, that we're
10 jeopardizing it.
11 SENATOR GOLDEN: Because there are no
12 standards, they're not in statute once we
13 repeal them. So therefore when you have a
14 service now, a transportation system taking
15 people back and forth for the medically
16 necessary appointments, what assurances do we
17 have for safety?
19 you're referring to our proposals to carve
20 certain -- in the case of certain managed
21 care products, to carve those services, those
22 transportation services out of those managed
23 care contracts and manage it through our
24 transportation manager.
1 So for the vast majority of
2 individuals on the Medicaid program, they
3 receive their services -- their
4 transportation services are managed by a
5 state vendor who manages the benefit with a
6 1-800 number that allows them access to the
7 transportation services they need. Very
8 successful initiative, saved tens of millions
9 of dollars over the last several years.
10 As we proposed last year, we're
11 proposing some additional moves to basically
12 leverage that transportation manager. And we
13 think at the end of the day it will lead to
14 greater access, which is what we saw in the
15 case of the transportation manager with the
16 populations that already are affected, as
17 well as some additional cost savings.
18 SENATOR GOLDEN: What are the safety
19 standards, sir?
21 the safety standards? So the safety
22 standards that apply in transportation are
23 not being changed by this. All that's being
24 changed is that the managed long term care
1 plans will no longer be paying for those
2 services and the state will be paying for it
3 and managing it with its vendor.
4 SENATOR GOLDEN: The supplemental
5 ambulance payments that are now -- should be
6 going to the ambulance providers, will that
7 money go to the ambulance providers while you
8 are choosing these contractors?
10 there's sort of two issues here.
11 There is a proposal in the budget
12 relative to ambulance services, which is
13 there's an existing appropriation for
14 $6 million that the Governor's proposal is to
15 basically continue to use those payments, use
16 those dollars, but use them more efficiently
17 to fund ambulance services. And that, in
18 essence, will begin a process of adopting
19 some rate reforms that will be recommended by
20 a report which will be coming out very
21 shortly on ambulance services in Medicaid.
22 And so that proposal is a little bit
23 different than the carve-out services for
24 managed long term care, which is --
1 SENATOR GOLDEN: With the money that's
2 going to be used, are the ambulances going to
3 get that supplemental payment while you are
4 waiting to design and get this off the
5 ground?
7 will receive those funds.
8 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you.
9 You know, you pointed out to us
10 several million dollars in savings over the
11 past couple of years by lowering the generic
12 drug CPI penalty threshold by 225 percent,
13 estimated to save the state about $17
14 million. Since the CPI penalty was enacted
15 last year, the state has saved less than
16 $2 million. The estimate was much higher.
17 How can we be sure that the savings achieved
18 will be even close to the estimate?
20 of the -- and actually I take that the
21 project or the proposal that was enacted,
22 which put basically a cap on the rate of
23 increase for generics -- and so we've spent
24 earlier talking about brand-name medications.
1 But a recent trend, recent in the last few
2 years, that's been very disturbing is generic
3 manufacturers using windows of opportunity to
4 greatly increase prices for generics.
5 So last year we enacted a policy
6 specific to the Medicaid program where we
7 would in essence require a mandatory rebate
8 for any generic where the price grew by more
9 than, I believe, 300 percent. And in fact,
10 after a couple of years in which we saw
11 increases of that level, in the last year
12 since this proposal went into effect we have
13 seen no generic manufacturer attempt to raise
14 prices above that 300 percent threshold. And
15 we think that is a direct result of the
16 state's policy.
17 And as a result, we are proposing this
18 year --
19 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you, sir, but I
20 do not see the savings. And maybe we'll sit
21 down at a later date and you'll show me these
22 savings.
24 SENATOR GOLDEN: Brooklyn I. That's
1 obviously a corporation that we're setting up
2 in Brooklyn, New York. It's similar to
3 HHC -- which is losing about a billion-eight
4 today -- but we're going to try something
5 that we've already tried before.
6 We want to -- I appreciate that the
7 legislators are at the table, and hopefully
8 we continue to be at the table as we move
9 forward on this. I don't see any money,
10 though, going toward the implementation of
11 this Brooklyn I, and I don't see -- I guess
12 there's a proposal going out shortly, if it
13 hasn't gone out already. And I don't see
14 the -- this is going to cost a couple of
15 billion dollars over a five-year period,
16 probably, and I don't see that money in the
17 budget for that to take place.
19 $700 million is going -- will be going to
20 Brooklyn. This is a major transformational
21 approach to healthcare. The issues in
22 Brooklyn, as you know and we all know --
23 SENATOR GOLDEN: Ground zero.
24 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: -- have been
1 quite concerning, and we need to move this
2 forward.
3 I believe, as I've said -- and I've
4 been out to Brooklyn over a dozen times on
5 this issue -- is that we will set the model
6 in Brooklyn for how urban healthcare is
7 delivered, not just in New York State but
8 across the nation.
9 The RFA will go out soon on this. The
10 Governor is committed to all the issues of
11 not just the health component of this, but
12 all of the social determinants of health,
13 which we have all learned is as important as
14 just the hospitals and other areas of
15 delivery of care.
16 So please realize that we are
17 committed to this, and I am confident that
18 you'll see the changes that --
19 SENATOR GOLDEN: I know you're
20 committed and you have $700 million going in
21 for capital. But there's no money to
22 implement the program that you are now going
23 to implement in the next couple of months.
24 That's my concern.
2 understand but part of the -- the problem
3 that we have -- with healthcare is that it
4 has been divided up into different areas, and
5 we need to see this more as a seamless
6 process. So -- and I understand that you're
7 saying it's capital and there's also the
8 issues of program. But part of it is you
9 have to fix some of the infrastructure right
10 there to start with. And we will also
11 address some of the issues of the program
12 development as we move forward.
13 SENATOR GOLDEN: If the chair of
14 Health here in the Senate could please get a
15 copy of what your plans are to implement this
16 program. When the dollars are needed, how
17 it's going to be done, who's going to lead
18 this process. We would like to see that
19 happen and have a hearing, probably in the
20 future, on how this is going to be
21 implemented in Brooklyn. Because so goes
22 Brooklyn, so goes the State of New York, and
23 we want to make sure we do it correctly.
1 We'll get that information to you. And as I
2 said, there are a lot of programs that we are
3 looking at that address all the social
4 determinants that will move this forward.
6 SENATOR GOLDEN: Since they reduced
7 our time, we don't have the ability to go on.
8 So if you can note generic drug pricing right
9 now and pharmaceutical medical redesign,
10 we'll get back to them later. Thank you very
11 much.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you, Senator.
13 Chairman.
15 We've been joined by Assemblywoman
16 Fahy.
17 Mr. Oaks.
18 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Yes, we've also
19 been joined by Assemblyman Byrne.
20 CHAIRMAN FARRELL: Next to question,
21 Mr. Raia.
23 Mr. Chairman. As the ranking member on the
24 Health Committee, I've got a bunch of
1 questions. I'll try to move them along as
2 quickly as possible, so we'll call this the
3 lightning round.
4 Licensed home care service agencies,
5 licensing issues. A couple of years ago we
6 talked about the backlog, about getting
7 assisted living facilities licensed and
8 opened. And that was about three years. We
9 seem to have been moving pretty well on that
10 now. But the LTCSAs are complaining that
11 it's anywhere from three to three and a half
12 years to move along.
13 We all know it costs less to take care
14 of somebody in their home than moving them to
15 a nursing home. So how big is the backlog,
16 and what are we doing to address it?
17 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So we'd have to
18 look at the backlog on that, but we are
19 trying to move this quick. And I agree with
20 you that it is better to have someone cared
21 for at home and we're trying to make sure
22 that we provide the services that --
23 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: And we get that tax
24 revenue too.
3 With respect to hospitals, ER was
4 mentioned. The $195 million from last year's
5 capital money, a lot of it hasn't been
6 released yet. When can the hospitals expect
7 to get that?
9 seeing it shortly. Within the quarter.
10 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Okay. Elimination
11 of the nursing home beds obviously is raising
12 some concern, the hold.
14 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Do you foresee any
15 problems with that, or do we think we just
16 have a lot of open beds that somebody could
17 be slid into?
19 and then I'm going to turn this to Jason.
20 The issue with the nursing bed hold is
21 that clearly -- you know, we recognize that
22 when someone goes into the hospital, they may
23 need to go back to a facility. But there's
24 been a lot of money that that person is going
1 into the hospital and that bed is sitting
2 there, and they get reimbursed that money for
3 that bed, and the amount that they need to
4 cover that bed is not that much. And so
5 we're trying to streamline this a little bit
6 more.
7 But do you want to add there?
9 reduced the payment a few years ago because
10 it creates a perverse incentive, which is
11 that a nursing home can reduce its staffing
12 as a result of having a regular churn of
13 patients being churned out of the nursing
14 home into other settings, because they only
15 have to staff for the actual census of the
16 day.
17 And that kind of incentive we are
18 strongly trying to avoid, and that's why you
19 see this proposal, which is at the end of the
20 day we want to reduce the number of
21 individuals who have to go into hospitals.
22 And we think there's opportunities and
23 projects, including those funded through
24 DSRIP, that are available to help get better
1 connections between nursing homes and other
2 providers to reduce the need for that kind of
3 churn.
5 Moving on to pharmacy, developing the
6 new pharmacy dispensing professional fees to
7 offset the new benchmark, which I think
8 you're saying is about $55 million that we're
9 going to save. What surveys are we relying
10 on? Are we still relying on that 2012 -- I
11 call it the Superstorm Sandy survey -- to
12 come up with those prices?
14 is I'm aware of the -- we don't internally
15 refer to it as that, Assemblyman. But I
16 would say that that is not the survey.
17 Actually with the benchmarks that are going
18 to be set, as I said earlier, the focus here
19 is on a very small subset of drugs that have
20 extremely high costs. And the idea there is
21 to say, across all payers, what really is the
22 appropriate cost? And that looks at a
23 variety of different sorts of information,
24 including information from the nonprofit,
1 very respected Institute for Clinical and
2 Economic Review, which does specific analysis
3 looking at the relative effectiveness of
4 drugs and basically helps states and other
5 purchasers to really understand what's the
6 economic value of a new drug and what should
7 be an appropriate price for that.
8 We have been using those sources --
9 lots of payers have -- but the Governor's
10 proposal allows us in essence to utilize that
11 information with even more strength.
12 I would point out that nothing about
13 this policy is going to impact pharmacists.
14 This is really about ensuring that -- it's
15 really about the state and manufacturers.
16 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Okay. Now, but
17 there's a pharmacy professional fee in there?
19 separate proposal, which is a requirement
20 that we're just complying with, which is to
21 in essence comply with federal rules relative
22 to pharmacy payments at the point of sale.
23 And it's requirements around us moving to
24 really a cost-based system, and there's some
1 new sources of information that states and
2 other payers can use for reimbursing
3 pharmacies both on the ingredient side as
4 well as on the dispensing side.
5 And what you see in the proposal is a
6 change in both of those. I believe there's
7 actually a net increase in the amount --
8 maybe it's a small net decrease, but it's an
9 increase in the dispensing rate as well as
10 some savings that somewhat offset that on the
11 ingredient side, thanks to the use of a
12 different measure of prices, not AWP.
14 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: But it seems, from
15 what I've seen with respect to southern and
16 midwestern states that are $11, $12, $13 --
17 our price is less than that, but yet quite
18 clearly it costs more to do business in
19 New York State.
21 a number of comparable states. I believe our
22 proposal is $10 on the dispensing, which
23 obviously is considerably higher than it is
24 today. But I'd be happy to work with you and
1 provide you more information on the sources
2 and information we used.
4 Our next speaker is Senator David
5 Valesky, who's vice chair of the Senate
6 Health Committee.
7 SENATOR VALESKY: Thank you, Senator.
8 Commissioner, Director Helgerson, I
9 just want to touch on two general areas. But
10 before I do that, the way the calendar works,
11 my understanding is that today happens to be
12 the day that the Governor will submit 30-day
13 amendments to his budget. I'm curious as to
14 whether either of you can speak to, at this
15 point in time, any potential changes that may
16 be coming to the Legislature at some point
17 today in regard to the health budget.
18 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I can't speak to
19 that at this point. No, I don't know.
20 SENATOR VALESKY: We will actually
21 anxiously await that document, then.
22 I want to first talk about safety net
23 hospitals, and particularly DSH payment
24 reductions. And I know there's a global
1 issue here that has to do with the Affordable
2 Care Act, obviously. There's also a specific
3 issue in regards to specific payments -- and
4 I'm referring especially to the academic
5 medical centers -- Upstate, particularly in
6 my part of the state, but all three academic
7 medical centers.
8 My understanding is that there was a
9 midyear -- I'm not sure it was a reduction,
10 but a withholding of a payment that the
11 centers expected to receive in October, I
12 believe. Could you speak specifically to
13 where we are with those DSH payments to the
14 academic medical centers?
16 So the issue, Senator, is that of all
17 the public hospitals -- and we have a
18 separate DSH pool specifically for public
19 hospitals in the state, of which there's the
20 three SUNY hospitals, you could include in
21 that Westchester Medical Center, also Erie
22 County Medical Center, and obviously the
23 Health and Hospital Corp. of New York City,
24 and lastly NUMC, Nassau University Medical
1 Center. And so that's a fixed pot of money
2 that in essence is available to those
3 facilities, and we historically have and
4 continue to utilize that entire pool.
5 What happened a couple of years ago is
6 that we saw an increase in losses within the
7 SUNY campuses, driven mostly by losses
8 associated with the LICH facility that
9 affected the SUNY Downstate facility.
10 Obviously those losses have now been
11 mitigated because of the disposition of the
12 LICH facility.
13 That said, it takes a couple of years
14 before those losses materialize into
15 increased DSH payments. As the SUNY DSH
16 payments went up, the Health and Hospital
17 Corp. DSH payments went down. That created a
18 global cap issue, because historically the
19 global cap paid the state share for DSH
20 payments to the SUNY campuses, whereas all
21 the other publics were responsible for
22 putting up intergovernmental transfer revenue
23 to draw down the federal funds in DSH for
24 their own facilities.
1 We agreed to cover, in the first year
2 that that increase occurred, to -- for the
3 global cap to come up with those funds. But
4 what we told the SUNY campuses, from that
5 point forward they would have to do -- for
6 that increment, for that increase, that they
7 would be responsible for putting up
8 intergovernmental transfer revenues just like
9 any of the other facilities, to pull down
10 that additional increment. We would retain
11 our historic level of investment, but for the
12 increase they'd be responsible for that
13 state/local salary.
14 We've said also, however, that we will
15 continue to monitor the financial situation
16 of the SUNY campuses, and if it's deemed that
17 they are unable to afford to put up those
18 dollars, that we would look to take steps to
19 remediate. So we'll continue to monitor the
20 situation, and if something happens relative
21 to their financial state, we'd be prepared to
22 adjust course.
23 SENATOR VALESKY: I appreciate that,
24 particularly your last point.
1 The second issue I just want to touch
2 on has to do with capital. So my
3 understanding is the Governor's proposing
4 another $500 million in capital.
6 SENATOR VALESKY: If you could
7 summarize for us the status of last year's
8 capital. Has that gone out the door? I
9 believe it was $195 million. Has that gone
10 out the door? With this -- assuming
11 legislative appropriation, would this new
12 round of capital fund projects that were
13 proposed last year but we didn't have enough
14 money to pay for those? If you could just
15 talk us through that, please.
16 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So we have the
17 $1.2 billion in capital, the capital
18 restructuring, which we're getting those
19 dollars out. We have -- just to give you an
20 overview, we have the $700 million for
21 Brooklyn, we have $300 million for Oneida.
22 And then we have the $500 million, which is
23 around, too, the statewide healthcare
24 transportation dollars, and the $300 million
1 is for construction projects, the
2 $200 million is for noncapital projects.
3 And as we move forward, clearly we
4 will -- if someone puts a proposal together
5 and then they're not accepting that, they can
6 reapply and we will look at that proposal
7 again. The goal is probably not to have to
8 have them put the -- you know, work on the
9 whole proposal and submit -- they can submit
10 the same proposal and we can evaluate at that
11 point in time.
12 So I recognize that your concern is
13 that that's a lot of money that -- a lot of
14 places that are looking for a pool of money,
15 and that there's a lot of need out there.
16 SENATOR VALESKY: There is a lot of
17 need, yes. Thank you.
20 Mr. McDonald.
21 ASSEMBLYMAN McDONALD: Good morning,
22 Doc. Good morning, Jason.
23 A comment first. In the budget
24 there's actually comprehensive medication
1 management, which is an outcome of your
2 workgroups. I think it's a good thing. I'm
3 not saying it because I'm a pharmacist, I'm
4 saying it because it gets to the larger goal,
5 which is -- putting aside the cost of this
6 medication -- if the right patient actually
7 takes the right medication, we might get the
8 right outcome. And that's what it should be
9 all about, particularly in regards to
10 preventing these very costly and unnecessary
11 hospital readmissions.
12 In regards to the prescription drug
13 proposal -- and I get it. As I tell people
14 quite often, I pay for the drug before most
15 people do. I see some great drugs coming on
16 the market that are making significant
17 impacts on the market. And in the absence of
18 federal action, the state is in a very
19 difficult position.
20 I guess my question -- and this is the
21 one I had last year, so I need to have an
22 updated answer -- is what you're proposing,
23 particularly with the high cost of
24 medications, is it legal? Is it going to
1 actually hold challenges in court? Because
2 there's a heavy price tag of $55 million tied
3 to this. Are we going to see that savings?
5 think that, you know, with the proposal we
6 put forth two things. We will see the
7 savings. That's the first part.
8 And the second part is these prices
9 that are so high, we believe that the
10 Governor's proposal, as Jason mentioned
11 before, may work as a -- create an
12 environment where it will be -- prevent them
13 from having the motivation to actually raise
14 their prices. And I think that's what's
15 going to happen, and we've seen some stories
16 about that even in the news as recently as
17 the other day.
19 would also add on that, on the legal
20 question, we considered and worked on this
21 project, on this proposal, for a good long
22 time, because we are well aware that other
23 states have had proposals challenged in
24 courts. And we are confident that the
1 Governor's proposal will stand up to any
2 legal scrutiny because -- and we took that
3 into account, that concern into account in
4 the development of it and worked very hard
5 cross-agency, with our colleagues in the
6 Department of Financial Services as well as
7 our colleagues in the Department of Tax and
8 Finance, to develop this proposal in a way
9 that we believe can in fact hold up in court.
11 you, particularly -- the interesting part is
12 we've spent a lot of time on the Sovaldis of
13 this world, but I can tell you firsthand the
14 generic drug marketplace has gone haywire.
15 Now, the good news is yes, 86 percent of all
16 meds are now -- because patents have
17 basically expired -- they've gone off-patent.
18 But we've seen some aggregation of companies,
19 and basically they've taken full opportunity
20 to really gouge the taxpayer, for lack of a
21 better term. So I don't disagree with that
22 at all.
23 I guess one question, though, is in
24 this day and society, is it possible legally
1 to actually have outcomes-based reimbursement
2 with the manufacturer? Is that really -- I
3 mean, Sovaldi is a good example. If we can
4 avoid the $175,000 liver transplant, maybe
5 it's worth paying $60,000 or $70,000 for the
6 drug, if it's taken properly and we get the
7 98 percent success rate.
9 interesting question. I've actually spoken
10 to colleagues about this, because they raised
11 this question with me about, well, if $80,000
12 could save you from $180,000. And I think
13 that -- those prices are just exorbitant to
14 start with. And I think that not -- I'm all
15 in favor of medicine that can cure you of an
16 illness, but I think, you know, when you look
17 at -- let's pick $180,000. There's a whole
18 system. That money doesn't go to just one
19 person, it goes to many -- you know, a
20 healthcare system. It involves a lot more --
21 those $180,000 go to a lot of providers and
22 people and part of the system.
23 And I think that a $80,000 price tag
24 or whatever for one drug to cure something is
1 sort of exorbitant. And I think that it's
2 our responsibility -- and I've raised this
3 before, in the sense that I think when you
4 have a company that is making a product that
5 is a lifesaving product or is making
6 something that can affect someone's health, I
7 believe that they stand on a higher rung on
8 the ladder of corporate social
9 responsibility. And I think that we need
10 to -- and the Governor's plan will -- hold
11 them to that step, to make sure that they do
12 the right thing.
14 regulation, I get it. I understand it,
15 actually. Because quite honestly,
16 pharmacies, wholesalers, they're required to
17 provide all their cost of goods. It only
18 makes sense.
19 What I don't understand with the PBM
20 regulation is that I believe in the managed
21 care Medicaid program, the PBMs are not
22 required -- they're not covered under the
23 Governor's proposal. Is that correct? And
24 is there a reason why?
2 we're going to look at and ensure
3 transparency, and we want to begin to better
4 understand how PBMs operate. And the PBMs
5 that the managed care plans in Medicaid
6 contract with are the same ones that you see
7 in the commercial space. It's a highly
8 consolidated market.
9 So at the end of the day I think the
10 benefits -- the question is is that if we
11 actually begin to go beyond transparency, the
12 one concern we had was not to have some sort
13 of knock-on effect that led to an increase in
14 the spend within the global spending cap. So
15 I think we are just trying to be a little
16 careful as we begin. We've never regulated
17 PBMs before. You know, there's a debate
18 between whether or not PBMs are a force for
19 the good or a part of the problem.
21 purpose.
23 that -- and so, you know, in the case of a
24 force for the good, we don't want to weaken
1 in any way, shape or form our ability of our
2 managed care partners to control expenses
3 while we attempt to begin to shine some light
4 on the practices, to make sure that we have
5 confidence moving forward that overall,
6 pharmacy benefit managers are doing what we
7 would hope they would do.
10 Senator?
12 Senator Gustavo Rivera.
13 SENATOR RIVERA: Thank you, Madam
14 Chairwoman.
15 Good morning, folks. Since --
16 considering I probably will have a couple of
17 parts, so let's start at the top and work our
18 way down.
19 Considering what the federal
20 situation -- which I call the Orange
21 Madness -- might cause us in the next couple
22 of months or years, I wanted you to talk
23 briefly about some of the preparations that
24 we're making as a state, considering we might
1 not know exactly what's coming but we have a
2 pretty good idea of some of the worst parts.
3 So if you could tell us a little bit
4 about that before we get to anything else.
6 Governor has committed to the highest-quality
7 healthcare in the State of New York. And we
8 recognize that -- and that involves a lot of
9 healthcare transformation. We recognize much
10 is happening in Washington. We hear, as all
11 obviously you hear from your constituents,
12 I'm sure, calls about what will happen with
13 the Affordable Care Act.
14 In New York, the Governor's New York
15 State of Health program has provided
16 3.6 million New Yorkers with healthcare
17 coverage. We recognize that if this ACA were
18 repealed, that would be a major concern, with
19 millions of people potentially losing
20 healthcare.
21 I've been in contact with the
22 Governor's team in Washington on a regular
23 basis to try to see where we are. We read
24 the news, I read the news, it's changing
1 every day as to where we are. But I can
2 assure you that the Governor is committed to
3 making sure that healthcare for New Yorkers
4 will be not only the best in -- best in the
5 nation, and we will guarantee that.
6 SENATOR RIVERA: That actually leads
7 me to my second question, because it seems
8 that as part of that preparation, I figure
9 that that's the reason why this language,
10 which was referred to earlier by my colleague
11 Kemp Hannon, was injected in there. And
12 while I certainly share the concerns that you
13 expressed, and certainly everyone in this
14 room has, I also share the concerns that my
15 colleague has, as far as it being -- I need
16 you to explain to us a little bit more about
17 why do you think that it's necessary for you
18 to have the authority, in the middle of a
19 budget year -- or, I'm sorry, in the middle
20 of the year, period.
21 I understand there might be some
22 crises. But to take the Legislature
23 completely out of that process, and basically
24 we're giving you carte blanche, I don't get
1 it. So could you explain it to me?
3 back to sort of the issue of the budget, as
4 you mentioned before, about the budget --
5 making adjustments to the budget in the
6 middle of the year for emergency -- for any
7 situation that potentially is an emergency.
8 Now, I -- I know you're sort of tying
9 this to the ACA or potential repeal of the
10 ACA, but let's see where we are on that in
11 the coming months on that. But I think in
12 the bigger picture, if there is an emergency,
13 there should be an opportunity and an avenue
14 by which the changes -- the budget can be
15 adjusted appropriately to meet that without
16 increasing the overall budget as well.
17 And on the issue of the ACA, you know,
18 I look forward to working with you and to
19 working with all of the Legislature, because
20 this is -- we're in this together on what's
21 going to happen with the ACA.
23 Senator, if I could just add something. The
24 language that you see in the health budget is
1 language you see elsewhere in the budget.
2 SENATOR RIVERA: Oh, yeah, I know. I
3 know.
5 and I understand the concern. I will just
6 give you like -- the administration rationale
7 for it is that we don't know where reductions
8 in federal funding could come from, and we
9 don't know what the magnitude is. But I
10 think that the theory was that if we did see
11 a reduction in federal funding in, say,
12 Medicaid and there were extra funds elsewhere
13 in the budget, that a transfer within the
14 confines of the overall budget amount could
15 be made so as to preserve services in the
16 Medicaid program.
17 The idea would be not to use the money
18 to launch new initiatives, but simply to
19 preserve the programs as approved, in
20 essence, by the Legislature. I understand --
21 I'm not discounting your concern, I --
22 SENATOR RIVERA: You do acknowledge
23 that -- my time is short, and again, we're
24 going to have another part. But you do
1 acknowledge that the language is broad enough
2 so that it -- although you explained the
3 rationale, the language doesn't state that.
4 It is broad enough -- I mean, correct me if
5 I'm wrong, but it is broad enough for you to
6 make these decisions without coming back to
7 us, which is my key here. We all recognize
8 what our responsibility is. As you see,
9 we're here on a Thursday, and look at how
10 crowded this place is, and over here.
11 So if we have an issue in the middle
12 of the year, certainly if there was something
13 that the federal government turned a spigot,
14 it would not go from Monday to Tuesday we
15 have no funding. So if from Monday to
16 Tuesday there's an issue, on Wednesday the
17 Governor could call a special session and
18 we'd be back here talking about what do we
19 need to do to deal with the crisis.
21 SENATOR RIVERA: So I have many other
22 things, so I will just ask one more in this
23 turn and then we might need to get back to
24 that. But on the issue of there's Article VI
1 language that reduces reimbursement to
2 New York City on some public health programs,
3 36 percent to 29 percent, which amounts to an
4 $11 million hit. And it deals specifically
5 with some HIV-related issues or just that
6 type of -- those types of diseases.
7 So wouldn't it be -- why would you do
8 that, and isn't that going completely against
9 what we're trying to do as far as ending the
10 epidemic in the State of New York?
12 is a unique situation here because, first of
13 all, per capita they're getting more money
14 than other parts of the state. And the other
15 key thing about New York is they have the
16 opportunity, because they are a large city,
17 to get federal funds directly from CDC and
18 from other federal agencies. So we felt that
19 it is important that given that they have
20 that opportunity to get another source of
21 funds, that we would cut that back.
22 SENATOR RIVERA: We'll come back to
23 some other stuff.
24 Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
2 Mr. Chair?
4 Assemblywoman Jaffee.
6 Thank you, Commissioner.
7 I wanted to go back to the question
8 about Early Intervention programs. I'm
9 pleased that the Governor is recognizing that
10 this has become a major problem in terms of
11 the reimbursement for the Early Intervention
12 providers.
13 About a year and a half ago, I think
14 it is, when I chaired at that time the
15 Oversight Committee, I held a roundtable
16 discussion with our Early Intervention
17 providers as well as the fiscal agent and
18 some insurers, because there were very major
19 concerns in the community. We were losing
20 our Early Intervention providers, they could
21 not sustain their programs because they were
22 not being reimbursed. And the situation
23 was -- is really quite serious, and so I'm
24 pleased that the Governor is recognizing
1 that.
2 What we heard during that discussion
3 was that there just -- the fiscal agent that
4 was chosen really was not providing any kind
5 of support or assistance for the Early
6 Intervention providers to be able to get
7 their insurance coverage, the insurance
8 response to their needs. And it was becoming
9 a very serious issue because they could not
10 financially sustain programs.
11 So the Governor is proposing revisions
12 to improve the insurance collections for the
13 programs. The question I have is that how
14 will this move forward and assist the Early
15 Intervention providers, because the fiscal
16 agent at this point, you know, this outside
17 corporation, really wasn't of any assistance
18 at all. So I'm hoping that there was some
19 language within the revisions that give them
20 much more requirements and are firmer in
21 those provisions to assure that the providers
22 are getting the funding.
23 And the second question I had was,
24 when was the last rate increase for the Early
1 Intervention providers, and is there any
2 discussion about improving that and
3 increasing that at this time?
4 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So on the first
5 question, so we believe, as I mentioned
6 before, we do believe that the budget
7 proposals will help facilitate the role of
8 the state fiscal agent. I will gladly, after
9 the hearing, sit down with the team and
10 discuss some of the details and making sure
11 that will actually be achieved, and I believe
12 it will. And we have experts in our
13 department who have looked at this issue of
14 Early Intervention.
15 On the second one, I am not sure about
16 the answer about a raise, but I will find out
17 for you.
18 ASSEMBLYWOMAN JAFFEE: I did pass some
19 legislation to have the fiscal agent be part
20 of their board discussions, because one of
21 the things that the fiscal agent noted in
22 that hearing, that roundtable, was that they
23 were not included. Now they are included,
24 and so they need to be in part of that
1 discussion and very active in involving
2 themselves with the providers so that they
3 can move forward in a much stronger way.
4 And, you know, there are quite a
5 number of providers that we've lost during
6 this time. I think the number is maybe
7 25 percent, generally. So I'm hopeful that
8 this will be a way to assure that the funding
9 that they are required to be provided comes
10 forward in a timely manner as well.
11 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I'm all in favor
12 of communication, so if that will help move
13 it forward, I'm glad to do that.
15 is -- you know, as a former special education
16 teacher, I can tell you how essential it is
17 for us to have Early Intervention programs in
18 our communities that can sustain the
19 opportunities for these children to be able
20 to get the needs that they have addressed in
21 order for them to become much more productive
22 as they move forward, and capable.
24 as a pediatrician, I believe in Early
1 Intervention programs, and I have seen the
2 success that it has. So we need to make sure
3 we do whatever we can to keep moving it
4 forward.
6 that as we move forward that the fiscal agent
7 will be much more engaged and assisting in
8 this process.
9 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: We will -- okay.
11 have -- just briefly want to thank the
12 Governor for his discussion regarding testing
13 and monitoring drinking water. As you know,
14 I had the well testing legislation I passed
15 in Rockland County many years ago, and it
16 really has made a difference, especially when
17 you purchase a home, knowing, if there is a
18 private well, that the water is safe for you
19 to drink. And so I'm glad that the Governor
20 is doing that as well as expanding it to the
21 public water systems. I think that is
22 essential, especially given at this time that
23 so much has happened with regard to water
24 quality and water supply.
1 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: We thank you for
2 your foresight in seeing this a decade ago,
3 and appreciate that.
5 passed it a number of years in the state --
6 the Assembly has passed it every time. But
7 I'm glad the Governor has picked this up,
8 because I think it will make a huge
9 difference when people purchase homes,
10 knowing that if it's a private well that it's
11 safe and the quality of water is significant.
12 Thank you very much.
14 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you.
15 Senator Jim Seward.
16 SENATOR SEWARD: Thank you.
17 And thank you, Commissioner Zucker and
18 Mr. Helgerson.
19 I wanted to return to a discussion on
20 ambulance service in the state. As a matter
21 of fact, right behind you I see seated a
22 number of ambulance providers that are with
23 us today, and I recognize some faces.
24 There's some right from my own area.
1 As you know, the Governor's budget
2 proposal in effect includes language that
3 eliminates the supplemental Medicaid payments
4 that have been included in the last number of
5 budgets. These are supplemental Medicaid
6 payments to our ambulance providers. And,
7 you know, as I look at the situation, our
8 ambulance services are an integral part of
9 our healthcare delivery system in the state.
10 Very often the ambulance is the gateway to
11 healthcare delivery in our state, and what
12 happens in that ambulance on the way to the
13 hospital or any other medical provider is
14 critical to improve patient outcomes and by
15 doing that, of course, also help to lower the
16 ultimate costs of healthcare.
17 The problem is in terms of the
18 Medicaid rates paid to our ambulance
19 providers. The Medicaid rate has been
20 dramatically below the costs of providing the
21 service. And with the number of people
22 who -- the increased number of people who
23 have signed up for Medicaid through the
24 exchange, the trend is the actual Medicaid
1 usage of ambulance services is up. And we
2 have a very inadequate Medicaid rate being
3 paid to the ambulance providers.
4 And so this is exactly why we have
5 inserted supplemental Medicaid payments in
6 the last number of budgets, and of course
7 that is matched by federal payments as well.
8 I've always viewed this as a Band-Aid or at
9 least a lifeline to our ambulance providers,
10 but critically important to them.
11 So I'm very concerned about the
12 proposal to eliminate the supplemental
13 ambulance payments, or there's language about
14 reprogramming those dollars, but we really
15 don't know what that means.
16 So I have a three-part question.
17 Number one, do you recognize that we do in
18 fact have a problem here? And number two,
19 where is the report that was due to us on
20 December 31st in terms of a study of Medicaid
21 rate adequacy as it relates to ambulance
22 services, where is that report? And what is
23 your recommendation for ambulance Medicaid
24 rates going forward?
2 can answer that. So the report is near
3 complete. It took us a little bit more time
4 than anticipated, primarily because the
5 providers -- we had to gather cost
6 information from providers, but there was
7 some hesitancy, some concern that once the
8 data was submitted to us that it would
9 potentially be made public. And many of
10 these entities are competitors, and there was
11 a fear that this information would be seen as
12 proprietary. Now, I argue that the
13 information we were asking for is very
14 similar to what we see in terms of
15 information from almost any other provider
16 that submits a cost report to the state.
17 But that said, we tried to be
18 respectful of some of those concerns, but it
19 did take us a little bit more time to gather
20 the data to drive the report. But the report
21 is near final.
22 Our intent with our budget proposal is
23 that that $6 million will be invested within
24 ambulance services, and it will be basically
1 invested in ways consistent with the findings
2 of the report. So as soon as the report is
3 disclosed or finalized, we will put it out
4 for everyone to see, and that will show you
5 exactly where we think investment should be
6 made.
7 I think what the report will show --
8 and as I say, we haven't quite finalized it.
9 But I think we anticipate that over the next
10 several years we'll be looking to make
11 targeted investments in the area, because I
12 think overall we do conclude that there are
13 some rate issues embedded within ambulance
14 services.
15 I would say you are right, Medicaid
16 enrollment has grown because of the
17 Affordable Care Act, but the uninsured rate
18 has also declined precipitously. In fact,
19 we've cut the uninsured rate in half in
20 New York because of the Affordable Care Act.
21 So there's some benefit and some challenge
22 there in terms of for ambulance providers,
23 along with anyone else.
24 But that said, I think that the
1 report -- which will be out very shortly, in
2 the next week or so -- will provide a lot
3 more clarity in terms of our intention. And
4 happy to answer any questions from the
5 Legislature on it, and apologies for it not
6 being with you sooner.
7 SENATOR SEWARD: So you say in the
8 next week or so.
10 SENATOR SEWARD: That's critically
11 important, because at this point it's
12 impossible for us to make a judgment
13 regarding, you know, how we will go forward
14 in this budget.
15 I have concerns with the lack of that
16 report and that information. I have very
17 grave concerns about, you know, the
18 elimination of the -- what we have done in
19 the past in terms of the supplemental
20 Medicaid payments. But we'll have to make a
21 judgment in terms of what you're recommending
22 in that report. But you're not sharing --
23 you can't share it with us, your
24 recommendations, today?
2 the recommendations really are a product of
3 that report. So -- but as I say, those --
4 and I apologize, I wish we would have gotten
5 it done quicker. Some of the issues I
6 described made it a little challenging. But
7 it will be coming out shortly, and I think
8 we'll have plenty of time to answer your
9 questions in advance of -- before the budget
10 gets finalized.
11 SENATOR SEWARD: Did you -- the first
12 part of my question was do you recognize that
13 there is a problem here.
15 that -- and while we, as I say, haven't
16 finished the report, I think the analysis
17 that's been done to date does suggest that
18 there are some issues embedded within
19 ambulance reimbursement that need to be
20 addressed. And I think one of the things
21 we'd like to do over the next several years
22 is to begin to address some of those
23 imbalances.
24 This year's global spending cap, as
1 you'll see, is extremely tight. There
2 literally are no new investments this year,
3 and that's primarily a result of two factors.
4 Factor number one is the prescription drug
5 problem that we described earlier, and the
6 second is growth in managed long-term care,
7 which you also have seen some proposals in
8 our budget to look at.
9 But because of that cost pressure,
10 unfortunately we don't have a lot of
11 flexibility this year. But we potentially
12 will have more flexibility next year, pending
13 what happens in Washington.
14 SENATOR SEWARD: Well, thank you.
15 We'll have to make our judgments once we see
16 that report in the next week or so.
17 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Assemblyman
18 Garbarino.
20 Bob.
21 Just a follow-up. Under the drug
22 price proposal, there's a proposed
23 $55 million in savings. Where is that coming
24 from? Is there a set list of drugs that
1 you're already looking at? Or, I mean, how
2 did you come up with the number 55 million?
4 mentioned by Dr. Zucker, the kinds of issues
5 that we see where this proposal could be
6 applied, or there's basically a subset of
7 those issues, we looked at where those issues
8 historically have occurred and what the rates
9 of increase have been.
10 And working with our actuaries, we did
11 some estimates in terms of what we thought
12 could be done as a result of the power of
13 this proposal. And so it was really looking
14 at historic -- because in essence, the
15 proposal is in essence prospective. We don't
16 know in the next 12 calendar months what
17 manufacturers will do relative to their
18 pricing strategies. So as a result, it's
19 hard -- what we've provided to legislative
20 staff, happy to provide to members, are some
21 examples of drug company practices in the
22 past, to give you a sense of the magnitude.
23 But basically, in the case of the
24 Medicaid savings, the 55 million, in essence
1 it's a combination of some supplemental,
2 additional supplemental rebates that we will
3 be generating, as well as some proceeds from
4 the surcharge that would return back to
5 Medicaid, as it would return back to any of
6 the purchasers.
7 But as Dr. Zucker said, our goal with
8 this proposal is not to actually put any
9 manufacturer in the penalty box. Our goal is
10 that they will change behavior, as they did
11 in the case of generics, in response to our
12 300 percent ceiling on price increases. And
13 as a result, we will generate savings not
14 through surcharge revenue or through
15 additional rebates, but simply lower prices
16 and slower growth in pharmaceutical
17 expenditures overall.
19 the state already pay the cheapest -- under
20 federal Medicaid law, don't we already pay
21 the cheapest prices out there?
23 not insulate us from the kind of practices
24 that we have seen. We get federal rebates
1 designed to provide us with lower prices, but
2 the phenomenon of things like hepatitis C and
3 the rise in the cost of that have been the
4 key factor that's driving billions of dollars
5 of additional expense. And just because we
6 get some additional things that allow us
7 cheaper, doesn't mean that a bad practice by
8 a manufacturer is prevented.
10 a drug is increased in price, you know, we
11 are limited to only the CPI. So if it goes
12 up 500 percent, like you said before, for a
13 PBM but CPI is only 1 percent, the state only
14 has to pay that additional 1 percent.
15 So if a PBM is willing to negotiate a
16 500 percent increase, who are we to tell
17 them, you know, what they privately
18 negotiated? Who are we to say, "No, you know
19 what, you don't have to pay that, we're
20 setting this price"?
22 you're referring to is a federal change that
23 is designed to slow the growth of drugs that
24 have been already on the market, to allow
1 price growth of no more than CPI.
2 And that policy was an outgrowth of
3 practices that -- and we could give you some
4 examples of drugs where we saw, particularly
5 as you approach the end of the patent life,
6 all of a sudden spikes in prices, where it's
7 the same molecule, the same exact drug that
8 was available 10 years before, and now the
9 price -- in the case of one example we looked
10 at, over a decade the price of Abilify
11 increased by 2.5 times, even though the drug
12 Abilify was no different than it had been
13 when first introduced into the market. And
14 so those kind of practices, we believe, will
15 begin to be hemmed in by the CPI policy.
16 That policy does not stop a
17 manufacturer's first price out of the box
18 being outrageous, and that is exactly the
19 problem we saw with the hepatitis C agents,
20 that that CPI policy does nothing to prevent
21 that practice.
23 understand that. So you have this DURB board
24 that's going to address those new drugs. Are
1 there any -- you know, does the DURB take
2 into account the R&D? It's only 12 percent
3 of drugs that go to trial, make it. So are
4 they only looking at the R&D for that
5 specific drug that made it, or are they
6 taking into it the other costs of the
7 manufacturers? Because based on the law, I
8 don't think there's anybody from the
9 manufacturers on the DURB board, under the
10 increased numbers.
11 So are they looking at the other costs
12 that the manufacturers have to spend?
13 Because, you know, I'm afraid that what this
14 is going to do is it's going -- you know,
15 it's a dangerous proposal that might squash
16 innovation. You know, if they can't make up
17 the money that they spent on 88 percent of
18 drugs that didn't make it, you know, what's
19 going to happen here?
21 would say that clearly our goal is not to
22 squash innovation, our goal is to identify
23 the outliers -- where there's a bad practice,
24 where a manufacturer exploits their patent
1 period to charge a price that is completely
2 beyond the pale. That is the goal. I mean,
3 and as I'm saying, only a very small subset
4 of drugs would ever be applicable for the
5 surcharge in the Governor's proposal. The
6 vast majority of drugs that come to market
7 are not priced in these kind of ways, and
8 therefore would not be impacted negatively in
9 any way.
10 Obviously we will be pulling
11 information from a wide variety of sources.
12 We will include information that is provided
13 directly by the manufacturer, who in essence
14 will be given an absolute opportunity to
15 justify their costs, including reflecting the
16 R&D that they put into it.
17 I think the issue, and it's been well
18 publicized -- there are many examples that
19 you can look across in the last few years of
20 where even when you take into account those
21 R&D costs, even when you take into account
22 other types of circumstances, you really
23 can't -- and I think most rational people
24 can't really justify or find a way to justify
1 some of these prices.
2 But as said, our hope at the end of
3 the day is that there's a chilling effect
4 from this policy and we don't actually ever
5 have to enact this program, because practice
6 will change from the recent times.
8 Senator?
10 Our next speaker is Senator Liz
11 Krueger.
12 SENATOR KRUEGER: Good morning.
13 So I feel like I want to do
14 lightning-rounds, because --
15 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: I'm sorry, Senator,
16 before we do that, I'd like to announce that
17 Senator Leroy Comrie has just joined us.
18 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you.
19 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you. Sorry
20 about that.
22 lightning-round.
23 So Assemblymember Cahill before raised
24 the issue with you about the Essential Health
1 Plan and the $20 per month premium that
2 you're expecting people to pay. I just want
3 to highlight, the percentage amounts reflect
4 incredibly low incomes. And these are
5 working people, so assume incredibly low
6 incomes minus 40 percent off for taxes. So
7 that dollar amount can make a difference.
8 But you further propose in this budget
9 that you're going to index the increases,
10 based on the CPI --
12 SENATOR KRUEGER: -- that you use for
13 other insurance packages. Well, this
14 population is much more like a Medicaid
15 population than the private insurance. So
16 Medicaid's been a 3 percent increase, not a
17 CPI of like 17 percent for the private
18 insurance.
19 So I oppose the whole proposal. But I
20 would urge you at least to, if you're looking
21 at indexing, reflect a Medicaid reality, not
22 a private insurance reality. Can I ask you
23 to consider that?
1 to further consideration as we move forward.
2 Obviously the purpose of that policy -- that
3 policy can be re-explored by the Legislature
4 each and every year as we move forward.
5 You know, I think the broader point is
6 that in every state other than New York and
7 Minnesota, this program does not exist and
8 people are buying insurance through the
9 qualified health plans and are paying
10 considerably more than even under the
11 Governor's proposal. So we still think, at
12 the end of the day, overall the essential
13 plan remains very affordable, compared to
14 virtually every other state in the country.
15 SENATOR KRUEGER: Well, we've had
16 better success than most states, I think,
17 because we were smart about it. So I don't
18 want us to reverse our trend.
19 And there was discussions about
20 what-if with other government funding
21 decreasing during the year and ACA and all of
22 that. But I'm particularly concerned about
23 the loss of money for reproductive and
24 women's health because it does appear that
1 Congress is fast-tracking trying to do away
2 with funding for reproductive health, Planned
3 Parenthood centers.
4 What is the state going to do to make
5 sure these providers are kept whole in this
6 budget year pending a loss of the federal
7 money?
9 Governor is committed to the issues of
10 women's health. We've seen this with the
11 issues of breast cancer, the Breast Cancer
12 Initiative, we've seen this with --
13 SENATOR KRUEGER: I'm not challenging
14 his commitment, I'm saying what are we doing
15 with the money when they lose the federal
16 money?
18 look -- we will look and see where the
19 resources are and -- to be sure that all of
20 what the women's health clinics and all that
21 they serve will be -- those needs will be
22 met, whether issues of sexual health, issues
23 of Planned Parenthood and others.
24 SENATOR KRUEGER: So you know how much
1 money, right, because you have all that data.
2 And they're actually testifying later, and
3 they've broken it down also. So we're
4 talking a decent chunk of money between the
5 various funding streams and the matches with
6 Medicaid and the Title XX. So --
8 SENATOR KRUEGER: So you are watching
9 that and --
10 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: We're watching.
11 SENATOR KRUEGER: Are you prepared to
12 say you're committing to making sure we don't
13 lose the dollars for these important programs
14 this year?
16 and take a look at those programs and see
17 where we are.
18 SENATOR KRUEGER: The Governor's
19 budget proposes a three-year extension of
20 HCRA within the budget. HCRA is an enormous
21 tax package for healthcare. There have been
22 concerns raised that the money is not
23 actually going for what it was intended to go
24 for originally. I personally believe we
1 ought to do a separate evaluation of HCR in
2 2017, and where we're going. But let's just
3 talk about two issues within it quickly.
4 One, the formula for bad-debt charity
5 payments through HCRA doesn't actually seem
6 to match which hospitals are actually
7 providing the most care to the indigent
8 bad-debt charity population. So is there any
9 plan to reevaluate how that section of HCRA
10 is distributed?
11 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I will go back
12 and look at how the distribution is, although
13 HCRA -- we're not decreasing anything on --
14 we're changing the program, the accounts
15 of -- the HCRA program accounts at all. I
16 mean, HCRA's been involved in Doctors Across
17 New York and many other programs.
18 So -- but I will look and see where
19 the numbers are and how that's being divided
20 up.
21 SENATOR KRUEGER: No, I agree, you're
22 not saying you're going to change it. I'm
23 saying it's time that everybody, including
24 the Legislature, ought to take a look at it.
1 Because how that money is spent is very
2 different than the original commitments that
3 were met -- that were offered to the public
4 when we created and then later continued
7 excellent services that HCRA is providing --
8 the school-based health clinics and many
9 other areas. So no --
10 SENATOR KRUEGER: I don't disagree. I
11 think there's really important programs in
12 there. I'm saying for the sake of
13 transparency and a dialogue between the
14 Legislature, the public and the Executive,
15 it's time to take a look at that.
16 Because it's over --
17 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: We will do that.
18 Glad to do it.
19 SENATOR KRUEGER: -- I think it's over
20 6 billion or just below 6 billion a year.
22 check. I'll check.
23 SENATOR KRUEGER: All right, thank
24 you. And then -- oh, zero. Damn. Maybe
1 I'll have Round 2. Thank you.
4 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Assemblyman Ra.
5 ASSEMBLYMAN RA: Thank you.
6 I just wanted to go into the proposal
7 for the Healthcare Regulation and
8 Modernization Team. And I was just looking
9 for some more specifics, because obviously,
10 you know, regulation may in some instances
11 here be a misnomer, because we're also
12 talking about statutory or potential
13 statutory changes that may be recommended,
14 but in particular with these demonstration
15 teams, actions that would normally be the
16 purview of the Legislature.
17 So can you expand how you feel these
18 demonstration teams would work?
20 So the issue here is that we have been
21 living in an environment that is dramatically
22 changing in how healthcare is being
23 delivered. And we are living with
24 regulations that have been put into place
1 in -- years ago. And it needs -- the whole
2 system needs an upgrade. I mean, we
3 upgrade -- we upgrade our phones, we upgrade
4 information that's out there. And we feel
5 that it is important -- and the Governor's
6 commitment is -- that we need to look at all
7 these regulations and get them up to the
8 21st century.
9 And that's what we're going to do. We
10 will work with you, work with the Legislature
11 on this. But I think that in an effort to
12 make sure that we are providing 21st-century
13 care, those regulations need to change,
14 including everything from scope of practice,
15 certificate of need -- and I can go down the
16 list, but I'm sure you know them as well.
17 ASSEMBLYMAN RA: So going into
18 something like the scope of practice, which
19 in many ways can be a legislative issue, when
20 you do one of these demonstration projects,
21 though, I mean, it doesn't seem specific as
22 to how long one of those could go on. Is
23 there any, you know -- I guess this is some
24 type of an experiment, I guess, for lack of a
1 better word, of a new technique or a new
2 expansion of a scope of practice. How long
3 would something like that go on before there
4 would be, you know, work with the Legislature
5 on a permanent change?
7 this is where we want to work with you on
8 this. I think that we need to start to look
9 at the regulations that are out there, figure
10 out what is just literally outdated, what
11 other new things need to be put in place.
12 And with regards to scope of practice,
13 there has been a dramatic change. We -- 20
14 years ago nurse practitioners, physician's
15 assistants were not doing the things that --
16 for instance, Assemblyman, they weren't as
17 big a component of healthcare delivery.
18 Today they are a significant component of
19 healthcare delivery. We need to move these
20 things forward. Pharmacists -- we've been
21 talking a lot about drug prices, but
22 pharmacists in general are an integral part
23 of the system of healthcare delivery. And we
24 need to change the scope of practice so that
1 they are more -- the critical roles that they
2 play, the regulations match that.
3 We're glad to work with you on this.
4 ASSEMBLYMAN RA: Yeah, I mean I would
5 certainly agree this is a field that's always
6 changing. Technology changes rapidly, all
7 these different things. So I think that's
8 appropriate and putting together people that
9 are dealing with these things, practically,
10 in the field, is a great thing and we've done
11 it in many other areas. But I think my
12 concern and the concern of a lot of other
13 people is the potential for, through these
14 demonstration projects, things to be done
15 that are normally the purview of the
16 Legislature. So I think I -- I guess I'd
17 rather see it in a way that, you know, they
18 would come to us and say, We need to
19 modernize this, this, this and this, which
20 would be great, and then hopefully the
21 Legislature would take appropriate action.
22 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: So this is where
23 we would sit down with legislators, other
24 stakeholders, experts, the department, all of
1 us, sit down and have a meeting of the minds
2 and say, Okay, what are some of the things
3 that we need to do, what are some of the
4 challenges that you have experienced, that
5 you've heard from your constituents, some of
6 the things that the hospitals have told us,
7 some of the things that patients, obviously,
8 who are your constituents, have told you, and
9 our expertise from within the department.
10 So we will do this. We'll move
11 forward.
13 we actually have, Assemblyman, a precedent
14 for this. The Legislature granted to the
15 Departments of Health, OMH, OASAS and OPWDD
16 commissioners the ability to waive
17 regulations on a case-by-case basis that
18 stood in the way of DSRIP objectives. We've
19 done that now a couple of hundred times.
20 It's been very well received. In essence, it
21 allows us to test some regulatory flexibility
22 that eventually could help inform broader
23 policy that we could bring back hopefully to
24 the Legislature. In that case it's
1 time-limited to the DSRIP period, so it's
2 basically until the end of the decade.
3 But I do think there's some really
4 important lessons there that this team will
5 be able to look at that -- and then obviously
6 if there's more structural change to be made
7 on a statewide basis, we'll have to bring
8 that back to the Legislature.
9 ASSEMBLYMAN RA: And then I just
10 wanted to ask about one other thing. The
11 capital funding and Montefiore, is the
12 criteria that that $50 million came from
13 similar to that safety-net legislation that
14 was passed by the Legislature and vetoed by
15 the Governor? Or what was the methodology to
16 come to that number?
18 $50 million was given to Montefiore --
19 Montefiore serves a million lives in the area
20 of the Bronx, and we felt that that -- in an
21 effort for them to continue to move forward
22 what they're doing in healthcare
23 transformation, this would be an appropriate
24 allocation of resources.
2 Senator?
3 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Senator Savino.
4 SENATOR SAVINO: Thank you, Senator
5 Young. Thank you, Commissioners.
6 I want to go back to the issue that
7 Senator Seward brought up earlier about the
8 ambulances. As you know, many of them are
9 sitting behind you, and we'll be hearing from
10 some of them later on today, so I'm not going
11 to belabor the point. I understand the
12 report is coming; we anticipate there will be
13 some changes.
14 But I just want to make the point and
15 stress it that we're going to hear from them
16 later about there hasn't been an increase in
17 ambulance rates to them since 2008. And with
18 the looming minimum wage increases and the
19 compression issue that it places on them,
20 this is really placing many of these
21 ambulance companies in an untenable
22 situation.
23 And we're seeing the same effect on
24 them that we're seeing across the human
1 service providers in the state, whether they
2 be direct care professionals or they be home
3 care providers or they be in our daycare
4 centers, you know, where we have people who
5 are highly skilled and qualified but because
6 of this hard cap on Medicaid, they are stuck
7 in a low-wage industry. And we're going to
8 be losing people who we depend upon to take
9 care of our most vulnerable people, whether
10 they be the previously mentioned population
11 or moving people who are sick -- we're going
12 to be losing them to fast food work.
13 I mean, so I just think we really need
14 to think about what we're saying as a state
15 when we keep them under this hard cap. So I
16 just want to make that statement clearly.
17 Now, with the limited time I have
18 left, I would like to talk about my favorite
19 subject, medical marijuana.
20 (Laughter.)
22 SENATOR SAVINO: No one else has
23 brought it up, I will.
24 I do want to say thank you to the
1 department for rapidly making the changes
2 that have been requested. You know, the
3 program has only been up and running for two
4 years. We would like to see it grow, we
5 would -- no pun intended. But I do think
6 that you have been responsive to changes that
7 have been requested, and I want to thank you
8 for that.
9 The one thing I would caution, though,
10 is -- I know there seems to be some direction
11 that you might be moving in about expanding
12 the number of licenses. I would strongly
13 caution against that at this point. Right
14 now we have five registered organizations who
15 are struggling financially because the entire
16 burden is upon them. And we would not want
17 to see one of them go under.
18 The reality is they have excess
19 product. We don't have excess patients. And
20 I know that you are working towards expanding
21 the patient base, working with physicians,
22 and we're doing the best we can there. I do
23 think, though, that the way we can expand
24 access to patients who are far-flung around
1 the state -- because we only have 20
2 dispensaries -- is the creation of a limited
3 license for dispensary only. And I think
4 that's something that you should consider.
5 That, in my opinion, will do a lot more to
6 get access to patients than expanding fully
7 registered organizations.
8 And finally, I really, really think
9 that you all should come out and see what you
10 have created here in New York State. From an
11 industry perspective, it is considered the
12 best medical model in the country. And to my
13 colleagues, if you have not had the
14 opportunity to go and visit one of these grow
15 houses, you really should go see what we are
16 doing here in New York State. It is amazing.
17 And quite frankly, you are largely
18 responsible for the model that we have right
19 here. So you should own it, be proud of it,
20 and go take a look at it.
22 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you, Senator.
23 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Yes, I just had a
24 couple of questions.
1 When you were speaking with
2 Assemblyman Gottfried earlier, you talked
3 some about pharmaceutical rebates. And you
4 said you knew how much that it -- do we have
5 the numbers for the recent year and what we
6 anticipate in this budget for being the total
7 amount of the rebates?
9 there's two kinds of rebates. There's what
10 we call the over rebates, or the federal
11 rebates referenced earlier, where the
12 rebate's associated with we being, quote,
13 unquote, guaranteed lowest price. That's the
14 vast majority of the rebates. Those rebates
15 account for roughly about 40 percent of total
16 drug spend.
17 The remaining rebates, which are the
18 supplemental rebates, which are either
19 negotiated on behalf of the state or by the
20 state for fee-for-service or by the Medicaid
21 managed care plans, account for about 5
22 percent of total spend.
23 So doing the math off the top of my
24 head, I think the drug spend is somewhere in
1 the 6-to-7-billion-dollar range, so that
2 gives you a flavor. But I can get you the
3 exact numbers. But just roughly, of our
4 gross spend, about 45 percent is offset by
5 rebate.
7 anticipate that as a growing number in this
8 year's budget?
10 anticipate that the percentage will stay
11 about the same, but obviously as pharmacy
12 spend grows, so do the rebates.
13 Now, unfortunately the rebates don't
14 cover all the growth in total gross
15 expenditure, but they obviously do offset.
16 So rebate revenue goes up as pharmacy spend
17 goes up.
18 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: With the Medicaid
19 growth cap, is that applied to the full
20 amount spent on pharmaceuticals, or is it on
21 the rebate?
23 Medicaid global spending cap applies to the
24 state share of Medicaid expenditures. So
1 there are in essence, in New York, three
2 forms of support for Medicaid. There's the
3 federal share, which is the largest, there is
4 the state share, and then there's the local
5 share. And local share was capped a number
6 of years ago, and in fact because of the
7 Affordable Care Act has actually declined
8 because enhanced federal monies because of
9 the Affordable Care Act has reduced the local
10 share.
11 The global cap applies to the state
12 share -- specifically, about 90 percent of
13 the state share, not all of it. Certain
14 parts of the program, since the beginning of
15 the global cap, have been outside. Most of
16 that's within OPWDD. And so that -- the
17 global cap itself applies just to that state
18 share. So the local share has a separate cap
19 and then federal share -- so with DSRIP or
20 other things where we've got additional
21 federal funds, those are not capped.
22 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: So when we get the
23 rebates, does that come back to the Medicaid
24 program or does it --
2 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: It does. Back to
3 the General Fund?
5 offsets the state share.
7 When the commissioner of the Office
8 for the Aging was here, they mentioned that
9 the NY Connects program is now going to be
10 funded under the cap. Do you know how much
11 is being allocated for that?
13 top of my head, I can't remember the exact
14 amount, but yes. Although you'll see on the
15 global cap scorecard a little bit of savings.
16 We anticipated this.
17 The initial funding source was
18 Balancing Incentive Payment Program, which
19 was a federal program, enhanced federal
20 monies. We used those funds to help launch
21 the statewide application of NY Connects.
22 It's, as folks are aware, Aging Disability
23 Resource Centers that we had in a number of
24 counties, but was not a statewide program.
1 It is now a statewide program, and
2 we're very excited about that. We used
3 federal funds to launch it. But as those
4 federal funds phase out, we need to replace
5 that with state resources. And the global
6 cap, a couple of years ago, agreed that
7 eventually it would take on that
8 responsibility. But we did get a short-term
9 extension of the BIPP funds, so the fiscal
10 impact for us is a little bit less than the
11 global cap anticipated. That's why you see a
12 little bit of savings.
13 But the amount we're going to absorb,
14 I -- we can get it for you, I just can't
15 remember it off the top of my head.
16 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: But we don't have a
17 specific appropriation for NY Connects now?
19 whether or not there is a -- I don't have
20 the -- I don't understand -- I don't know
21 what the appropriation structure is for it.
22 But the idea is that the global cap would be
23 the source of the local dollars necessary to
24 keep -- because the thing about aging
1 disability resource centers are -- or
2 NY Connects, as we call them -- is that they
3 serve a more general population. They're the
4 place that families can go if they have a
5 member of their family who may now all of a
6 sudden need some additional help at home but
7 aren't Medicaid-eligible.
8 So they're providing counseling,
9 support, connection to services that are
10 beyond the Medicaid program. But the thought
11 was since BIPP was the funding source to
12 launch them -- and in fact a requirement of
13 that program was that we had statewide
14 access -- that it would make sense for the
15 Medicaid global cap to pick up those expenses
16 on a go-forward basis.
19 Senator Hannon.
20 SENATOR HANNON: A wide-ranging number
21 of different things.
22 I just want to return, Commissioner,
23 to the very first question I asked, because I
24 got some notes from people and they said, oh,
1 Senator Rivera was the first who talked about
2 the powers. Obviously they came late to the
3 hearing, because my first question was the
4 powers that you've asked for for making
5 adjustments if there's a reduction in
6 spending.
7 It's far too much. I don't think it's
8 going to happen at all. The question will
9 be, is there going to be a reasonable
10 alternative? We do not intend to let people
11 run the things the way they want. It's a
12 consultive process. And as several leaders
13 in the Legislature have said this year, this
14 is a three-branch government. So I think we
15 can continue, I'll just make the point again
16 that I had made before.
17 A number of other things going
18 forward. And in regard to powers, the whole
19 transformation committee, it's a good idea.
20 You're absolutely right about the need to
21 modernize a lot of the standards that go into
22 how we do approval of health entities,
23 whether it's too elongated a process, too
24 elaborate, has too many artificial rules that
1 are just archaic.
2 But I don't think it can be an MRT
3 process. It's not going to be something
4 where everybody meets, the gurus from your
5 department go behind black doors and then
6 come out with, you know, pronouncements: Of
7 the 40,000 things submitted to this
8 committee, we have come up with 80. So --
9 all due respect, Medicaid Director Helgerson,
10 so it really has to be a collaborative
11 process.
12 A couple of other -- lots of other
13 things. The Washington action. It's not
14 just the ACA. There were two things that
15 were very crucial to New York when they
16 passed it. One was the -- what we call the
17 Essential Health Plan, they called it the
18 Basic Health Plan. I'm very worried about
19 it. It became something we were able to
20 extend care to many people who didn't get it.
21 But we're one of only two states in the
22 entire nation that took advantage of it. And
23 I think we're especially fragile, and there
24 ought to be some type of consideration of
1 what will happen if that does not survive.
2 One other thing is the DSH payments
3 themselves were reduced on the thought that
4 ACA would have greater coverage, therefore
5 hospitals would have more patients, therefore
6 you didn't need the disproportionate share
7 payments as much as possible. The question
8 will be, what will they deal with? Will they
9 repeal everything and therefore restore the
10 DSH, or whether they just repeal everything
11 and New York, which gets a high percentage of
12 the total DSH in the nation, will get hurt.
13 And the same thing in another way with
14 the graduate medical education, because we're
15 one of a few states to get a lot of graduate
16 medical education.
17 Construction. Your proposal is for
18 $300 million bonding, $200 million
19 appropriation, carving out about $50 million
20 for Montefiore and $30 million for community
21 health centers.
23 SENATOR HANNON: I wonder if that's
24 going to be sufficient. I wonder if there's
1 not going to be more proposals. There's
2 several thoughts to it. It's not just the
3 size of this, but it's the management of it.
4 Included as part of that management will be
5 knowing what the awards are from last year's
6 budget for $195 million. I think it's
7 essential to know what's happened with those
8 awards so we can make an evaluation as to
9 what more may be needed, whether -- and then,
10 as we're setting the rules for the
11 construction money this year, whether we
12 should simply allow people who were eligible
13 but did not win last year to be eligible this
14 year, whether we should have all new bidding,
15 or whether we should have a mixture of those
16 two rules.
17 But getting those out would be really
18 essential, and I don't see going along with
19 the construction until we see what happened.
20 But there is an extraordinary amount
21 of construction money that is out there. You
22 have the Brooklyn, you have the Utica, you
23 have the last year's 195, you have a
24 revolving loan fund of 19.5 million, you have
1 10 million to behavioral health providers,
2 you have 10 million for the all-payer
3 database, and you have 30 million for the
5 Now, we have gone through a lot of
6 different dialogue on the SHIN-NY. And I do
7 believe the department has done excellent
8 work, it's on the right course. But we
9 always expected that the appropriation of
10 30 million for SHIN-NY, 10 million for
11 all-payer database, would be a diminishing
12 appropriation. It's not. In fact, I think
13 it's the same number this year as it was last
14 year, and it's projected it may be the same
15 again next year.
16 I have asked for and the Senate has
17 asked for the budgets of the SHIN-NY per se,
18 the private organization called NYeC, and
19 then the subsidiary -- they're not even a
20 subsidiary, they're affiliate entities called
21 RHIOs, regional health information
22 organizations. The list of money from the
23 30 million that goes to the RHIOs is about 6
24 to 8 million each. I'd like to know what
1 it's going for, how it's going, so we can
2 measure the progress and see where it is.
3 Going back to DSH, Senator Valesky
4 made that the point that all of a sudden in
5 October or November, SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY
6 Syracuse got letters that said, We're not
7 giving you the 30 million each you thought
8 you were getting in DSH. Right in the middle
9 of their budget year. Well, and you made the
10 point, Mr. Helgerson, that, well, everybody
11 else has a government entity that provides
12 the nonmatching share and allows New York
13 City, Nassau County, Westchester -- my point
14 to you, and it's not necessarily your area,
15 but SUNY is the state. SUNY should be
16 putting that up. Just saying that they're
17 different than the others and you don't have
18 a local government to do it is not an answer.
19 The state has that obligation. And
20 especially the obligation of not pulling the
21 rug out in the middle of a fiscal year. So I
22 think that needs to be totally rethought.
23 Senator Seward rightfully, and Senator
24 Savino, covered the report in regard to
1 ambulance and where we're going on that.
2 The PBMs. One of your big proposals
3 is to have a disclosure piece for PBMs,
4 pharmaceutical benefit managers. There's no
5 fiscal attached to it, so it's really a
6 quixotic type of proposal. When I started
7 inquiring, the idea was, well, the state
8 needs to find out what the information is.
9 Well, I would strongly disagree that
10 you need to find out, because you have at
11 hand that information. The State Civil
12 Service Commission runs the Empire Program
13 for the, I don't know, 200,000 state
14 employees. They have a PBM. They got the
15 PBM by going out and having a request for
16 proposals. They formed the request for
17 proposals by hiring a consultant. All of
18 that is public information saying how these
19 PBMs work and don't work.
20 Also, each one of the Medicaid managed
21 care companies has a PBM. They're under your
22 thumb. Now, I know your proposal does not
23 deal with Medicaid PBMs, it only deals with
24 commercial. But how they work -- they're the
1 same PBMs, and how they work is exactly the
2 same.
3 So I'm really puzzled by this whole
4 thing and don't know where we need to go,
5 because I'm also challenged by the same thing
6 as you are in regard to drugs. I mean, we do
7 have to do something. We have screamed about
8 different things like the EpiPens, which we
9 helped create, and then when the -- Mylan put
10 it up to $600, we got the Attorney General to
11 say he'd do an antitrust investigation. It's
12 starting to come down.
13 This week we saw Marathon Drug, in an
14 outrageous thing, take a drug that was used
15 and still available in Europe for $1200 a
16 year, change a molecule, go through the FDA,
17 say it's now on the market for $89,000 a
18 year. Well, a lot of people screamed. And
19 as last I read, they go -- they're rethinking
20 that. Well, they ought to. It's for an
21 orphan sickness, and it needs to be
22 addressed.
23 But I don't know that we need to do --
24 I don't know, do we have the power to do what
1 you're suggesting, whether we have the
2 constitutional power to tell a company: You
3 must sell it to us, and you can only charge
4 so much. They always have the right not to
5 sell it to us. But can we go in and say, We
6 can set the price for you? I don't know if
7 we have that power. I don't know if that's a
8 taking. We cannot do takings. I think there
9 needs to be a way to entice them to do this
10 and get these things to be reasonable,
11 because not only you complain about the
12 prices to your systems -- hospitals do, HMOs
13 do. We know that it has to be addressed.
14 Long-term care. It is a growing
15 crisis in the state, and it will lead me into
16 comments on the global cap. When the MLTC,
17 managed long-term care companies, are the
18 ones that are the conduit to funds -- and
19 perhaps management -- to home care and to
20 certain patients in nursing homes, one would
21 think that might be a system that would work.
22 Home care complains bitterly. Nursing
23 homes for the patients that are under managed
24 care complain bitterly. And when I've had
1 very fierce conversations with the managed
2 long-term care plans, they complain bitterly
3 about what you're doing to them.
4 And I said this last year during the
5 budget conference committees, so it's not
6 new. And it's gotten worse. What I'm afraid
7 of, in the course of -- during the year,
8 Medicaid Matters came out with a very thick
9 report as to what is going on with managed
10 long-term care and the number of denials that
11 are happening to cases. And how those
12 denials, when they go to fair hearing
13 appeals, are overturned. A substantial
14 percentage, over 90 percent, are overturned.
15 And now one of the legal services in
16 New York City has gone to federal court.
17 They're going to use that type of overturning
18 high percentage as their proof. All of a
19 sudden, we're going to be faced with the
20 courts running it, we're going to be faced
21 with the same type of problem we had with our
22 overreimbursement in mental health or having
23 the federal government run our jails. It
24 needs to be addressed.
1 And we might as well say, look, it's
2 being held down because we have to control
3 the cost because of the global cap. The
4 global cap has served a purpose of holding
5 spending. But it's also a global cap that is
6 far too flexible, has far too many leaks,
7 doesn't cover the problem.
8 You said to Senator Young that there
9 are other health expenditures that are not
10 under the cap. We know you had to, as a
11 matter of practicality, put the minimum wage
12 outside the cap. We know in the cap there's
13 a thing called the mental health improvement
14 of $2 billion. That doesn't necessarily have
15 to be in there. You moved something -- you
16 just told us about you moved something else
17 under the cap, something that I think --
18 NY Connects. Assemblyman Oaks questioned it.
19 This is not any longer more than a
20 shibboleth and a facade. We have to go back.
21 I know that you have done an admirable job of
22 controlling the spending and doing a lot of
23 delivery of care in a more efficient and
24 economical manner. But the cap has outlived
1 its purpose and needs to be addressed.
2 Whether you can do it for this budget or not,
3 we just have to recognize we're not going
4 there usefully in the future.
5 And lastly, I don't know why we need a
6 two-year budget for Medicaid. If we're going
7 to be that worried about Washington's action,
8 I don't see you having a two-year budget
9 whatsoever.
10 Those are my comments. We'll have a
11 lot of negotiation between now and
12 March 29th.
14 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Do you have any
15 response?
16 (Laughter.)
17 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Well, a couple
18 of things. A couple of quick things.
19 One is your comments about the capital
20 and the 30 million for the community
21 projects. And that's a minimum, because the
22 people are just assuming it's just
23 30 million. It's a minimum.
24 The other issue is the SHIN-NY. And I
1 believe that the health information network
2 is really the glue that is going to move us
3 forward into this 21st century of healthcare
4 and all the changes that we're doing. So I
5 recognize that you feel we continue to put
6 money into it. It's complicated. This whole
7 system is quite complicated. But we are
8 making great strides in this. And I
9 anticipate that -- soon that it will be sort
10 of a little more self-sufficient. But I
11 recognize that --
12 SENATOR HANNON: I know it's
13 complicated. And four years ago I said,
14 we're not doing any of it. And then the
15 compromise was, well, we'll give you a lot of
16 information and we'll have a committee that
17 will meet once. Well, that committee didn't
18 meet once, it's met 10 times. I've been at
19 each meeting. And it's useful. And as I
20 say, that's why I know that the department
21 did a very good job in information. And it's
22 now functioning statewide, but it needs
23 further growth. But it's not something we
24 just do automatically.
2 And on the issues of the federal
3 government, we're watching and we're engaged
4 to see where this goes. And I recognize that
5 the changes are happening relatively quickly,
6 and we need to see where we are on that.
7 The issues of the global cap, did you
8 want to comment on that?
10 couple of things. One, per-recipient
11 spending in New York Medicaid is now less
12 than we spent in 2000. So we have in fact
13 bent the cost curve quite substantially.
14 We've narrowed the gap between the national
15 average and what we spend on a per-recipient
16 basis, and that's been verified by
17 independent sources.
18 No question there are challenges, both
19 right before us and essentially on the
20 horizon, with changes in Washington. But
21 that said, I do think that the global cap has
22 provided a lot more transparency than this
23 program ever had. And it's introduced a
24 level of management oversight that didn't
1 exist before and a level of accountability
2 that didn't exist before.
3 And lastly, although this year is not
4 such a year, but in other years where we've
5 been able to hold costs below the allowable
6 trend, we've been able to make targeted
7 investments. There are probably about
8 30 hospitals in this state that are open
9 today in rural and in urban settings that
10 would not be open if it were not for savings
11 generated under the global cap.
12 There are people in supportive housing
13 today -- we have the largest Medicaid-funded
14 supportive housing program in the country.
15 We would not have had that if it were not for
16 the fact that we had the global cap allowable
17 growth and the ability, when we beat that
18 trend, to make investments, and now spend
19 about $100 million in those kind of
20 investments.
21 So I think overall the state has been
22 well-served by it. That said, each and every
23 year we should continue to revisit it and
24 welcome the scrutiny the Legislature brings
1 to that process.
3 thing is also we do believe this is -- the
4 pharmaceutical proposal is legal, and we will
5 move forward with it.
6 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Assemblyman Byrne.
7 SENATOR HANNON: Well, wait a minute,
8 I got one more comment.
9 Global cap? No. We've kept the
10 hospitals -- work with the hospitals has been
11 extraordinary, whether it's been in
12 inner-inner city or real rural, but we've had
13 a VAP program, we have a VAPAP program, we've
14 had a VBP QUIP program. This is -- this
15 year, it's close to -- it's $300 million.
16 That's money that's flowing. The other
17 programs I read, that's not the global cap.
18 The savings, the management you have, yes.
19 But we need a better structure to work
20 this around. Maybe when we get a chance to
21 look at HCRA -- and we're not making it
22 permanent nor one year, the various
23 proposals. When we look at HCRA, maybe we
24 can structure it that way. But already,
1 think of it, MRT is five years old. It's
2 time to renew it. And believe me, I haven't
3 even mentioned DSRIP. So ...
5 point, Senator, was that those funds, which
6 now are almost $500 million to provide that
7 extraordinary assistance, are all confined
8 within the confines of the global cap. So we
9 were able to find savings generally in the
10 program to help finance those programs.
11 If we had not had the savings -- in
12 addition to that, we lost a billion dollars
13 on a prospective basis in the middle of a
14 budget year -- in the middle of budget
15 negotiations, because of the changes in the
16 OPWDD financing system mandated by the
17 federal government. We absorbed that without
18 having to make a single reduction in a
19 benefit to any New Yorker or to raise taxes
20 or do anything else. And that was a direct
21 result of the fact that the global cap helped
22 drive efficiency and drive efficiency in the
23 sense we were reducing our per-recipient
24 spending.
1 SENATOR HANNON: I'll let you have the
2 last word.
3 (Laughter.)
5 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Now, Assemblyman
6 Byrne.
7 ASSEMBLYMAN BYRNE: All right, thank
8 you.
9 I know some of the questions were
10 asked and answered already, so thank you for
11 that.
12 Something that I see in my community
13 is the ever-growing rise of the heroin and
14 opioid addiction. And I know that we've
15 spent money on this in the past, and there's
16 $200 million in funds dedicated to fight this
17 crisis this year. My question is in regards
18 to naloxone and funding for that. How much
19 has been spend on funding Narcan in the past?
21 naloxone, we've spent $7 million on that.
22 But I think it's important to
23 recognize, 5200 lives have been saved as a
24 result of that, and 186,000 people have been
1 trained in the use, including 9500 law
2 enforcement. And this is one of the biggest
3 issues that we are facing, not only in
4 New York but right across the country. And
5 we've got to tackle it. It is a public
6 health crisis.
8 agree. I see this personally as a volunteer
9 firefighter and EMT in my district. One of
10 the things that we do see is an increase in
11 costs for ambulance services because of this
12 growing problem, particularly where I'm from
13 in the Hudson Valley. Is there any funding
14 available in the budget this year of that
15 $200 million to help the ambulance services
16 for Narcan?
18 the ambulance services, I understand the
19 concern and issue. In fact, in the
20 Hudson Valley we have a great example within
21 DSRIP of Ellenville Hospital, which is in the
22 Catskill Mountains, a critical-access
23 hospital that identified their
24 superutilizers, the people who went to the
1 emergency room 10 or more times in a
2 six-month period of time. And when they dove
3 into the root cause, 85 percent of it was
4 opioid addiction. And it actually galvanized
5 that small community into a community-wide
6 effort to really address the opioid crisis.
7 The other stat I would say -- which
8 blew me away -- is the U.S. population makes
9 up 5 percent of the world's population, yet
10 80 percent, today 80 percent of all the
11 opioid scripts written worldwide are in the
12 United States.
13 So you're absolutely right that opioid
14 addiction is a massive public health
15 challenge that faces us today, and we need to
16 grapple with it in every way, shape or form.
17 As to ambulance services, you know,
18 that's where that report comes out. We need
19 to look and we have been looking, and look
20 forward to the release of the report, and
21 then working with the Legislature to
22 potentially, over a period of years,
23 implement the recommendations of that report.
2 Senator Rivera.
3 SENATOR RIVERA: I'm baa-ack.
4 A couple of things. Let's start --
5 let's just go over one more as it relates to
6 the potential cuts that might happen from the
7 federal government. One in particular that
8 I'd be interested in would be if you have
9 been looking particularly at the services
10 that are provided by Planned Parenthood in
11 places of the state that are hard to access
12 where they are the main providers of
13 healthcare for women. Have you been thinking
14 about what cuts could happen? Because that's
15 something that could happen much quicker than
16 changes to the ACA or something else. Have
17 you all been thinking about that?
19 been looking at this issue and trying to --
20 as I mentioned to Senator Krueger, we're
21 trying to be sure that the women's health
22 services will always be available across
23 New York State.
24 SENATOR RIVERA: It will certainly be
1 important, and particularly in parts of the
2 state where that is the only place where
3 folks can access care.
4 Let's go quickly back to -- well, we
5 were talking as far as the Article VI
6 language. I know that that was related to
7 the reductions in reimbursement rates for
8 New York City, as opposed to other
9 localities, that impacts public health
10 programs. We dealt with it very, very
11 quickly at the end of the -- you know, when I
12 was trying to wrap up. So I want you to walk
13 me through that again as far as why the
14 choice was made to do that for the City of
15 New York and not for any other locality, and
16 what is the reasoning behind it?
17 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Well, that goes
18 back to the -- you know, this is -- obviously
19 we're looking at the budget closely, and as I
20 mentioned before, that per capita -- it's
21 only 42 percent of the -- I think it's 40,
22 43 percent of the population is in New York
23 City, but they're receiving 63 percent of the
24 funds.
1 So we -- and so we have cut it back.
2 But we've also, as I mentioned before, the
3 city has the advantage that they can still
4 get federal funds coming from CDC, coming
5 from HRSA, coming from other parts of the
6 federal government --
7 SENATOR RIVERA: Under normal
8 circumstances, of course. Remember, Orange
9 Madness.
11 But they do have the opportunity to access
12 additional funds. And I feel that that would
13 be a legitimate reason for moving from
14 36 percent to 29 percent for them.
15 SENATOR RIVERA: It certainly is --
16 you know I represent folks in the Bronx, and
17 you know very well, because that's -- it's
18 your old haunts.
20 SENATOR RIVERA: I represent the
21 neighborhood where you grew up. And there
22 are more than a few instances across the
23 budget -- not just in health, but across the
24 budget -- that seems to be a little, you
1 know, poke in the eye to the city where it's
2 not necessarily necessary, pardon the
3 oxymoron.
5 SENATOR RIVERA: And this seems one of
6 them. And we're talking about $11 million.
7 Which in the big scheme of things -- you
8 know, $150-some-odd billion -- is not that
9 much, but considering the type of programs
10 that will be impacted, it is a big deal.
12 mean, the department is committed to
13 providing the public health services to the
14 city, and there's many things that we are
15 trying to move forward to help in the bigger
16 picture of public health for the city and
17 some of the projects that they have.
18 SENATOR RIVERA: All right, a couple
19 more things. Some of my colleagues expressed
20 their concerns as it relates to ambulances
21 generally. And you're referring -- you keep
22 referring to a rate reform report that should
23 be coming out imminently. Obviously, there's
24 been seven or eight different ways that the
1 question has been asked; I figure that you're
2 not really saying much of what's in the
3 report until the report is public. That's --
4 I can -- you're saying yes.
6 correct.
7 SENATOR RIVERA: Okay. So as it
8 relates specifically, can you give us any --
9 I know that people hate spoilers, but any
10 spoilers related to Medicaid rates as far as
11 what is going to happen to ambulance
12 companies and the fact they haven't changed
13 in as long as they have? Anything you can
14 spoil for us before the report comes out?
16 the budget proposal that's already on the
17 table clearly suggests that we believe that
18 embedded within an ambulance reimbursement,
19 there are issues that need to be addressed.
20 And the report will identify what some of
21 those -- what those issues are. And we look
22 forward to working with the Legislature to
23 address these issues now and in the years to
24 come.
1 SENATOR RIVERA: And you said that
2 that report, its release is imminent?
4 imminent. Yup, the next couple of weeks.
5 SENATOR RIVERA: All righty. We'll
6 come back to you on that.
7 Lastly -- at least for now -- the
8 $500 million in capital funding, we talked
9 about -- a couple of my colleagues talked
10 about it. There are $30 million that are for
11 community-based providers. Was there a
12 thought -- and that's correct, right?
14 SENATOR RIVERA: Was there a thought
15 of making that a larger pool as it refers to
16 community-based providers, considering the
17 high need of those types of providers?
19 two things there. One is the $30 million is
20 a minimum. So it could be more than that.
21 That's first.
22 And also, you know, the way we see
23 this moving forward is that it's not just
24 hospital versus ambulatory care, it's this is
1 a health system that needs to transform into
2 a seamless process. And so a lot of the
3 hospitals we're working to help be -- to
4 basically oversee some of these community
5 services that -- or community health systems
6 that are in place. So I don't want it to be
7 looked at like there's a fine line, that this
8 money goes here and the other money goes
9 there and that the services aren't going to
10 come across.
11 So clearly, this is all a big
12 transformation. But again, the 30 million is
13 just a minimum.
14 SENATOR RIVERA: Thank you, Madam
15 Chairwoman.
17 ASSEMBLYMAN OAKS: Chairman Gottfried.
19 the community-based providers are reassured
20 to hear that you envision them becoming part
21 of a seamless system under hospital
22 domination. I know you didn't that word, but
23 I think that's what they probably heard.
24 I was going to ask about the problems
1 with managed long-term care, but that's been
2 talked about by several folks. But I do want
3 to raise one issue in that area. The
4 Article VII bill says (a) that no one may get
5 more than 120 days of Medicaid home care
6 except through an MLTC. But (b), if you are
7 not "nursing home eligible" you may not
8 enroll in an MLTC.
9 This means that if a patient needs
10 more than 120 days of home care, but is not
11 nursing-home eligible, there is no way for
12 Medicaid to provide that needed home care.
13 Right? You can only get it if you're
14 nursing home-eligible, and if you're not,
15 then you can only get it through an MLTC, but
16 you can't join an MLTC.
17 Now, this language was in last year's
18 budget. We asked the same question. I don't
19 think we ever got an answer. And now the
20 language is back.
21 So how are we going to accommodate,
22 under this language, the patient who needs
23 more than 120 days of home care but is not
24 nursing home-ready? Or do they just not get
1 home care?
3 tell you the intent. And I am not a lawyer,
4 so I -- we can certainly get you a definitive
5 legal response to explain the manner in which
6 that language was structured.
7 But the intent of the policy is to
8 change the eligibility criteria for managed
9 long-term care to actually a standard that I
10 believe was the case prior to 2011, which is
11 to basically say that in order to be eligible
12 for managed long-term care, you have to be in
13 need of a nursing home level of care.
14 We changed the policy to basically
15 extend eligibility to individuals who don't
16 meet that higher threshold but are deemed to
17 be in need of 120 days of home and
18 community-based care, a lower standard. The
19 intent of the policy is that individuals not
20 eligible for managed long-term care --
21 meaning that they have a need less than the
22 nursing home certifiable standard -- that
23 they would receive home care services through
24 Medicaid fee-for-service. That is the way in
1 which individuals who need some level of home
2 care that doesn't meet the standard today,
3 the 120-day standard, is they get it through
4 their local districts, who work with
5 providers in their area to assign home care
6 on an as-needed basis.
7 Now, the policy change doesn't affect
8 the large number of people who are in managed
9 long-term care. The vast majority of those
10 who are eligible for the program have been
11 deemed to be nursing home certifiable, so the
12 policy will not change them.
13 But anyone who is affected, they do
14 not lose their home care services, they
15 simply will get them through fee-for-service.
17 that the clause that says you cannot get more
18 than 120 days of home care unless you get it
19 through an MLTC, you think that clause means,
20 oh, you can also get it through
21 fee-for-service Medicaid, we were kidding
22 about the MLTC part?
1 to be a lawyer to know that those words are
2 not in the statute.
4 guess all I can tell you is -- and I can
5 refer back to counsel who drafted the
6 language for the Article VII bill. But I can
7 tell you our intent. And if there is
8 something that the lawyers think in the
9 writing and the drafting of it that is
10 inconsistent with our intent, we are more
11 than happy to look to provide greater
12 clarity.
13 But in no way, shape or form is the
14 Governor's proposal designed to restrict
15 access to home care services. Under the
16 Medicaid state plan, these are entitled
17 services. And all we're saying is that we
18 want to limit the participation in the
19 managed long-term care program to those who
20 are in need of a -- who are deemed in need of
21 a nursing home level of care and to use local
22 districts and the fee-for-service system for
23 those who need a level of home care services
24 that's less than that standard.
2 I'll say on that point, I will eagerly await
3 the legal explanation of that. You've still
4 got a few hours to do a 30-day amendment to
5 change the bill.
6 As I say, we raised this point a year
7 ago. The discussions went round and round,
8 and there was never really an answer.
9 On Early Intervention -- we talked
10 about that earlier, but I want to go back to
11 it. At a 2014 public hearing, in sworn
12 testimony, DOH stated: "As part of the
13 statement budget for state fiscal year
14 2012-2013, several reforms for the program
15 were enacted. The two main goals of those
16 reforms were to provide administrative and
17 fiscal relief to municipalities and increase
18 the amount paid by private insurers for EI
19 services without mandating new coverage. To
20 maximize insurance reimbursement, the 2013
21 statute included a requirement that providers
22 submit claims directly to insurers using a
23 new state fiscal agent, a contractor of the
24 department, for fiscal management of claims."
1 Now, in '07-'08, before the fiscal
2 agent took on the job of, quote, to maximize
3 insurance reimbursement, the EI program got
4 $13 million from insurance companies. In
5 2016, with the fiscal agent, we got
6 $12 million from the insurance companies, a
7 million dollars less. According to the
8 2012-2013 Executive Budget Briefing Book,
9 these reforms were supposed to save
10 localities $99 million over five years, but
11 total EI payments by counties have actually
12 risen almost $20 million since then.
13 How can we in good conscience continue
14 to pay about $8 million a year to a fiscal
15 agent that gets us less money?
17 is -- this goes back to what we were talking
18 about a little bit before, that -- I
19 understand your comments that you feel like
20 the investment is not -- we're not getting
21 reimbursement for the investment that we're
22 putting in there.
23 But we would hope that the changes
24 that we put into the budget will allow the
1 fiscal agent to be able to increase the
2 amount of return that we're getting from
3 these commercial payers.
4 I hear what you're saying. I'd be
5 happy to sit down --
7 New Yorkers -- I think it's two-thirds of
8 New Yorkers -- who have nonpublic health
9 coverage get it through an employer-sponsored
10 self-insured plan which is not subject at all
11 to our regulations, so we're not going to get
12 any more blood from that stone.
13 Insurance companies, when they reject
14 EI claims, I think the most common grounds
15 for rejection is "that the provider is not in
16 our network." The language in the budget
17 bill isn't going to change that. It's just
18 going to require EI providers to keep banging
19 their head against that brick wall, even
20 though when they submitted their claim for
21 last month's work and were told they weren't
22 in network, when they submit the claim for
23 next month's claim, they're again going to be
24 told that they're not in network, they're
1 just going to be mandated to keep spinning
2 wheels. How is that going to get any better?
3 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Well, part of it
4 is to get parents also to provide more
5 information. There's some issues, there's
6 some administrative issues here --
8 information isn't going to make their
9 coverage not subject to a risk of preemption,
10 and more information isn't going to make
11 their provider get included in the company's
12 network.
14 times when information is not accurate, the
15 insurers, whether it's in this situation or
16 others, they just end up denying the coverage
17 and saying that, well, we didn't have the
18 right data. I have this personally, just saw
19 this the other day with myself and some
20 information. They said, we don't have the
21 right information, we're not paying.
22 And so I think that that would help
23 facilitate it, and I would think it would
24 help facilitate the role of the state fiscal
1 agent to move this forward.
2 I will gladly sit down -- maybe we can
3 sit down at another point and just, you know,
4 work through some of these things and address
5 it with some of the experts we have on the
6 team regarding Early Intervention and see how
7 we could move this forward.
9 know, we've had a lot of conversations with
10 them over the last 10 years or so. I don't
11 think we've ever gotten useful information
12 from them. But we'll keep trying.
13 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I'll gladly sit
14 down afterwards and work this through, figure
15 out how we could do this. And the goal is
16 obviously to provide, one, these children
17 with Early Intervention and, two, to make
18 sure that there's reimbursement for it.
19 So ...
21 it.
23 Chairman.
24 For a second round, Senator Golden.
1 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you, Madam
2 Chair.
3 The -- simple questions and answers.
4 This was already asked a couple of times, and
5 it's been answered, but I just want to
6 clarify. And it's on the supplemental
7 ambulance cuts and the payments. You did
8 say, Commissioner, that the ambulances that
9 will be doing and providing this service will
10 be paid the supplemental payment while this
11 process is going on, correct?
13 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you.
14 The $650 million for life sciences,
15 we're obviously very thankful that it's
16 coming out. I proposed one for $500 million
17 last year, the Governor has upped it to
18 $650 million. We look for the regional hubs.
19 We think it's good that they're going to do
20 this here in this Capital Region. But
21 obviously we'd like to see what's going to
22 happen across the state -- downstate,
23 upstate -- and to make sure that there's a
24 balance, and of course that there is an
1 opportunity for us to take a lead.
2 California, Texas, Massachusetts are eating
3 our lunch. New Jersey is stealing jobs left
4 and right and companies left and right. We
5 need to get ahead of the biotech and biomed
6 field and the technology field, and this is
7 the impetus and way to do that. Do you
8 agree?
9 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: This is a -- the
10 issue of life sciences and the Governor's
11 commitment to this is not just centered on
12 one area of the state, this is across the
13 state. And success in this arena requires
14 partnerships throughout the state,
15 public-private partnerships. The
16 $650 million will move that forward. The
17 $150 million to start moving forward with a
18 state lab will be critical.
19 We bring that up and I mentioned that
20 about the Capital Region because the lab is
21 here, and it is tied to many other parts of
22 government. And so that's one part. But the
23 bigger picture of life sciences will be
24 across the entire state on this. And this
1 requires public-private partnerships.
2 SENATOR GOLDEN: Excellent.
3 This is probably an expected question
4 for me as well. SUNY Downstate, the hospital
5 and of course the medical school, we do plan
6 to keep that hospital operating and as a
7 functioning hospital and part of the network
8 here in the City and State of New York,
9 correct?
10 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: I couldn't catch
11 which --
12 SENATOR GOLDEN: The hospital, I'm
13 asking if there are any plans for any changes
14 at SUNY Downstate.
15 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Downstate, yes.
16 So we are committed to moving forward with --
17 obviously we recognize that they serve a
18 community, and many people have asked about
19 this. And we are looking at it as part of --
20 it was addressed in the plan that was
21 provided to us by Northwell when we
22 contracted with them about the issues with
23 Downstate.
24 I would add also one other thing,
1 because you had mentioned this before and I
2 didn't -- I was thinking about it afterwards,
3 about the capital and about the other
4 projects. We do have a lot of DSRIP projects
5 out in Brooklyn and in other areas there, so
6 that is separate from capital. And there's a
7 lot of programs that are being supported by
8 that as well. So I just -- you know, I
9 forgot to mention that before.
10 SENATOR GOLDEN: Well, I was focusing
11 on the actual development of this --
13 SENATOR GOLDEN: -- new corporation
14 that there would be funding set aside in the
15 budget that would allow this to happen.
16 Because we're not talking about a few
17 dollars, we're talking about probably, for
18 this to take place, a couple of billion
19 dollars over a period of time. So you need
20 to obviously map that out, the strategy, over
21 the next couple of years. I don't see that
22 in the budget, and I think we need to have
23 that in the budget.
24 There was one more good question I
1 believe -- oh, SUNY we asked about. I want
2 to go back to generic drug pricing for a
3 second. And this is another area that's been
4 asked and answered, to a large degree; the
5 Governor's proposal on the ceiling on the
6 reimbursement for generic prescription drugs.
7 One of the areas is choosing the
8 lowest price out of four different sources.
9 And one of those sources is the MAC, the
10 maximum acquisition cost. How do you do
11 that? What data do you use to come up with
12 that amount?
14 the typical way that state Medicaid programs
15 reimburse pharmacies for generic drugs is
16 what's called the SMAC, the state MAC price
17 list. We use multiple data sources to
18 compile that list. And the idea is just to
19 make sure that list is updated in the state.
20 And we have a contract with a pharmacy
21 benefit manager, Magellan, who supports the
22 state in updating and maintaining that list.
23 You know, generics are a fast-changing
24 environment. Just because a drug is generic
1 does not mean it's cheap. So the example
2 would be something that's just come off
3 patent could still be just as expensive as
4 the brand. But at some point, once it
5 becomes what's called a multisource drug, the
6 price can drop like a stone. So we have to
7 be very nimble to adjust the price so that we
8 are not overpaying at any point.
9 But also, as we've seen in recent
10 years, prices can rise. And they can rise
11 because of, you know, generic manufacturer
12 bad behavior. And so that's why we also have
13 a process in place where pharmacists can
14 provide us with invoices and other
15 information, so if our MAC price is too low,
16 we could adjust upward to reflect what the
17 market really is.
18 SENATOR GOLDEN: Both you and Senator
19 Hannon pointed out extreme cases. I'm just
20 concerned about those that, you know, get hit
21 with ingredient shortages, which is going to
22 cause the prices to go up, and changes in the
23 MAC price. So that will be taken into
24 consideration, obviously. And we're not
1 going to make a mistake here and somebody
2 gets hurt, so there will be some exceptions
3 to this that --
5 absolutely. So what happens is that -- the
6 idea here is that we will look at any drug
7 and consider implementing the mandatory
8 rebate. It's a mandatory rebate, just to be
9 clear, on the manufacturer, and it has no
10 impact on the pharmacist. The pharmacist
11 will be paid whatever the MAC price is. But
12 if we see a price go up by more than
13 75 percent -- so this is the same drug --
14 these are generic drugs, they were originally
15 brands, in most cases they've been on the
16 market for 15, 20 years. So the real
17 question is why did the price go up by more
18 than 75 percent. It could be that there's a
19 temporary shortage, and that's appropriate.
20 But what we've seen is a number of instances
21 where we've seen these kind of price
22 increases that really can't be explained by
23 sort of temporary issues but more by sort of
24 noncompetitive behavior.
1 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you, gentlemen.
2 I don't know constitutionally how you get
3 that done, but thank you for your testimony
4 here today.
7 Assemblyman Raia, for a second go-round.
8 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: I won't take that
9 long. I just had a couple of quick
10 questions.
11 With respect to inappropriate
12 prescribing of opioids for doctors in the
13 Medicaid program, it seems to be a little
14 fuzzy as to whether or not there's due
15 process for these doctors. Is there just
16 going to -- you know, if something happens,
17 someone makes a complaint, do they get a say
18 in whether or not they are in the program or
19 out?
21 So there's a proposal in the budget that
22 basically allows the department -- and we
23 have this authority to already, in
24 consultation with OMIG and MFCU, to
1 potentially disenroll someone from the
2 program based on cost. Now, once that
3 determination is made, the provider has due
4 process rights. This proposal doesn't change
5 that.
6 However, we have detected bad behavior
7 relative to this. And as I said, while the
8 vast majority of prescribers in New York
9 State and across the country have come to
10 realize just how problematic this practice
11 is, we still see that there are outliers in
12 terms of practice. And while we are loath to
13 want to kick anyone out of the program, we
14 think this is just one additional deterrent
15 that will exist for us to ensure that we
16 aren't having the healthcare industry leading
17 directly to people becoming addicted to
18 opioids.
19 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: All right. And one
20 last question.
21 How much do we spend on
22 pharmaceuticals in the Medicaid program after
23 we take out all of the rebates?
1 think the gross spend is like $6 billion or
2 something like that, and then the rebate
3 aggregate is about 45 percent.
6 Senator Comrie.
7 SENATOR COMRIE: Thank you, Madam
8 Chair.
9 I wanted to ask you a couple of
10 questions. The first question is you
11 mentioned that there are about another
12 $500 million in additional capital support
13 for essential healthcare providers, including
14 a minimum of $30 million for community-based
15 providers.
16 I represent Queens, and it seems like
17 everything is going to Brooklyn or the Bronx.
18 Can you give me an idea on what's happening
19 on the Queens level, and specifically in
20 terms of --
22 and to clarify about the monies to the
23 communities, and Assemblyman Gottfried's
24 comment that I am sort of tying it to the
1 hospitals, we're not. We're supportive of
2 all the community health programs that are
3 out there, and the $30 million again is a
4 minimum, it's not what the final amount is.
5 We are moving forward with a lot of
6 projects within Queens, both -- whether it's
7 the DSRIP projects for -- and the PPSs that
8 we have out there, but also a lot of the
9 other capital projects as well are there.
10 There's a lot of hospitals that are -- from
11 the hospital standpoint, a lot of hospitals
12 that are tied to other hospitals, and they've
13 become more of a network. But --
15 specifically concerned about Jamaica
16 Hospital, which is a Tier 1 trauma center.
18 JFK Airport.
19 SENATOR COMRIE: I know it's tied
20 into all the -- everyone's consolidating
21 networks now. But Jamaica Hospital, just to
22 be focused, needs a lot of upgrading,
23 modernization to be able to accommodate
24 people. It's almost embarrassing when a
1 police officer or a firefighter has to go
2 there and the facilities there -- much less
3 the constituents that have to go there for
4 Trauma 1.
5 St. John's, as you know, in the
6 Rockaways, is seriously underbedded,
7 underserved. And I haven't seen anything in
8 the proposals about either of those.
10 back at the -- and I'll have the team look at
11 the monies that we have allocated to
12 different facilities and see which ones are
13 in Queens. I can't tell you off the top of
14 my head. But there is as much a commitment
15 there as to any of the other boroughs, and
16 for that matter, anywhere else in the state,
17 to make sure any of the safety-net hospitals
18 are -- needs are available to them.
19 SENATOR COMRIE: Okay. I hope so,
20 because it seems like that -- I haven't seen
21 a detailed breakdown. I'd like to get a
22 detailed breakdown. Hopefully Queens is in
23 that balance and in that mix, and hopefully
24 we can make sure that that happens as well.
2 SENATOR COMRIE: I'm concerned about
3 the consolidation of the -- possible
4 consolidation of the 39 public health
5 programs into pools. And I hope that, you
6 know, we can make sure that people don't
7 drown in those pools and the public programs
8 that traditionally get money and provide
9 excellent service don't wind up losing
10 opportunities to continue the level of
11 service and/or get locked in at --
13 not the objective at all. We're trying to
14 create some more efficiencies in the system.
15 We recognize that, you know, with 39 of those
16 programs, that it would fall in one of the
17 four or five categories that we have.
18 We recognize that there has been
19 concern by you and some of the other
20 legislators, but we believe that this is a
21 better way to provide more efficiencies,
22 decrease some of the administrative burdens
23 as well.
24 SENATOR COMRIE: Will these pools be
1 decided by -- who's going to sit in the pools
2 to make the decision?
4 do is get you the list of how we're looking
5 at the pools. And mainly it is -- if a -- a
6 pool that we have identified would clearly
7 have the programs that sort of match what
8 they are, if it's disease prevention or if
9 it's the health promotion pool or if it's
10 epidemiology. We'll look at the pools
11 together that way.
12 SENATOR COMRIE: Okay. I only have a
13 limited amount of time. I'm concerned about,
14 as Senator Savino mentioned, the OPWDD
15 staffing and the ability to make a decent
16 living out of a difficult job, and the idea
17 that people would rather go to the private
18 sector than work in the public sector because
19 of the salaries involved in it. And I hope
20 we can make some corrections on that.
21 And also the safe staffing issues and
22 how we can look at that across the state to
23 make sure that both the staff and the
24 patients are taken care of. I'm just going
1 to rant now because I only have 30 seconds
2 left.
4 SENATOR COMRIE: You know, I'm also
5 just concerned and if you could get back to
6 us about the update on childhood lead
7 poisoning prevention.
9 put a report out about that. And down in the
10 city, the schools have provided us
11 information. We still haven't received all
12 the information from all the schools in the
13 state. We have about 86 percent upstate of
14 lead -- reports about their lead pipes as
15 well.
16 SENATOR COMRIE: Okay. And any type
17 of redevelopment on Medicaid or the
18 redevelopment of a healthcare regulation
19 modernization, I would hope that the
20 Legislature is involved with that as well and
21 it's not just done from a level of -- where
22 we can make sure that the community and all
23 of the advocates can have a chance to be
24 heard.
2 SENATOR COMRIE: I understand the need
3 for modernization, but I'm concerned that
4 people may drown in the pool as they're not
5 able to be heard or not able to give their
6 suggestions as to what modernization should
7 be.
9 believer in hearing everyone's opinions on
10 these issues.
11 SENATOR COMRIE: Thank you.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you, Senator.
14 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: You're in the home
15 stretch, so that's good.
16 (Laughter.)
17 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: I just had a couple
18 of follow-up questions. Senator Hannon and
19 Senator Golden asked about the capital for
20 hospitals. And I commend the Governor, I
21 applaud him for the $500 million that's
22 included in this proposal. The question I
23 have, though, in light of the needs that
24 hospitals have all over the state, is
1 $500 million enough?
3 having worked in the hospitals and seen the
4 challenge in the infrastructure and the
5 changes that need to be there, there's always
6 more money that could be provided to help
7 move this up to speed.
8 I think that we need to -- this is a
9 major investment to start moving forward on
10 some of those things and those projects. We
11 have already put out -- and when you look at
12 the amount, we've put $1.2 billion in
13 capital, another $500 million, and we
14 continue to invest. The Governor is
15 committed to all the hospitals across the
16 state, and particularly recognizes that some
17 of the areas of the state where these
18 safety-net hospitals are not only central to
19 the community and the care that the community
20 receives, but it's also central to jobs as
21 well, because those hospitals often are where
22 a lot of people are employed.
23 So we are working on this to try to
24 move this forward. So a first step, but we
1 continue to deal with this and we're happy to
2 deal with it in the budget negotiations.
4 When will the $195 million for the
5 Health Care Facility Transformation Program
6 be announced?
8 soon.
10 COMMISSIONER ZUCKER: Yes, within this
11 quarter.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Within a month?
14 quarter.
15 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Within the quarter,
16 okay. Right, it has to be -- Senator Hannon
17 is reminding me that it has to be done before
18 we can do new funding. So okay. Thank you,
19 Senator.
20 I wanted to follow up on HCRA, and I
21 know Senator Krueger brought it up a little
22 bit. But have all the recommendations of the
23 HCRA modernization task force been
24 implemented?
2 more information and get back to you on some
3 of those issues with the HCRA.
4 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. So is there
5 a detailed accounting of all HCRA revenues
6 that is available to the public?
8 couldn't hear you.
9 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: So I know, Jason
10 was talking to you at the same time, but
11 that's okay. I have that up here all the
12 time, by the way.
13 But is there a detailed accounting of
14 all the HCRA revenues that is available to
15 the public?
17 is.
18 You want to answer?
20 published recently, actually, a report on
21 HCRA, so that provided a lot of information.
22 If there's a desire for more information
23 beyond what's in that report, happy to
24 provide it.
1 In terms of the modernization
2 recommendations, I mean, I believe -- we
3 believe that basically all those
4 recommendations have in fact been
5 implemented.
6 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay, thank you.
7 Final question -- two more questions.
8 The first has to do with the Medicaid minimum
9 wage investments regarding home care workers
10 and managed long-term care plans. And we've
11 kind of talked about that today. But it's
12 regarding direct salary costs and related
13 fringe benefits. And currently MLTC
14 enrollment is the second largest driver of
15 increased spending under the Medicaid global
16 cap.
17 The question I have is, how do -- so
18 there's funding to take care of minimum wage
19 increases for those workers. How do we
20 ensure the minimum wage funding gets to the
21 workers from the Medicaid managed-care plans?
22 Because that could be a problem.
24 a good question. So the monies, because it's
1 a managed care product -- and this is not
2 just unique to -- although we're talking
3 about mostly in the case of home care,
4 because that's where the impact is felt
5 initially. But obviously as we further phase
6 in the minimum wage, impacts will begin to be
7 felt in other sectors. And we are almost
8 entirely a Medicaid managed care state.
9 So what we're doing in the case of
10 home care is we're going to be collecting a
11 lot of information, not only from the plans
12 but actually one of the areas where we
13 haven't had a good sight line in has been in
14 the case of the LHCSAs, the licensed
15 agencies, who have not been required to
16 submit cost reports. So we are actually
17 going to be collecting cost report
18 information from them for the first time.
19 And in that cost report information we
20 will see across all the LHCSAs -- and there
21 are hundreds of them -- we will actually see
22 how much money they're spending and where the
23 dollars that were allocated are going and are
24 they actually going into worker wages,
1 because that is absolutely our intent.
2 Our Division of Budget colleagues, who
3 in essence control the purse strings relative
4 to the funds -- you know, as I said, they are
5 outside the global cap -- they will provide
6 us the funds on as-needed basis. They've
7 been very clear they want a detailed
8 accounting. And I know the Legislature also
9 expressed that desire in the legislation in
10 the legislation that was passed last -- or in
11 the budget last year. And so we take that
12 responsibility very seriously. So we're
13 going to be collecting that information from
14 those agencies and making sure that the
15 dollars that are allocated for this purpose
16 are in fact going directly into wages for
17 workers.
18 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you. I want
19 to give a shout out to the ambulance folks
20 here today, and I'm glad my colleagues asked
21 some of the questions I was going to ask.
22 (Applause from audience.)
23 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: And finally,
24 though, I did want to ask -- there seems to
1 be an issue, and I hear anecdotally and my
2 colleagues do also, that there's an
3 underreporting of heroin deaths in rural
4 areas. And could you address that? Because
5 it may be because of a stigma or, you know,
6 somebody may die because they asphyxiated and
7 that's the cause of death rather than an
8 overdose. And I think that we need to figure
9 out a way so that we have more accurate
10 reporting.
12 get data quarterly, and we are looking at
13 these reports. And I understand what your
14 concern is, whether someone comes in and the
15 cause of death is listed as one thing but in
16 actual fact it may have been related to
17 heroin. And we're trying to sort this out
18 and trying to figure out a better system and
19 to get more information and be sure it's
20 accurate, because that has been brought to
21 our attention before, I know.
23 So I want to sincerely thank both of
24 you. You have such an incredible, awesome
1 responsibility in protecting the health of
2 New Yorkers. And I know that you're very
3 dedicated and devoted to that task. So I
4 want to say thank you, thank you for all the
5 time you've spent with you us today, and we
6 look forward to continuing to work with you.
7 So thank you very much for your testimony.
9 much.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Our next speaker is
13 Superintendent Maria T. Vullo, New York State
14 Department of Financial Services.
15 (Pause in proceedings.)
16 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Can we have some
17 order, please. Please take your
18 conversations outside. Could we have some
19 order, please.
20 Welcome, Superintendent.
21 Could we have some order, please.
22 Please take your conversations outside.
23 Welcome, Superintendent. We're so
24 happy to have you here today.
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Glad to see you,
3 and we look forward to your testimony.
5 Senator.
6 Has my written testimony been handed
7 out? Just want to make sure.
11 Okay.
12 So good afternoon, Chairpersons Young
13 and Farrell, Vice Chair Savino, Chairpersons
14 Hannon, Gottfried, Seward and Cahill, ranking
15 members, and all distinguished members of the
16 State Senate and Assembly. Thank you for
17 inviting me to be here today. This is my
18 first appearance before the Legislature at
19 budget hearings, and I am happy to provide my
20 perspective and answer your questions.
21 I have now been the superintendent, or
22 acting, of the Department of Financial
23 Services for almost a year. It has been a
24 very busy year, and I am privileged to work
1 for Governor Cuomo and serve all New Yorkers
2 in this important role.
3 I understand from the invitation that
4 this hearing is to address DFS's portion of
5 the health budget, and I will therefore focus
6 my comments accordingly, after some
7 background about DFS's budget and our
8 healthcare work this year.
9 As you all know, DFS's mission is to
10 strengthen New York's financial services
11 industries, safeguard our markets from fraud,
12 and protect New York consumers. Under
13 Section 206 of the Financial Services Law,
14 DFS's operating expenses are assessed to
15 industry. The Executive's budget for DFS
16 proposes about $254 million in budget
17 appropriation, a 1.7 percent increase from
18 last year, due to contractual salary
19 increases.
20 As DFS superintendent, I manage a
21 staff of more than 1,350 individuals,
22 supervising the activities of more than 1,400
23 insurance companies with assets of more than
24 $4.3 trillion, and nearly 1,500 banking and
1 other financial institutions with assets of
2 more than $2.6 trillion. DFS licensees
3 include nearly 200 life insurance, 1,100
4 property/casualty insurance companies,
5 approximately 100 health insurers and managed
6 care organizations, and 300,000 individual
7 insurance licensees. Our licensees also
8 include approximately 250 state-chartered
9 banks, approximately 1,200 other licensed
10 financial services companies, and 7,600
11 mortgage loan originators and servicers.
12 As this is the joint budget hearing on
13 health, it should come as no surprise that I
14 have spent a substantial amount of my time
15 this past year, and even more so since
16 November, addressing New York's healthcare
17 market. At DFS we have been working with our
18 commercial health insurers and our colleagues
19 at the Department of Health, the New York
20 State of Health, and the Medicaid team, to be
21 prepared for whatever happens at the federal
22 level and to protect New Yorkers in their
23 healthcare needs.
24 In the health field, this past year at
1 DFS we were privileged to help draft and
2 issue guidance regarding the Governor's
3 landmark legislation that mandates health
4 insurance coverage with no cost-sharing for
5 breast cancer screenings and diagnostic
6 imaging for the detection of breast cancer,
7 including diagnostic mammograms, breast
8 ultrasounds, and magnetic resonance imaging
9 covered under an insurance policy.
10 I was also privileged to serve as a
11 member of the Governor's Heroin and Opioid
12 Task Force, and thereafter to assist with the
13 landmark legislation to increase access to
14 addiction treatment, expand community
15 prevention strategies, and combat the
16 over-prescription of opioids. As New York's
17 insurance regulator, I also protected women
18 who suffer from maternal depression, are
19 victims of domestic violence, and who seek
20 reproductive healthcare, ensuring access to
21 insurance when needed.
22 The strength and vibrancy of
23 New York's commercial health insurance market
24 has been a priority of DFS this year. The
1 process of setting the 2017 health insurance
2 rates involved carefully examining the rates
3 requested by insurers, applying sound
4 actuarial principles, considering the
5 insurer's financial condition, and taking
6 into account the need for a competitive
7 New York marketplace that supports consumer
8 choice. Our final determinations permitted
9 increases for individual policies offered
10 through the New York State of Health
11 exchange, and for small group commercial
12 plans, due primarily to increasing costs of
13 prescription drugs and other healthcare
14 costs. Nonetheless, we reduced insurers'
15 requested increases by more than 28 percent
16 overall, which will save consumers more than
17 $302 million in 2017.
18 It is important to note that since the
19 Affordable Care Act, enrollment in the
20 individual market went from approximately
21 20,000 members to over 300,000, and premiums
22 dropped by more than 50 percent, not counting
23 federal tax credits. In New York, our
24 uninsured rate has declined from 10 percent
1 to 5 percent. Presently, we have 16 insurers
2 participating in our individual market and
3 21 insurers in our small group market.
4 In addition, to further ensure market
5 stability in New York's health insurance
6 market, in June we issued an emergency
7 regulation to address certain unintended
8 consequences from the federal risk adjustment
9 program in New York's small group market for
10 the 2017 plan year, and we worked
11 collaboratively with the federal Centers for
12 Medicare & Medicaid Services in issuing that
13 regulation.
14 Notably, CMS subsequently issued its
15 rules for risk adjustment for the 2018 year,
16 which included one of the factors that we had
17 identified, resulting in a significant
18 reduction of the statewide average premium to
19 reflect the medical loss ratio, as risk
20 adjustment should factor in medical expenses
21 and not administrative costs or profit. DFS
22 currently is reviewing, for the 2018 plan
23 year, the continued impact of federal risk
24 adjustment on both the individual and small
1 group markets in New York.
2 The Governor's Executive Budget
3 proposes DFS initiatives as part of
4 Article VIII legislation, and there are two
5 that specifically involve health that I would
6 like to discuss: prescription drug costs and
7 pharmacy benefit manager reform.
8 First, for the New York State
9 commercial market, prescription drug costs
10 have been the biggest drivers of health
11 insurance premium increases. In 2015,
12 pharmacy expenses were 25 percent of the
13 total premiums in New York State,
14 significantly higher than the second largest
15 category of premium expense, which was
16 inpatient hospitalization, which was
17 18 percent. In 2015, New York sales of
18 branded drugs exceeded $200 billion, and the
19 cost of specialty drugs -- which is only 1
20 percent of the market, but such a greater
21 cost, has skyrocketed.
22 Despite considerable efforts by the
23 New York State Medicaid program to maintain
24 affordability through formularies, preferred
1 drug lists, rebates, and utilization
2 management, total drug costs have grown by
3 over $1.7 billion over the past three years,
4 or 38 percent.
5 Accordingly, the Governor's Executive
6 Budget includes important proposals to
7 maintain affordability of prescription drugs
8 in New York. The first proposal, as you've
9 heard from the Commissioner of Health,
10 authorizes the Department of Health to
11 collect cost and pricing information from
12 drug manufacturers in order to establish
13 state pricing benchmarks for certain drugs
14 for the Medicaid program. The existing Drug
15 Utilization Review Board will conduct those
16 reviews for certain categories of drugs where
17 the pricing is exorbitant relative to
18 development costs and therapeutic value.
19 That review will establish the benchmark for
20 pricing in the Medicaid program.
21 Then turning to DFS's role in this
22 proposal, the Governor's proposal would then
23 require drug manufacturers and wholesalers to
24 pay a 60 percent surcharge to the Department
1 of Tax and Finance applied to all first sales
2 in New York State on gross receipts generated
3 from drug costs in the commercial insurance
4 market that exceed that DURB state pricing
5 benchmark in the Medicaid program. That
6 surcharge amount will be paid into a fund
7 held at DFS, which DFS will distribute to
8 health insurers and Medicaid in proportion to
9 their relative costs with respect to those
10 drugs that generate the surcharge.
11 Surcharge amounts paid to commercial
12 insurers will be used to reduce premiums paid
13 by consumers. In this way, the proposal
14 would benefit New Yorkers by maintaining
15 affordability of healthcare coverage.
16 The second proposal I'd like to
17 discuss is the pharmacy benefit manager
18 reform proposal. The Governor's Executive
19 Budget includes a proposal for DFS to
20 regulate pharmacy benefit managers servicing
21 New York consumers. PBMs are involved in
22 almost every aspect of prescription drug
23 delivery, from the manufacturers to the
24 insurance companies to employers, and of
1 course the individual pharmacies.
2 The proposed bill grants DFS
3 regulatory authority over PBMs to provide us
4 with the oversight necessary to reduce the
5 cost of drugs and limit any abusive or
6 unreasonable practices. As prescription drug
7 costs have skyrocketed, PBM profits have
8 doubled. We are aware of at least 18 states
9 that regulate PBMs in some way, and we
10 believe that New York should as well.
11 Under our proposal, DFS's authority
12 over PBMs would come in two measured phases.
13 First, PBMs would be required to register
14 with DFS by June 1 of this year, and each PBM
15 would be required to provide information
16 requested by DFS. Any company-specific
17 proprietary information will be confidential,
18 just like DFS receives similar confidential
19 information from its other regulated
20 entities.
21 After conducting a thorough review
22 through the registration and
23 information-gathering process, DFS would
24 license PBMs beginning January 1, 2019.
1 Based on the review of information obtained
2 during the registration phase, DFS would
3 develop a comprehensive set of regulations
4 that could include requirements that PBMs
5 disclose certain information to clients or to
6 the public and, importantly, that conflicts
7 of interest, deceptive practices, and unfair
8 trade practices be eliminated.
9 The goal of this proposal is to either
10 eliminate the significant conflicts of
11 interest that exist in current PBM models, or
12 manage the conflicts under tight regulation
13 to ensure that the financial incentives of
14 PBMs, insurers, employers and consumers are
15 aligned and that every effort is made to
16 manage the costs of prescription drugs.
17 The Governor's Executive Budget
18 includes other proposals relevant to DFS,
19 including proposals to regulate student loan
20 servicers, to protect vulnerable adults, and
21 to provide DFS with administrative
22 supervision authority, as 31 other states
23 have, in order to protect our insurance
24 market and the guaranty funds in New York
1 from insurance company failures.
2 The Governor's budget also includes a
3 proposal that DFS have the authority to ban
4 bad actors from the business of banking,
5 insurance, or financial services in New York
6 if, after a hearing, the DFS superintendent
7 determines that the individual has done
8 something so severe as to have a direct
9 bearing on his or her fitness or ability to
10 continue participating in the industry.
11 I would think that everyone would be
12 on the same page with this proposal. No one
13 should want misconduct or malfeasance to
14 persist in our financial services industry,
15 and the disqualifying events set forth in the
16 statute reflect this goal of addressing truly
17 bad actors.
18 Indeed, the Financial Services Law
19 expressly provides that one of DFS's
20 obligations is to reduce or eliminate fraud
21 or unethical conduct in the financial
22 services industry. Since it is DFS that
23 regulates the financial services industry in
24 New York, it is appropriate that DFS have the
1 authority to disqualify persons working in
2 the industries over which DFS -- and not any
3 other state official -- has supervisory
4 oversight every day.
5 Under this proposal, disqualifying
6 events include acts of fraud, certain
7 criminal convictions, the making of material
8 misrepresentations to DFS or other
9 regulators, or conduct constituting such
10 gross misconduct, incompetence, or
11 dereliction of responsibility as to
12 compromise the banking, insurance, or
13 financial services industries in New York.
14 This proposal is similar to the statutory
15 disqualification provisions existing in the
16 federal securities laws that are enforced by
17 the Securities and Exchange Commission and
18 the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority,
19 as well as the disqualification powers that
20 the Federal Reserve -- which is the federal
21 counterpart to DFS -- has for the banking
22 industry.
23 Also, the administrative process in
24 this bill is not materially different than
1 processes that lawyers, doctors, real estate
2 agents, and other professionals must follow
3 if a charge is brought against them for
4 malfeasance. The proposal provides due
5 process to those charged by DFS in a
6 proceeding as well as the ability of the
7 individual to seek redress in court if DFS
8 determines that he or she should be
9 disqualified.
10 New York sits at the financial center
11 of the world. Giving DFS this ability
12 protects our markets from recidivist bad
13 actors and, equally importantly, communicates
14 the message that we have zero tolerance in
15 New York for those who seek to defraud
16 consumers and undermine the fundamental
17 ethics and fairness of our system.
18 Finally, I would like to update you on
19 the Health Republic liquidation. On May 11,
20 2016, pursuant to an order of the Supreme
21 Court in New York County, I was appointed
22 liquidator of Health Republic, which as you
23 know was a nonprofit corporation formed
24 pursuant to the Federal Co-op Program. As
1 liquidator of Health Republic, my first
2 priority has been to build a process for
3 resolving policy-related claims in a fair and
4 expeditious manner.
5 Prior to its liquidation, Health
6 Republic paid all claims up to November 2015,
7 and all members were transitioned to new
8 plans. Currently there are approximately
9 700,000 remaining policy-related claims that
10 require resolution. We believe the true
11 valid claims are much less than this figure.
12 To ensure that the claims are
13 accurately and properly determined in a
14 liquidation of this size and claim
15 complexity, we have engaged a court-approved
16 claims auditor to determine those claims that
17 are in compliance with plan designs,
18 benefits, exclusions and eligibility
19 requirements, and to remove what we believe
20 are many duplicative claims. We expect the
21 audit will be substantially complete by this
22 May, and we will be then issuing claims
23 determinations in the form of Explanations of
24 Benefits/Allowances beginning in the second
1 quarter of 2017 and through year-end.
2 Claimants will have the opportunity to appeal
3 the EOBs under the court-approved claims
4 adjudication procedures.
5 From the start, I have been committed
6 to an honest and transparent process for
7 Health Republic's liquidation. We publish on
8 our website relevant events and court orders,
9 as well as financial information. I have
10 directed an audit of the companyís financial
11 statements for year-end, which will be
12 completed shortly. The unaudited
13 September 30, 2016, financial statement
14 contains an estimate of about $212 million in
15 policy-related claims, which amount is not a
16 determination of the actual amount of claims.
17 As I mentioned, there is a claims audit
18 underway that will determine the actual
19 amount of claims.
20 That said, it is fair to say Health
21 Republic's liabilities exceed its current
22 assets. Presently we are assessing the
23 merits of Health Republic's claims against
24 the federal government, including
1 approximately $432 million due under the Risk
2 Corridors Program and $51 million due under
3 the Federal Reinsurance Program, as well as
4 what we anticipate will be the federal
5 government's claims of offset for start-up
6 loans provided to Health Republic and amounts
7 allegedly owed for risk adjustment, which we
8 dispute.
9 As many other states with similar
10 co-op failures have argued, congressional
11 limits on funding these federal programs in
12 2014 caused significant solvency risk for the
13 co-ops. Court actions are underway by many
14 other states, and we are considering whether
15 to join those actions, while seeking to be as
16 efficient as possible in managing the
17 liquidation process and steadily decreasing
18 the expenses of the process. In addition, we
19 are assessing other potential third-party
20 claims, including against directors and
21 officers, and the availability of a D&O
22 policy.
23 Apart from potential action against
24 the federal government, we do not believe
1 that there will be significant additional
2 assets with which to pay claims. We will not
3 know the amount of the liabilities until the
4 end of this year at the earliest, and
5 payments to claimants cannot be made until
6 the dueling claims with the federal
7 government are resolved. We will continue to
8 provide updates throughout the year and will
9 remain committed to a fair, efficient and
10 transparent process.
11 During my confirmation hearings I
12 promised candor and transparency and spoke
13 about my belief in a fair process and a
14 deliberative approach. Throughout the year,
15 I have been consistent in my outreach to
16 stakeholders and in my interactions with both
17 industry and consumers, as well as the public
18 at large. I have employed my authority based
19 on substantive analysis and a deliberative
20 process.
21 I have also been responsive to
22 legislative inquiries, and my staff is ready
23 and willing to assist all of your
24 constituents. When you call or write, I
1 answer. Or, as today, I appear in person.
2 My team at DFS is working hard every
3 day to build on our successes and make New
4 York's financial services industries work
5 better for both industry and consumers, and
6 we are doing all of this effective work as
7 efficiently as possible and within our
8 budget.
9 Thank you. I look forward to your
10 questions.
12 Superintendent.
15 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: That's great.
16 Our first speaker will be Senator
17 James Seward, who is chair of the Senate
18 Standing Committee on Insurance.
21 SENATOR SEWARD: Thank you, Chair
22 Young.
23 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: Good afternoon,
24 Senator.
1 SENATOR SEWARD: And to Superintendent
2 Vullo, welcome back to the Legislature. It
3 seems like yesterday you were before the
4 Senate for the confirmation process.
5 And I must say, I note today you've
6 brought along some very able staff members
7 with you. But please tell your children I
8 miss them, because they were right with you
9 through the whole confirmation process.
11 thank you. But they didn't think it was
12 particularly interesting. But that's okay.
13 (Laughter.)
14 SENATOR SEWARD: You know, I could
15 tell by the look on their faces.
16 We appreciate the update on Health
17 Republic and that whole liquidation process,
18 as well as I know you recently responded to a
19 letter from Senator Hannon --
20 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: You had sent me
21 a letter, I responded to it.
22 SENATOR SEWARD: -- and me, and we
23 appreciate that information and ongoing.
24 You know, obviously we in the
1 Legislature are very concerned about the
2 payment of the legitimate claims -- you know,
3 that providers provided service and then, you
4 know, were left unpaid. And we demonstrated
5 that in last year's budget by setting up that
6 Health Republic Insurance Fund. I mean, it's
7 dry; there's no money in it at this point.
8 But at some point, either through the
9 liquidation process or, you know, funding
10 this fund that was in last year's budget,
11 we'd like to see these claims paid.
12 My question is I understand that there
13 was a recent court decision which did hold
14 the federal government responsible --
16 SENATOR SEWARD: -- for payment, I
17 think it was over $200 million for a -- in
18 terms of the Oregon --
20 Alaska, correct.
21 SENATOR SEWARD: Why haven't we moved
22 forward with some sort of action against the
23 federal government? Because as you point out
24 in your testimony, there's a considerable
1 amount of federal monies that did not come to
2 New York that obviously Health Republic was
3 counting on, and that would provide
4 substantial funding for the payment of the
5 claims that I've outlined. I mean, why
6 aren't we moving forward there?
8 there have been a number of actions filed
9 across the country in different venues, and I
10 have been monitoring it and watching it very
11 closely. There is no statute of limitations,
12 which is the first question I asked, having
13 litigated for many, many years. And to
14 monitor those actions in order to make what I
15 believe would be the best and the most
16 efficient determination as to where to file
17 and how to do it.
18 In my mind right now, you know, we
19 have a very favorable decision that came out
20 of the federal Court of Claims on
21 February 9th, which you alluded to, which was
22 a determination of liability. Damages
23 haven't yet been decided. And that has
24 certainly prompted me to think now about -- I
1 have a draft complaint -- to think about
2 going into the federal Court of Claims.
3 The alternative has been the district
4 court, and I've been waiting to see, quite
5 honestly, what has happened. There was
6 another judge in the federal Court of Claims
7 that came out with a decision a few months
8 ago that denied the government's motion to
9 dismiss but didn't come up with a substantive
10 ruling. And so, you know, I've been watching
11 that. There's also very extensive litigation
12 costs that I've trying to avoid.
13 So for example, there's a case that is
14 a class action with a plaintiff's law firm
15 that's seeking a large contingency fee. I'm
16 not seeking to join to give a contingency
17 fee.
18 So I'm trying to do it in the most
19 efficient manner as possible. And we weren't
20 the first out there, because there were other
21 co-ops that filed first for other reasons,
22 and it just made the most sense to me to
23 watch what's going on. And we now have a
24 very favorable decision. But again, there's
1 no statute of limitations, so I'm being very
2 protective of the expenses as well as the
3 strategy of where might be the best approach
4 to get the most effective result.
5 So I'm very pleased with that
6 decision. It doesn't have an actual judgment
7 attached. The other thing about the federal
8 Court of Claims is that the federal Court of
9 Claims can get a judgment issued against the
10 government, which the district court can't.
11 And so that's where we've been really doing
12 the analysis.
13 I hope that helped.
14 SENATOR SEWARD: Well, thank you for
15 that explanation. It strikes me that it's
16 not a question of if, it's when. When
17 appropriate, and timing.
19 correct, certainly at this stage. You
20 know --
21 SENATOR SEWARD: Depending on
22 developments.
23 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: -- the issues
24 are a matter of first impression in many
1 respects. And if I would have jumped the gun
2 and filed the lawsuit and gone through
3 litigation expenses of a lawsuit only to have
4 an unfavorable result, I don't think that
5 would have been the best use of limited
6 resources. And that's why I chose this
7 approach. And I've been sitting on a
8 complaint that's ready to go for that reason.
9 SENATOR SEWARD: Thank you.
10 Certainly a theme throughout the
11 Governor's proposal -- and I'm sure others
12 will address this as well -- is, you know,
13 the pharmacy costs. And as we know in the
14 health insurance area that, you know, this
15 reflects -- you know, it's a driver in terms
16 of health insurance premiums. And certainly
17 no one can argue with an effort to try to
18 control those costs of prescription drugs.
19 When it comes specifically to the PBM
20 proposal, when I think of the PBMs and the
21 health insurers, you know, there's that
22 contractual agreement between the two.
23 They're both what I would describe as pretty
24 sophisticated entities. And, you know, they
1 reach an agreement and there's every
2 incentive, it would seem to me, on the part
3 of the PBM to deliver pharmacy cost savings
4 to the health insurer as an effort to hold
5 down costs.
6 You know, I know through the prior
7 approval process that the department receives
8 all kinds of detailed financial information
9 from the health insurers as you go through
10 your rate-setting process. When it comes to
11 the drug cost, can you describe what type of
12 information you receive and how that relates
13 to the setting of premiums? And don't you
14 have at that time, the department, have the
15 opportunity to assess the performance of
16 their contractual agreement with a PBM at
17 that time? Rather than getting in the
18 middle, having the department get in the
19 middle of a contract between two pretty
20 sophisticated entities. I'm not sure they
21 need the consumer protection that the
22 department may -- is talking about providing
23 here.
1 Senator, the PBMs have a connection to pretty
2 much every aspect of the delivery of
3 prescription drugs to the consumer. They do
4 have contractual arrangements with some
5 health insurers. They do have arrangements
6 with employers. They have relationships with
7 the manufacturers. They have contracts with
8 the individual pharmacies. And the large
9 ones have their own mail-order pharmacies and
10 the like.
11 So we think that the issue of who
12 PBMs are acting for is one that's very, very
13 open to question. Because they are getting
14 the spread pricing between the manufacturers
15 to the individual pharmacies. Yes, they are
16 getting certain servicing fees from, for
17 example, health insurance companies. But
18 what about all the profit that they're
19 getting in the mail-order pharmacies, which
20 is not in any way something that we have the
21 insight into?
22 So there are some very serious
23 concerns about what we do see and the
24 information we do have from the prior
1 approval process, as you mentioned, which is
2 25 percent of the increased costs of premiums
3 are prescription drug costs. And at the same
4 time, the major PBMs, their profits have
5 doubled.
6 So there's something there. We don't
7 know exactly what it is. But we have good
8 reason to believe that there might be some
9 very significant cost savings and, at a
10 minimum, to identify where does the PBM have
11 the obligation to. It's not necessarily the
12 consumer here, because again, they have their
13 own pharmacies, mail-order pharmacies. The
14 individual pharmacies are not getting the
15 full benefit, they're getting what is forced
16 on them in terms of the amount that they get
17 for their services, and then the spread
18 pricing that the PBM gets.
19 So our proposal we think is actually
20 quite measured. Some other states have tried
21 this in different ways, where they have gone
22 right at let's impose this requirement, that
23 requirement. Instead, we have said have them
24 register with us, have them provide us with
1 certain necessary information so we can
2 understand and have the data as to what the
3 prices are versus, frankly, what the
4 obligations are, what the return to the
5 consumer is, and why the costs are so high in
6 the commercial insurance premiums.
7 And then after that, we would have
8 very comprehensive regulations to identify
9 what we think needs to be fixed in the PBM
10 market and the licensing regime.
11 So I think our approach is very
12 measured to really try to get at the crux of
13 the problem. We don't have the information
14 that we need to really manage this problem.
15 SENATOR SEWARD: I guess as a quick
16 follow-up, following that logic, if DFS
17 regulates these entities, why shouldn't DFS
18 then regulate, you know, auto repair shops or
19 hospitals -- you know, other entities that
20 the health insurers have relationships with?
22 prescription cost drug costs go to the heart
23 of what we're dealing with every day in terms
24 of premiums. I mean, I hear all the time the
1 costs of premiums, of healthcare costs. This
2 is the largest. It's more than inpatient
3 hospitalization as a cost contributor to
4 premiums. So it is directly connected to
5 what DFS does regulate. And as I said, 18
6 other states, mainly through their insurance
7 departments, have done things to try to
8 regulate PBMs in different ways.
9 Our proposal is different. Our
10 proposal I think is more measured. But I
11 think this goes directly to a real problem
12 that impacts the regulatory that we have, the
13 regulatory authority that we have and our
14 ability to actually address what is such a
15 driver that I can't do anything with right
16 now.
17 SENATOR SEWARD: Okay, just one
18 additional question and we'll turn it over to
19 others.
20 I know through your confirmation
21 process we had quite a discussion and I think
22 we both share the belief that it's very
23 important to balance the needs of both the
24 consumers of insurance in our state and our
1 financial services industry -- you know,
2 health insurers and the other insurers around
3 the state. You know, when you know, take a
4 look at all of the financial services
5 industry as a whole, they employ thousands
6 and thousands of New Yorkers and have a
7 tremendous impact on our economy in a very
8 positive way.
9 When I look at the Governor's
10 proposal -- and I'd like your thoughts on
11 this -- do you have any concerns about how
12 this would impact the mission of DFS which
13 also, in addition to being the regulator, is
14 to also work to enhance and cultivate growth
15 in our financial services industry in the
16 state? When we created DFS back in 2011, we
17 put that very plainly in your mission
18 statement as one of your goals. And many of
19 the proposals that I see in the Governor's
20 proposed budget are items that were rejected
21 by the Legislature at the time we established
22 DFS back in 2011.
23 But do you have any concerns about,
24 you know, kind of a dampening effect on those
1 hardworking men and women in the financial
2 services industry, including our health
3 insurers? Is there a dampening effect when
4 there are proposals to increase fines by
5 10 times and have -- you know, increasing the
6 powers of DFS in terms of managing certain
7 insurers and -- you know, and then you
8 mentioned the bad actors, so-called bad
9 actors provisions, with a minimum of -- I
10 would say a minimum of due process included
11 there.
12 Do you have any concerns that that
13 could have a dampening effect on the
14 financial services industry of our state?
16 had those concerns I wouldn't have proposed
17 those bills. So no, I don't.
18 And I don't think that any of the
19 proposals that are relevant to DFS in the
20 Governor's budget should impact any of the,
21 you know, employment of good men and women in
22 this state. The ones that you mentioned -- I
23 mean, I spoke about the bad actors bill. I
24 mean, that is something that regulators
1 across the country have the authority to do
2 under administrative processes.
3 We saw, in the financial crisis of
4 2008, the problem with, you know, individuals
5 not being held accountable. This is a very,
6 very small segment of people that we're
7 dealing with. And it is, I think, essential
8 to be able to have the power -- and it is an
9 administrative process, but it has the
10 ability for due process in court -- to be
11 able to, when we identify, we have -- you
12 know, as the regulator we have great insight
13 into companies. And again, it's a very small
14 proportion of the overall industry, just like
15 everything. I would never say -- this is a
16 good, vibrant industry, but you can have bad
17 actors in any industry. And actually to
18 promote the growth of it and to maintain its
19 stability, you need to make sure that we have
20 zero tolerance for people who are not
21 actually following the rules and engaging in
22 ethical conduct. And that, I think, is the
23 essence of that proposal.
24 On the fines, we have a proposal that
1 actually ties it to what the damages might
2 be. Currently, if someone files a willingly
3 false statement of material fact with the
4 agency, and that's one violation, I can fine
5 them a thousand dollars. That, to me, is not
6 deterrence to prevent people from filing a
7 materially false statement with a government
8 agency.
9 So -- and again, this is not directed
10 at any large group, but it is essential to
11 the deterrent purpose and to maintain the
12 stability of the markets, in my view.
13 SENATOR SEWARD: Well, thank you for
14 sharing your thoughts.
16 SENATOR SEWARD: I -- my view is
17 you -- and we'll have to think this through,
18 obviously, through the process. But it
19 strikes me that through the licensing, you
20 know, producer licensing and the other --
21 there are plenty of hammers that you have at
22 the department. No one wants, shall we say,
23 bad actors out there defrauding the public.
1 SENATOR SEWARD: And you have, it
2 seems to me, plenty of powers to go after
3 those bad actors.
4 And so we'll be evaluating this
5 proposal.
7 happy to share more thoughts, you know,
8 separately if you want.
9 Thank you.
10 SENATOR SEWARD: Thank you.
11 Thank you, Senator Young.
13 Chairman?
15 Assemblyman Cahill, chairman of the
16 Insurance Committee.
18 Mr. Chairman.
19 Thank you, Superintendent, for being
20 here today.
21 I'm glad we had a chance to have a
22 little exchange before we got here so that
23 you were aware that we would probably go
24 beyond the issue of just the relationship of
1 the Department of Financial Services when it
2 comes to health insurance.
3 And I'd like to start by going back to
4 health insurance, and Health Republic in
5 particular, and the discussion that was had
6 with my friend Senator Seward. The question
7 was whether you are going to pursue a federal
8 legal action against the government for a
9 claim regarding monies due the State of
10 New York, and Health Republic in particular,
11 consistent with those actions that are
12 brought by other states.
13 Have you been in communication with
14 the Attorney General on how to proceed with
15 this suit? Because my recollection is you
16 wouldn't be bringing it just by yourself,
17 you'd be doing it with the Attorney General;
18 correct?
19 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: No, that is not
20 correct. As liquidator, I'm actually not a
21 state agent, I am a private entity that is
22 the receiver of Health Republic. And that
23 action, just like in any other liquidation
24 proceeding, goes through the Liquidation
1 Bureau. So that's sort of separate from the
2 state agency, which is DFS. I actually wear
3 two hats in that regard. And the Liquidation
4 Bureau commences those actions.
5 When we go into court initially, when
6 it's DFS actually putting Health Republic
7 into liquidation, that is something that we
8 sometimes work with. But the Liquidation
9 Bureau handles those actions and actually has
10 private counsel many times doing that too.
11 It's a different fund, and it's a different
12 process.
13 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: So you'd be going
14 in as liquidator, not as the superintendent?
16 role that I have for Health Republic, is to
17 go in as liquidator, that is correct.
18 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: So the budget
19 proposal by the Governor -- not just in the
20 area of DFS but in many areas of the budget,
21 the Governor recommends significant changes
22 in the powers and authorities and
23 responsibilities of agencies, particularly
24 when it comes to things like the
1 investigative powers or prosecutorial
2 powers -- not to use the criminal
3 prosecutorial word, but the prosecutor to
4 execute even a civil action.
5 There has been some concern expressed
6 by the Attorney General regarding the reach,
7 particularly when it came to DFS. And the
8 changes would include more supervision, more
9 enforcement, expanding the ability to ban
10 operators. It would include the ability to
11 levy assessments and increase fines by a
12 thousand percent. In each instance, the
13 Attorney General has expressed a concern that
14 this is -- he didn't use the word usurping
15 the role of the Attorney General, but clearly
16 the memorandum that we received from the
17 Attorney General indicates that he believes
18 that this is an overreach. You responded and
19 you said no, it's not. Which is kind of what
20 I expected you would say.
21 These things were considered when the
22 Department of Financial Services was being
23 authorized in the first instance back around
24 2011, and rejected by the Legislature. What
1 has changed since 2011 other than who the
2 Attorney General is that would make it
3 reasonable for the Legislature to revisit the
4 powers, authorities, and duties of the
5 Department of Financial Services in this
6 regard?
8 that question, Assemblyman.
9 So I did respond to the Attorney
10 General's letter last night. And I think
11 it's actually quite unfortunate that we have
12 this issue.
13 The proposals in the Governor's budget
14 don't take away in any way, shape or form any
15 of the power of Attorney General. They're
16 actually quite limited in what the proposals
17 are. And it was the same Attorney General in
18 2011, when DFS was created, as is the case
19 today. So that hasn't changed.
20 And the issue in 2011 was the Martin
21 Act, and we're not asking for the Martin Act.
22 What these provisions are are the --
23 so the fines, that's just increasing -- a
24 proposal to increase what the fines are that
1 currently exist in the Insurance Law that we
2 already enforce.
3 And as I set forth in my letter that I
4 sent last night, the Financial Services Law,
5 both in its introductory disposition as well
6 as in specific provisions, gives me the
7 enforcement authority over the banking and
8 insurance industries, just like the Banking
9 Department had before the merger and the
10 Insurance Department had before the merger.
11 I already have enforcement authority
12 that I utilize every day, just like any other
13 regulator does. I'm also a law enforcement
14 officer. The Attorney General is not a
15 regulator. I regulate the banking and
16 insurance industries, and if I see conduct in
17 the course of the regulation of that -- I
18 supervise, we do examinations every day of
19 our industries. And if something comes up in
20 that, we take action. Overwhelmingly, that
21 action is by agreement, by consent order. We
22 very rarely go to court.
23 The only thing that these
24 provisions are seeking to do on bad actors is
1 to make it clear that in my supervisory
2 regulatory role, I'm there with the company,
3 if I identify a problematic -- someone who
4 is, you know, engaged in malfeasance, I
5 should be able to remove that person through
6 the process that I have for other things.
7 So that wouldn't be something that the
8 Attorney General would ever do anyway,
9 because that information is not available to
10 him because it's in my regulatory authority
11 to do that. And in fact what we included in
12 the proposed bill is an explicit statement
13 that I can refer the matter to the
14 Attorney General, because there are
15 circumstances that we would want to do that.
16 So I actually -- I guess that's being
17 turned into something different. It was
18 including an explicit provision that I can
19 refer matters to the Attorney General that
20 somehow is making it suggest that I'm trying
21 to take away powers. It's just not the case.
23 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: And again, it's
24 unfortunate.
1 The student loan servicing is another
2 thing. That is a -- you know, we have a huge
3 debt crisis of students. There's 2.8 million
4 New Yorkers that have student debt, and the
5 average amount is over $32,000. We're trying
6 to regulate those servicers.
8 Before we use up the entire 10 minutes, isn't
9 DFS already required to cooperate with the
10 Attorney General? And why could not that
11 mandate that's already written into the
12 Financial Services Law to cooperate with the
13 Attorney General accomplish exactly what
14 you're suggesting needs to be done with
15 additional legislation?
16 And secondly, if you already have the
17 authority, why do you need to restate it here
18 in the language of the budget?
20 authority that we're talking about is the
21 authority to ban bad actors.
22 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: Okay, there's --
23 well, there's actually --
1 specific authority. I have enforcement
2 authority --
4 There's several different sections that seek
5 to expand the authority, responsibility, and
6 reach of the Department of Financial
7 Services, not just the bad actors part.
8 There's several different, so ...
10 provision that is also misunderstood on
11 unlicensed lenders. So I have requirements,
12 we have requirements in the existing Banking
13 Law that people must come to us and obtain a
14 license if they're going to be a lender, make
15 loans to New Yorkers.
16 There are people that refuse to come
17 to us, as they are legally required to do, to
18 get a license. What I'm asking for in that
19 provision is the ability to apply to people
20 who are flagrantly violating the law and not
21 coming for a license that I can go after them
22 in the same way I can go after somebody who
23 does comply with the law and get a license.
24 That's all that provision is.
1 And in that provision I say "and we
2 can refer the matter to the Attorney
3 General."
4 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: We're going to
5 move on, because there's only a minute left
6 in the time that I have allotted.
8 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: The concern that
9 has been existing and growing over the past
10 several years, and particularly last year, on
11 the -- in the area of long-term-care
12 insurance is that premiums have become
13 unaffordable, people who have invested in
14 these plans are not being able to rely upon
15 them the way that they thought they would,
16 the way that it was represented they would by
17 the State of New York, as a matter of fact.
18 What exactly is DFS doing to restore
19 the faith and trust of people who want to
20 invest in these plans, help them over this
21 circumstance, and correct this situation for
22 the future?
24 Assemblyman. I share the concerns of all
1 New Yorkers who are experiencing increases in
2 long-term-care insurance premiums. This is
3 an unfortunate national problem caused by 15,
4 20 years ago the development of products that
5 were underpriced because of assumptions about
6 lapse rates, because of low interest rates
7 for a long period of time, and assumptions
8 about longevity and morbidity as well.
9 So the reality that we face -- and we
10 have a very thorough process at DFS. When an
11 insurer seeks premium increases for long-term
12 care, we evaluate their actuarial data, we
13 look at what the assumptions are, what the
14 benefits are, what the actuarial analysis is
15 as to what those liabilities would be
16 compared to the premiums that exist. And
17 unfortunately in a number of circumstances we
18 agree that certain increases are necessary.
19 We often reduce the amount that the
20 insurer is requesting, but we do it on an
21 actuarial basis. And what we have done is
22 two other things, is that we've offered the
23 consumer -- and this is not a perfect
24 solution, but it's honestly the best that we
1 could do -- is we offer them a choice. You
2 know, you could take the extra premium but we
3 require the insurance company to give them a
4 landing spot, such as a reduced inflation
5 rate, which ultimately could be a reduction
6 in benefit. But -- and to lay that out in
7 full consumer disclosure that they have that
8 choice.
9 What's interesting is that most
10 consumers do continue the coverage. They
11 don't lapse on it. But that's what we've
12 done.
13 The other thing that we've done when
14 we've approved rate increases is we've said
15 you can't come back to us for three years
16 with another rate increase.
17 My biggest concern is I don't want to
18 raise prices and then have an insurance
19 company come back and say, now I'm insolvent
20 and I have to be put in liquidation. That's
21 a real concern that I have, and so we
22 carefully address this.
23 It's a -- it's a -- it's a problem in
24 terms of developing products that will
1 provide what people believe that they are
2 contractually getting, and providing it in an
3 affordable way so that the insurance company
4 can actually pay out the claims based upon
5 the premiums that they're getting.
6 And I think that products such as --
7 you know, life insurance policy products that
8 have, you know, early benefits for long-term
9 care where you can actually get the benefit
10 if you -- you know, are good products. I'm
11 very open and I've talked to a number of
12 insurance companies, what other kinds of
13 products can we come -- because obviously
14 it's an impact on the Medicaid system when
15 people don't have, you know, the insurance
16 policy.
17 I have attended, you know, many
18 meetings with industry, working with the
19 Federal Insurance Office to try to -- it's
20 a -- it's a very difficult problem with not
21 very easy solutions, unfortunately.
23 Mr. Chairman, I'll have to come back
24 after some of our colleagues have a chance to
1 talk.
2 Thank you, Superintendent.
6 Senator Hannon.
7 SENATOR HANNON: Madam Superintendent,
8 addressing Health Republic -- and you gave us
9 a pretty good explanation in a letter just
10 recently, and then more in your testimony.
11 You talk about, in your testimony,
12 approximately $432 million due under the Risk
13 Corridors Program. But there's actually
14 three parts of risk corridor. There's risk
15 corridor, there's risk adjustment, and then
16 there's reinsurance.
17 So what of the 432 would be risk
18 reduction? I mean, what -- because, as you
19 set forth in the letter, in 2014 Congress
20 appealed the risk reduction. And therefore I
21 wonder what of the risk adjustment is still
22 outstanding for Health Republic.
24 are -- so there are -- it's the three Rs:
1 Risk corridor, risk adjustment, and
2 reinsurance. And the Risk Corridor Program
3 was specific to these nonprofit co-ops, which
4 were not nonprofits, so they required capital
5 in order to get rolling. And the Risk
6 Corridor Program was intended to actually
7 address the circumstance where in the early
8 phase of the development of the exchange,
9 that the companies couldn't really estimate
10 for sure what the population of the uninsured
11 becoming insured would be, and the Risk
12 Corridor Program was supposed to protect
13 against that with additional funding from the
14 federal government.
15 That's what Congress in 2014 -- they
16 reduced the funding from what it would have
17 been, a hundred percent, to under 20 percent.
18 And that created very large receivables for
19 all of the co-ops and certainly Health
20 Republic. The one that we knew of
21 immediately was I think about $130 million.
22 The $432 million amount that I
23 mentioned is what we have estimated as of
24 September 30. And big caveat, I've directed
1 an audit, we're going to look at it, we have
2 actually additional information. That's just
3 risk corridor.
4 The two other -- reinsurance was also
5 cut. That was about a $51 million amount.
6 Risk adjustment goes the other way. So risk
7 adjustment was the program -- and still
8 exists -- where insurance companies that have
9 healthier lives pay into the program to be
10 paid -- so that's insurance company to
11 insurance company, it's not federal monies.
12 And under risk adjustment, we believe
13 it's possible that the federal government
14 will claim an offset. We would argue
15 $400-something million, if say that number
16 turns out to be the accurate number, that we
17 are owed that we think that the federal
18 government may claim in offset for risk
19 adjustment, which we dispute, and potentially
20 the start-up loans. And our position is that
21 that set-off would not be appropriate.
22 So that's why this lawsuit issue, too,
23 is complicated, because it's not necessarily
24 just that one piece, it's is the government
1 going to claim these other things. And our
2 position is the federal government, under our
3 New York statute, is subordinate as a
4 creditor to policyholders. That
5 policyholders come first, it's an unsecured
6 loan, and we don't think that Health Republic
7 would have to pay it. That we can use -- but
8 do I think that somebody in the federal
9 government might disagree with that? Yes.
10 So we're evaluating it. It hasn't yet
11 been litigated and decided.
12 SENATOR HANNON: Well, thank you for
13 laying out why it's a complicated case.
14 That's huge.
15 In regard to ACA -- and I'm not so
16 sure I want an answer, but just the fact that
17 you're looking at it, especially your
18 department looking at the contingency in the
19 in the event the ACA is repealed, in part or
20 all. And the reason I don't want a full
21 answer is I don't think it's prudent. But I
22 hope you're doing that.
23 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: We are actively
24 engaged and monitoring it very, very
1 carefully every day.
2 SENATOR HANNON: And one of the things
3 that we have, just an offset of all of
4 that -- and we did adopt as a statute, but we
5 still look to change it -- is changing the
6 size of the small group. We went to 100,
7 there's been a fair amount of I think valid
8 complaints, and that we ought to go back to
9 50, and at least consider that as a lot of
10 different changes are going around in the
11 next couple of years.
13 think that there are so many various factors,
14 all of them should be considered when we see
15 what exactly happens in Washington. Because
16 none of these things can really be looked at
17 on its own.
18 Obviously, the funding that would come
19 from the federal government, the Medicaid
20 expansion, the Essential Health Plan -- there
21 are so many different factors, and then
22 figuring out what the commercial health
23 insurance program would be.
24 You know, on the small group market,
1 just like the large group market -- which is
2 not, you know, subject to prior approval --
3 you know, may actually have healthier lives.
4 So the argument on the small group market
5 expansion is that you get more healthier
6 lives the more people in the pool, or at
7 least it's spread out more. That's the
8 argument. Again, we'd have to look at each
9 individual piece depending upon what happens
10 at the federal level and what laws we have on
11 the books and might need modification to.
12 SENATOR HANNON: Almost on an
13 individual basis, as opposed to a company or
14 a broker basis, I've heard the complaints and
15 feel that it would be better to go to the
16 smaller group.
17 Let me just switch entirely to another
18 topic that you brought out, and that was in
19 regard to the powers of your agency or maybe
20 the powers of the Executive in regard to the
21 drugs.
22 Because I'm puzzled by -- we have,
23 obviously -- we run Medicaid, we regulate
24 Medicaid, we set the rules for Medicaid.
1 We've worked for the Drug Utilization Review
2 Board for Medicaid. What we don't do is deal
3 with the component parts of the policy, like
4 auto insurance or things like that.
5 But the Governor's proposal, as you
6 said in your testimony, requires drug
7 manufacturers and wholesalers to pay a
8 60 percent surcharge applied to all first
9 sales in New York and gross receipts
10 generated from drug costs on the commercial
11 insurance market that exceed the DURB state
12 pricing benchmark.
13 I just look at that as -- well, that
14 would be wonderful if we could wave a magic
15 wand and we reduce drug prices. However, I
16 just don't know where we would get the power
17 in order to do that. And the next part of it
18 would be, what would be the amount of money
19 you people would think we could recover?
20 Because it's going to be an extraordinary
21 type of academic/accountant/economic analysis
22 in order to determine excessive pricing. And
23 what's the benefit at the end? Because it's
24 not clear from our negotiations with the
1 Department of Budget what the benefit is to
2 this whole proposal for commercial insurance.
4 the DURB would be setting the benchmark state
5 price for the Medicaid program. And the
6 proposal also includes an expansion of DURB
7 to include economists and actuaries and
8 others on that review board -- which of
9 course, as you said, already exists to
10 address sort of pricing.
11 And there are only certain drugs --
12 not all drugs, there are only certain drugs
13 that would qualify for even that benchmark
14 pricing or then the 60 percent surcharge.
15 And they're the exorbitant-priced drugs where
16 you see the launch prices being way higher
17 than what development costs, research and
18 development costs would be, or the huge
19 spikes that we've seen, for example, with the
20 EpiPen and the like. So it's actually a
21 narrow category of drugs.
22 But the DURB would set those prices
23 for the Medicaid system. DFS would have a
24 representative on the DURB, but we wouldn't
1 do anything with respect to the setting of
2 those prices. The surcharge would be 60
3 percent for that excess above what the price
4 is that's set by the DURB for Medicaid
5 purposes. And if the pharmaceutical
6 manufacturer, for purposes of the commercial
7 market, was going to charge a price higher
8 than that, the Department of Tax and Finance
9 would have that 60 percent surcharge. And
10 the fund would come to me for purposes of
11 actually giving the benefit of that to the
12 insurance companies so that premiums can be
13 reduced or, the corollary in the Medicaid
14 program, based on the proportion of drugs.
15 So that's what the proposal would be.
16 So we wouldn't be involved in the setting of
17 the prices or anything. That's a pure
18 Medicaid function. We think that this is
19 appropriate and legal. And so I hope that
20 answers that, you know, in terms of what
21 DFS's role in that is.
22 SENATOR HANNON: I'm looking for a --
23 I'm looking for -- I'm looking for a number.
1 sorry. So the scoring, I think, for the
2 Medicaid program has -- I think it's
3 $55 million for the first year is the scoring
4 of that. And certainly the commercial
5 market, you know, is probably 10 million.
6 SENATOR HANNON: We have that scoring,
7 but we also have, in an answer from the
8 Division of Budget as to what's the
9 surcharge, and they said the $55 million
10 doesn't deal with the surcharge, hence that's
11 what --
13 SENATOR HANNON: I have that in
14 writing, so hence I'm asking the question
15 what's the value of the surcharge.
17 have -- I don't have a number. I don't --
18 you know, I can certainly work with the
19 Division of the Budget on that if you'd like.
20 But I do know that it's been scored
21 for the Medicaid savings over a two-year
22 period. And certainly given the commercial
23 insurance market and the size of the
24 commercial insurance market that we regulate
1 at DFS, we certainly think that there are
2 sufficient savings to maintain affordability
3 of health insurance rates that could be --
4 that make this an appropriate Article VII
5 legislation.
6 SENATOR HANNON: The last point would
7 really be just a comment about the PBMs. One
8 of the rationales that was given to us in
9 discussions with Budget was "We want to find
10 out what the PBMs are all about and what they
11 do and how they do it." And in terms of
12 moving forward in discussion of what's going
13 on in this state with PBMs, we already find
14 out that all of Medicaid managed-care plans
15 have a PBM. We find out that the Civil
16 Service Department, which administers the
17 Empire Plan in this state, has a PBM and
18 acquired the PBM by a request for proposals
19 advice.
20 And then, after he finished testifying
21 on that question, Medicaid Director Helgerson
22 talked about getting a PBM for another
23 function, for the, quote, MAC function in
24 setting drug prices, so that the Department
1 of Health directly contracted with a PBM for
2 advice.
3 I mean, the information is there.
4 That's one thing. It's why we're further
5 looking forward. And second, to the extent
6 we're starting to come up with regulating
7 these groups -- and I have no connection, no
8 love for them. We don't -- we don't --
9 they're not anything warm and fuzzy. But
10 what are we doing? If we contract with them,
11 use them, now we're going to regulate them
12 and try to squeeze them? And how are we
13 going to make the judgments for that?
14 Why don't we use the information we
15 have now in state government to figure out
16 where we're going? End of comment.
18 me to respond?
21 know, there are three very large PBMs that
22 interact with the commercial market. And
23 certainly in the Medicaid system they have
24 contractual arrangements as well. There's
1 nothing wrong with the contractual
2 relationships with any, you know, commercial
3 or state entity with PBMs. But we know that
4 in the commercial health insurance market --
5 and we don't have the information with
6 respect to the contractual arrangements in
7 the commercial health insurance market. We
8 know that the drivers of that are very, very
9 different than the drivers of contractual
10 arrangements with a state Medicaid or
11 state-federal Medicaid market.
12 And that's where we have some real
13 concerns and why this proposal to license --
14 first register and then license the PBMs we
15 think will help maintain the affordability,
16 because of the multiple relationships that
17 the PBMs have in the delivery of prescription
18 drugs relevant to the commercial health
19 insurance market -- the relationships between
20 the individual pharmacies, the rebates from
21 the manufacturers, the spread pricing from
22 the manufacturers. Everything that I'm
23 talking about is about the commercial health
24 insurance market, where we don't have the
1 information about the contractual
2 arrangements, the pricing and who -- most
3 importantly, who's getting the benefit of
4 whatever administrative -- you know, large
5 contractual arrangements are supposed to make
6 things more efficient. Who's getting the
7 benefit of the arguably reduced costs? And
8 that's really why we want to regulate them in
9 the commercial market. Which has different
10 incentives from the governmental --
11 SENATOR HANNON: A comment and my
12 observation. As you're talking, I'm thinking
13 you regulate these insurers, you look at
14 their rate requests. In order to look at
15 their rate requests, you're looking at the
16 elements of their rates. You have an MLR
17 that they have to adhere to. I would think
18 that you have already the information needed
19 to do this.
21 Senator. We don't.
22 The insurance companies' relationship
23 with some of the PBMs, the contract is like a
24 servicing fee, you know, for sort of managing
1 the delivery process. We don't have the
2 mail-order pharmacy information that the PBM
3 has that's supplying them. We don't have the
4 price or the cost structure of that. We
5 don't have the information with respect to
6 the manufacturer rebates that the PBM may get
7 and how they're passed along. Are they truly
8 passed along to the insurance companies? We
9 don't have the relationship or the
10 contractual information or the pricing
11 information of the PBM contracts with the
12 individual pharmacies, because that's
13 divorced from the contract that the insurance
14 company has with the PBM for a management fee
15 or a servicing fee.
16 So there's a lot about PBMs that we do
17 not have that type of information. And to my
18 knowledge, nobody in the state does. And
19 that's why, again, other states have sought
20 to do it as well.
21 SENATOR HANNON: Well, if we contract
22 with these folks -- the Civil Service
23 Department does it for the Empire Plan, think
24 of how many covered lives there are in the
1 Empire Plan -- we ought to have that. They
2 were derelict in doing their contracting.
3 I just can't imagine that -- because I
4 have -- I don't -- see, my problem is when
5 we're launching a whole new regulatory
6 scheme, I'm wondering -- we ought to be doing
7 it correctly. And second, I'm not so sure we
8 do regulatory schemes that well. So witness
9 the rest of your requests.
10 So anyway, that's a dialogue we'll
11 continue at some point.
13 you.
14 SENATOR HANNON: But thank you very
15 much for really solid thinking in your
16 answers.
18 CHAIRMAN FARRELL: Richard Gottfried,
19 chair, Health Department -- Health Committee.
21 wouldn't want me chairing the Health
22 Department.
23 (Laughter.)
1 fine qualities. Running anything is probably
2 not one of them.
3 (Laughter.)
5 question about something you said. I can
6 certainly understand that a PBM would treat
7 Aetna, for example, just -- and not to single
8 them out -- which is a huge customer, that
9 they would treat them a little better than
10 they would treat a Medicaid managed-care plan
11 that may have 100,000 or 200,000 covered
12 lives. That's part of my concern.
13 But you referred -- you used the
14 expression that the drivers are different on
15 the commercial side than on the government
16 insurance side. What did you mean by that?
18 motive of the commercial insurance industry.
19 And the for-profit motive of the PBMs. And
20 the contractual -- you know, the -- when
21 you're addressing the -- as Senator Hannon's
22 question was asking about, well, we have some
23 information in the Medicaid system with PBMs,
24 but we don't have in that all of the pieces
1 of the commercial health insurance market,
2 which are also different players in that
3 market than would be in just the contractual
4 discussions between, say, Medicaid and the
5 PBMs. Right? So the commercial market has
6 many different players, mostly for-profit
7 institutions, as are the PBMs.
9 the for-profit insurance company -- that
10 wants to send as much money to its
11 stockholders as possible -- have the same
12 desire for a lower price as the little
13 not-for-profit Medicaid managed-care plan?
15 that -- you know, and this gets sort of --
16 gets complicated and involves, you know,
17 thinking about who has the sort of
18 contractual power in various negotiations.
19 You know, so if I were to ask a commercial
20 health insurer when they submit to me their
21 premium request to increase premiums and they
22 say, you know, we're asking for X percent
23 increase and you say, well, you know, that's
24 too much, and they say, well, prescription
1 drug costs are so high, and I can't do
2 anything about that because I don't have -- I
3 don't have the power over -- I need to
4 provide these drugs, I don't have the power
5 over that.
6 And you have the PBMs that are
7 actually negotiating some of those and
8 providing the delivery of the pharmaceuticals
9 either within their own captured companies
10 that are mail-order pharmacies -- which is
11 kind of interesting where that profit motive
12 is, in which direction does that profit
13 motive go.
15 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: Same thing with
16 the profit motive towards contracting with
17 the individual pharmacies and the
18 manufacturers. So where is the PBM in terms
19 of helping with the reduction of the cost to
20 the consumer?
21 And that's why we think PBMs really
22 are something that requires much greater
23 transparency at a minimum.
1 you.
3 Senator?
4 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Senator Golden.
5 Oh, I'm sorry, Senator Krueger first.
6 SENATOR KRUEGER: Hi. Thank you so
7 much for your testimony today.
8 So something that I have raised with
9 your office quite a bit over the last several
10 years are the concerns I get from my
11 constituents and also from doctors and
12 hospitals, that we sign everybody up in our
13 exchange in the options, and then there are
14 not enough doctors to meet the demands of the
15 number of people who have signed into the
16 insurance companies. The doctors suddenly
17 discover they're off the exchange by certain
18 companies but were never told; others,
19 they're on, but were never told. When you go
20 to look things up for yourself about who are
21 the providers and you then use the navigators
22 to decide who you're going to sign up with --
23 and then once it's all done, you discover,
24 nope, they're really not there, nope, really
1 can't use those hospitals.
2 I even have a situation -- my district
3 has a hospital a few people have heard of,
4 Memorial Sloan-Kettering. It's fairly famous
5 for cancer care. There is not one insurance
6 company on the exchange that will use
7 Memorial Sloan-Kettering, even though we have
8 talked to Memorial, they will take the same
9 rate those companies are paying the other
10 hospitals.
11 I don't understand what we're not
12 doing right to ensure that once people get
13 into these insurance vehicles that I'm very
14 glad we have set up in New York State and
15 hope, as Kemp said, we don't see the collapse
16 of ACA and have to deal with all the things
17 that that might mean. How do we make sure
18 these insurance providers have robust
19 networks, aren't doing bait-and-switches?
20 And I really just don't understand how major
21 hospital institutions offering to accept the
22 same rates from these companies are shut out.
24 this is unfortunately one of those questions
1 that I have to say that in large part I don't
2 have the authority to do much about because I
3 can't demand that an insurance company
4 include certain doctors in the network.
5 The law does provide for the
6 Department of Health, in consultation with
7 DFS, to look at network adequacy and ensure
8 that the network is adequate. And I think
9 all of your points are very, very relevant to
10 the need for ongoing oversight over network
11 adequacy. But the individual contracting
12 relationships between the insurance companies
13 and providers is something that I don't have
14 any authority to demand that you include
15 certain -- but we can say your network is not
16 adequate.
17 The other piece of this, of course, is
18 the out-of-network coverage requirements.
19 And of course the Legislature and the
20 Governor did a lot in 2014 for out-of-network
21 coverage to ensure that there wouldn't be
22 surprise billing and the like. But we still
23 have in various places in the state, and
24 particularly downstate, more reduced
1 out-of-network coverage.
2 And certainly we just had a working
3 group that did a report on that, and I think
4 certainly we can think about more reforms in
5 all of these areas.
6 SENATOR KRUEGER: So I'll play devil's
7 advocate.
9 SENATOR KRUEGER: So much of today's
10 testimony back and forth with colleagues is
11 about does the state have the power to tell
12 drug companies what their prices can be, does
13 the state or should the state have the power
14 to tell the pharmacy benefit managers to show
15 us their books and prove to us that they're
16 transferring the monies the right way.
17 There's nothing that we can -- oh,
18 should you have the right to have more
19 criminal authority over certain kinds of
20 cases. What would you need to be given the
21 authority to hold these companies accountable
22 for the fundamental thing they're supposed to
23 be providing? You're signing up for
24 insurance to get healthcare; shouldn't they
1 have an obligation to ensure you actually get
2 what you're signing up for?
4 certainly, if they have contracted -- when
5 they contract with the policyholders, whether
6 they be the employer or the individual on the
7 exchange, and they promise certain coverage
8 and they don't provide that coverage, we come
9 in and we make sure they provide the
10 coverage.
11 The question as to whether or not
12 there's a particular provider for that
13 coverage -- so long as they have what's
14 called an adequate network, the insured
15 doesn't necessarily, under current law, have
16 the right to a specific provider for the
17 coverage that the insurance plan provides.
18 But we certainly enforce the laws that
19 say that you promised certain coverage, you
20 must have that coverage with the copays or
21 whatever. But it's the particular decisions
22 as to what providers are in networks. And of
23 course individual providers, many of them
24 decide not to take insurance at all. And
1 so that's just something that we don't have.
2 I want to address your thing on the
3 criminal penalties. I do not have and am not
4 seeking criminal prosecution authority. So
5 that's something also in answer to
6 Assemblyman Cahill's question that is a
7 misunderstanding. I have criminal
8 investigatory authority, and if there's
9 something that we learn about that's of a
10 criminal nature, we refer it to district
11 attorneys or to the Attorney General, as the
12 case may be. So I am not seeking any
13 criminal prosecutorial authority in any of
14 these proposals, so that's an unfortunate
15 misunderstanding.
16 SENATOR KRUEGER: So let's go back to
17 the subexample for me. You sign up, you
18 discover that doctors you believed were in
19 the network are not, even though they were on
20 the website. You go in search of a doctor --
21 even though it might not be the same one you
22 had in the past -- and there is nobody who
23 can see you in any reasonable time frame.
24 What are the standards you can hold them to?
2 that, if there is a circumstance where a
3 consumer was promised something and there's a
4 plan where there's treatment that is covered
5 but no provider in the consumer's geographic
6 vicinity to do it, then yes, and in most
7 cases the out-of-network coverage would allow
8 that consumer to get the out-of-network
9 coverage and not necessarily have to pay the
10 additional differential.
11 So there are certainly things in
12 individual cases. We get consumer complaints
13 all the time, and many of these types of
14 complaints we actually resolve. Some of it
15 is, you know, unfortunate misunderstanding,
16 but not for any fault on anyone. It's very
17 complicated to understand, and I get it, what
18 the policy provides.
19 So I would say, you know, we answer
20 these complaints all the time, we manage
21 those complaints, we contact and we make sure
22 that the consumer gets coverage. So any of
23 your constituents, send them our way and
24 we'll try to address individual ones as well.
1 SENATOR KRUEGER: We do, but we
2 continue -- it's almost -- I'd say it's
3 almost ubiquitous. And I don't know whether
4 it's something unique to Manhattan -- because
5 ironically, Manhattan has more doctors and
6 more hospital beds than statistically I think
7 anywhere else in the state, and yet when I
8 talk to other Manhattan electeds, it also
9 seems to be one of the biggest problem areas.
10 I don't know if you measure by
11 geography, because I would have actually
12 assumed it might have been a bigger problem
13 for Cathy Young in her district because rural
14 New York State has so many fewer options
15 than, say, the big City of New York. But
16 it's a constant struggle.
18 you from personal experience, in Manhattan it
19 is.
20 So I don't think -- you know, I think
21 the number of providers who don't take health
22 insurance, the limitations of out-of-network
23 coverage in the individual market downstate
24 is certainly a greater issue than it is in
1 other places of the state, that is true.
2 SENATOR KRUEGER: I'm out of time,
3 thank you very much.
6 Assembly?
9 Chairman. And thank you, Commissioner. It's
10 good to see we both survived the snowstorm
11 last Thursday.
12 Under the Governor's Executive
13 proposal, DFS may request information
14 including but not limited to PBM services
15 disclosing any type of financial incentive or
16 relationship.
17 Isn't that information already
18 available out there for the most part, all
19 the contractual relationships between the PBM
20 and the insurance companies? Because I've
21 heard some folks say that it is out there.
23 mean there may be the contracts that an
24 insurance company has with the PBM. But
1 that's not going to give us what the PBM's
2 various other pieces of that puzzle are, and
3 the PBM's pricing and the PBM's costs and the
4 PBM's profit. We wouldn't have that. We
5 would have the contract that the insurance
6 company has. And we certainly see how
7 pharmaceutical prices impact premiums. But
8 again, we don't have the PBM side and the
9 PBM's relationships with the pharmacies, the
10 manufacturers, you know, their mail-order
11 pharmacies and the like. So that piece we
12 don't have.
13 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: I guess I'm a
14 little concerned about the "not limited to"
15 part. What type of things could you --
16 because I didn't even finish reading the
17 whole thing. It covers a whole lot of
18 aspects between the relationships between the
19 PBM and the insurance companies. And what
20 other types of things could you foresee that
21 the department might want?
23 be anything relevant to the cost structure
24 that leads to prescription drug costs not
1 being affordable to the consumer. I mean, in
2 many ways this is not different than, you
3 know, what DFS's authority is over its
4 regulated entities, which is oversight over,
5 you know, safety and soundness and financial
6 condition. And so we get, you know, this
7 type of information from all of our regulated
8 entities all the time, so it would be really
9 no different than that.
10 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Okay. My next
11 question, I don't know if it should have been
12 directed to the health commissioner, but
13 maybe you can help me out. With respect to
14 the first sales of high-priced drugs, who is
15 reporting the first purchase? Is it the
16 wholesaler or is it the pharmacy? How do we
17 come up with the first -- you know, the first
18 sale in the state?
20 idea is to ensure that, you know, we are
21 getting the jurisdictional connection to
22 New York State and the first sale in New York
23 State, whatever that first sale might be.
24 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Right. But is
1 it -- because most of the drugs go through a
2 wholesaler. So is it going to be the
3 wholesaler?
5 be the wholesaler, if that's the first sale
6 into New York State.
7 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Now, neither the
8 wholesaler or the pharmacy really have any
9 control over the price of the drug, right,
10 that's going to come from the manufacturer?
12 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: Okay. And then how
13 do we gather that information with respect to
14 Internet sales?
16 would -- that's an interesting question. I
17 mean, you know, Internet is always an issue
18 of when does it come into the state. The
19 idea, you know, would be to track it and that
20 way -- again, this is not something that I
21 would do at DFS, this is something that would
22 be done through Tax & Finance, which
23 addresses these issues all the time in terms
24 of ensuring that sales taxes and other types
1 of taxes are collected appropriately.
2 ASSEMBLYMAN RAIA: All right. Then
3 I'd be a little bit worried about interstate
4 commerce issues on that as well.
5 Thank you, Commissioner.
8 Senator?
9 SENATOR KRUEGER: Senator Marty
10 Golden.
11 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you, Madam
12 Chair.
13 Thank you, Superintendent, for being
14 here today and for your testimony. I'll be
15 brief. Do you like that, Kemp?
16 The -- I too have some reservations as
17 to the regulation of PBMs. But I'm going to
18 tell you right now, you definitely raise the
19 bar when it comes to talking about the
20 mail-order pharmacies that are controlled by
21 these PBMs and what it's cost us here in the
22 State of New York. Since most of these
23 pharmacies are outside the State of New York,
24 we don't know what are the monies coming in
1 and the profits and how they're being taken,
2 and we should. And we should be able -- this
3 is at a disadvantage to our local pharmacies
4 and to the employment here in the City and
5 State of New York.
6 So you've definitely raised, I
7 believe, a serious question here and
8 hopefully we can assist you and work with you
9 and hopefully get some answers.
10 I'm going to go to another issue which
11 I don't think has been brought up, and that's
12 the cybersecurity. We understand that you've
13 taken over some areas of cybersecurity that
14 we believe is very important. I don't think
15 you go forward enough, I think, on the local
16 end of it -- the actual grand larceny, the
17 actual skimmer devices, those types of areas.
18 But we need to give you the tools that you
19 need, that you require to be able to make
20 this great state safe and the leader in
21 cybersecurity.
22 And your thoughts on what you may need
23 and your thoughts on where you think the
24 state can go in adding to that legislation.
2 Senator Golden.
3 Actually, that's a timely question.
4 We actually this morning issued our final
5 cybersecurity regulation and the DFS role in
6 this, in our cybersecurity regulation, is a
7 regulation that requires the financial
8 services industry -- so the banks and the
9 insurance companies -- to establish
10 cybersecurity programs and policies so that
11 they are protecting New Yorkers in their
12 identities and their personal data and of
13 course from terrorist activities. You know,
14 for example, banks which actually not only
15 have data, but they also have cash, that a
16 cyberattack could get into that and could
17 have some very serious consequences to our
18 financial industry in New York. So that's
19 DFS's role.
20 The Governor has certain proposals for
21 cybersecurity that are different, they're
22 sort of homeland security type of proposals.
23 That's not my agency. I am focused on how do
24 we protect our financial industry and
1 requiring them, by regulation, to develop
2 risk-based programs to protect the
3 institutions.
4 And what I would say on that is I wish
5 the federal government would do something on
6 this too, but that's -- you know, because
7 we're first to actually do something about
8 the financial services industry and requiring
9 them to have programs.
10 Now, many of them have it already.
11 But I think it's really important to require
12 it and for us to be ever-vigilant, because an
13 attack on the financial services industry
14 is -- it's what keeps me up at night. And
15 certainly kept me up at night before the
16 Affordable Care Act problems came into play
17 this year. But that's what really keeps me
18 up.
19 SENATOR GOLDEN: Thank you very much,
20 Superintendent.
23 Assemblyman Cahill.
1 Mr. Chairman.
2 Superintendent, I'd like to just go
3 back to the issues of the powers, duties and
4 responsibilities again. Let's start with the
5 penalty question, a little more specific.
6 How much did DFS raise with penalties in
7 2016?
9 the exact number, but it's over a billion
10 dollars.
11 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: Over how much?
13 dollars.
15 billion?
17 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: Okay. And where
18 does that money go? Does that go straight
19 into the General Fund, or does it go
20 elsewhere?
22 that I collect goes into the General Fund,
23 the operating fund.
1 thousand-percent-increase proposal, how was
2 that percentage arrived at, that multiplying
3 fines by 10 times?
5 fines is specific to the Insurance Law. And
6 it's moving 1,000 to 10,000 as the
7 per-violation fine, or treble damages or the
8 sort of economic gain, the greater of those
9 things. So I don't know how the -- I don't
10 think we're using that percentage thing.
11 That's what the specific proposal is with
12 respect to the Insurance Law.
13 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: Why wasn't it
14 decided to be 5,000 or 20,000? Why was it
15 10,000?
17 used to be 500 and it went to a thousand. So
18 we don't think a thousand is sufficient to
19 deter for the types of things that we see at
20 times. And so we thought 10,000, but we
21 thought that the more important one was to
22 have it be the greater of that amount or
23 economic gain, which would work in both
24 directions. So if you have a very large
1 benefit that a company has gotten from
2 malfeasance, then you could look at the
3 economic gain. If it's a very small company
4 and that fine, you know, would be too much,
5 then you can sort of take that into account
6 as well.
7 As we do. I can tell you that when we
8 impose any fines, we look at the size of the
9 company and the ability to obviously pay the
10 fine, but also the deterrent purpose, which
11 is really what it's about. Separate and
12 apart from we often get money back to
13 consumers, you know, in restitution where
14 warranted. That's the analysis.
15 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: And what do you
16 believe to be the fiscal of multiplying the
17 fines times 10 and introducing these other
18 conditions that would allow for significantly
19 higher fines? Would it be 10 billion, to go
20 from a billion?
22 don't -- it's hard for me to -- I mean, it
23 certainly would have a fiscal impact to it
24 because it would increase fines that go in.
1 But again, we don't necessarily take that
2 fine, we negotiate those fines. Almost
3 everything that we do is through consent
4 order, and we negotiate them. But it
5 certainly would have a fiscal impact to, you
6 know, add to that. And again, these fines
7 are specific to -- the ones that I'm talking
8 about -- the insurance industry.
9 Quite honestly, the $1 billion is more
10 on the banking side, the $1 billion that I
11 mentioned is more on the banking side. And
12 I'm not -- what I'm seeking on the banking
13 side is the lending authority. Because
14 that's just a -- frankly, a gap. It's a gap
15 that needs to be filled. And there's also a
16 gap on that side for the small dollar loans
17 that I believe very strongly needs to be
18 filled to prevent predatory lending.
19 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: I would be very
20 interested in hearing what people believe to
21 be the fiscal impact of raising the fines
22 time 10.
23 I recognize that, you know, just like
24 when we raise the cigarette taxes, some
1 people give up cigarettes, but -- and maybe
2 some people will give up violating the rules
3 if you --
5 hope.
6 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: That's the hope.
7 But certainly it would result in a
8 significant change in revenue. And this is
9 real money. I mean, when you're talking with
10 B's, it's real money.
11 SUPERINTENDENT VULLO: Well, certainly
12 if you're talking about economic gain, it's
13 both real money and it's deterrence. And,
14 you know, I just want to be clear here, I'm
15 not proposing these things because I'm
16 looking to sort of just collect more money.
17 I am proposing it because I believe that it's
18 really essential that there be an appropriate
19 punishment that fits the malfeasance so that
20 the conduct doesn't occur.
21 Obviously, there will people that
22 violate the law, that's just the reality of
23 society. But I really want to stop the
24 behavior. And it's really difficult when you
1 have somebody filing a false statement and
2 you can only say a thousand dollars.
3 And it's in those cases where I would
4 say, well, what's the economic gain from that
5 false statement? It's not even the $10,000,
6 right, it's the economic gain that I would
7 look for in those circumstances, because
8 those are circumstances where someone is
9 doing that -- and again, it's a narrow
10 group -- doing that for personal profit, and
11 not being forthcoming and candid with the
12 regulator. And so that's really where I'm
13 focused on these.
14 But it obviously has a fiscal impact.
15 And of course in the insurance industry the
16 fiscal impact to the state of any
17 malfeasance, which is also relevant to the
18 bad actors bill, is that, you know, what if
19 there's another failure? We have a guarantee
20 fund. The rest of the industry pays for
21 that.
22 So there's lots of fiscal impacts that
23 we would like to prevent by legislation that
24 permits us to sort of address malfeasance in
1 an appropriate way.
3 department that deals in probabilities and
4 likelihoods and risks and returns and so on
5 and so forth.
8 that you will be able to provide us with a
9 snapshot of what would be anticipated to be
10 raised in the budget. Since it goes to the
11 General Fund and we're facing a $2.5 billion
12 deficit, it's raising a billion dollars right
13 now, being increased times 10 -- if it
14 doubles or triples, it could erase the
15 deficit. It would be good to know that.
16 That's important budgetary information.
19 administrative supervision, you're seeking to
20 expand the powers for administrative
21 supervision. Can you -- you can do it now,
22 can you not?
24 glad you asked that question, because it's
1 quite important. Currently, for problematic
2 insurance companies, I have two powers. I
3 put them into liquidation, I can put them
4 into rehabilitation. The rehabilitation
5 route hasn't worked particularly well to
6 actually rehabilitate the company, as opposed
7 to it just being a transition into
8 liquidation. And both of those processes are
9 court processes.
10 The administrative supervision bill,
11 which is a National Association of Insurance
12 Commissioners, NAIC, model act that 31 states
13 have, that statute would give me the
14 authority to basically put an administrative
15 supervisor into the insurance company to
16 prevent something before it gets worse.
19 same standards that I could use for
20 liquidation and rehabilitation, but hopefully
21 to prevent something before it gets too far.
22 And I can say that the reason for
23 this, in my judgment, is there are
24 circumstances where bad management leads to a
1 company not being managed as well as it could
2 and could result in both a liquidation
3 proceeding and a hit to the guarantee fund.
4 And I think that's why this is a power that
5 the NAIC believes insurance commissioners
6 should have. There's a model act, and we can
7 do it.
8 You know, this has been something that
9 the department has wanted for a while. I've
10 pushed it forward, quite frankly, because I
11 think it's really important. Health Republic
12 is not irrelevant to this issue. Health
13 Republic cooperated, so they consented. If
14 Health Republic didn't cooperate and consent
15 and we had some, you know, blowup in a court
16 proceeding, we wouldn't have been able to
17 transition. It could have been worse.
19 to --
21 know, there's -- but that's not the -- this
22 is a bill that, again, the NAIC has had a
23 model act.
24 ASSEMBLYMAN CAHILL: This is the same
1 as the NAIC act, it doesn't differ from the
2 model act except to make it
3 New York-specific? Or does it go beyond the
4 model act?
6 the model act. I don't want to say that
7 there's no specific change, but it's intended
8 to be modeled on -- for the administrative
9 supervision.
10 Where it's modeled on, in addition to
11 the NAIC, is Article 74 of our Insurance Law,
12 which has the standards for liquidation and
13 rehabilitation. Those same standards would
14 apply. So if somebody refuses to provide
15 information to us, refuses to testify under
16 oath, I can insert a monitor in there to
17 ensure that we get the information that we
18 need, for example. So, you know, I'm told,
19 Well, you have the authority to get all this
20 information. What if the company fails to
21 give me the information that I have the
22 authority to get? Right? So this helps me
23 to be able to impose a monitor to get that.
24 And again, it's for the malfeasance,
1 the ones that management is not cooperative.
4 lot of not -- it's not a lot.
6 these instances, that and for bad actors as
7 well, these are authorities that you have but
8 you have to have some level of court
9 intervention before you can exercise that
10 authority, and the authority that you have
11 isn't as broad as you would like.
12 In addition, for the bad actors
13 piece -- and this will be my last question --
14 there is -- one of the circumstances under
15 which you can ban a bad actor is for an
16 unsafe or unsound practice.
19 defined anywhere, unsafe or unsound
20 practices?
22 safety and soundness is what we do at DFS
23 every day. Right? So that's the test of
24 financial safety and soundness that we apply
1 in our supervision of the financial services
2 industries that we supervise. And so there
3 are a lot of unsafe and unsound business
4 practices that, you know, would fall under
5 that. So that's a --
7 definition would be up to you. There's
8 nothing in the statute, or you're not
9 proposing any specific definition or
10 parameters for what would be an unsafe or
11 unsound practice, is that a correct
12 understanding of what's being proposed?
14 that particular one. There's lots of other
15 provisions in terms of, you know, violation
16 of orders and all of the like that we're also
17 proposing this.
18 But again, what we would do in this
19 circumstance, if we determine that there was
20 an unsafe and unsound practice, we would
21 bring a charge against the company, we'd lay
22 out the facts and there would be a process
23 that they have due process. And if they
24 disagree, the individual that we say is
1 banned, disqualified, they can go to court
2 and they can overturn it if they disagree
3 with us and a judge were to agree.
6 due process and a court proceeding connected
7 to it.
10 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you.
11 Senator Diane Savino.
12 SENATOR SAVINO: Thank you, Senator
13 Krueger.
14 Thank you, Superintendent. Nice to
15 see you again. I just want to ask you about
16 this issue of lending circles. I know the
17 Governor has some language in his budget that
18 would allow you to regulate lending circles
19 in New York State. And I'm just curious if
20 you could kind of tell us a little bit more
21 about what lending circles are, how many
22 there are in New York, any other states that
23 regulate them, and do we have any evidence to
24 suggest that there's some fraud in these
1 lending circles. What is a lending circle?
3 actually -- this is actually a great
4 positive. A lending circle, these are
5 nonprofit organizations that provide
6 no-interest, no-fee loans to consumers to
7 help build credit.
8 So one of the biggest problems that we
9 have in certain underserved communities is
10 the inability of people to actually get a
11 loan because they don't have credit, or to
12 sort of have other types of financial
13 services because they don't have credit. So
14 these lending circles are nonprofit
15 organizations that are providing no-interest
16 and no-fee loans to consumers.
17 And all we are asking for in this bill
18 is to allow them to do this. And all they
19 have to do is register. It's not a big
20 regulatory thing. And what the bill requires
21 and mandates is -- to just ensure that this
22 is no-interest, no-fee, is they can't have a
23 profit motive in that. And it is purely to
24 actually assist in the building of credit.
1 California has this program, and there
2 are some nonprofits. And if we can pass this
3 bill, then it allows them to actually, you
4 know, do this. But it's regulation-light, if
5 that. It's not intended to do anything to
6 impact them, but to actually encourage that
7 type of activity. And frankly, if we can get
8 that information, we could help with some of
9 the underbanked and the credit issues that we
10 have. So that's why we're proposing it.
11 SENATOR SAVINO: Where do these
12 nonprofits get access to the capital? Where
13 do they get the money that they lend?
15 philanthropists.
18 SENATOR SAVINO: And so they have this
19 model in California.
21 SENATOR SAVINO: Would this replace
22 like the lending that's done by like the
23 CDFIs, or would it supplement it? Would it
24 be personal lending? Would it be for
1 business lending? Or does it -- would it be
2 able to --
4 intended to supplement anything else, it's
5 just intended to bring these entities that
6 are doing -- and there's, you know, one major
7 one in particular in California -- to sort of
8 try to encourage that here in New York as
9 well, and others like it.
10 So it's a credit-building thing, it's
11 not intended -- I mean, the CDFIs, they're
12 all great too. But it's not intended -- I
13 mean, this is -- again, it's no-fee,
14 no-interest loans solely for the purpose of
15 credit building. And, you know, they're
16 nonprofits that have their financial backers,
17 basically.
18 SENATOR SAVINO: So you wouldn't be
19 regulating the product, you would just be
20 regulating the lender, right? Because --
22 making sure that it really is nonprofit and
23 there's not a -- that it's working for its
24 intended purpose.
1 And I think it would help sort of grow
2 credit for New Yorkers in a way that could
3 help us in other things that we're trying to
4 do, quite frankly, to sort of expand
5 financial services to all communities in the
6 state. Because it's -- it is a -- it's a
7 concern of ours.
8 SENATOR SAVINO: And again, do we know
9 of any lending circles that are operating in
10 New York, and how many there are?
12 that there's one operating in California.
13 SENATOR SAVINO: Interesting. Thank
14 you.
16 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you.
18 SENATOR KRUEGER: And that's our last
19 Senate question, so thank you very much for
20 coming today to testify.
22 Thank you for having me.
23 SENATOR KRUEGER: And our next
24 testifier is Dennis Rosen, the inspector
1 general, New York State Office of Medicaid
2 Inspector General.
3 And for those keeping track, this is
4 our 11:30 a.m. testifier. And so for those
5 of you who are scheduled for 7:30 tonight,
6 you know, go get the sleeping bags, get
7 comfortable, and come back with your
8 overnight material.
9 CHAIRMAN FARRELL: We've been joined
10 by Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou.
11 SENATOR KRUEGER: Good afternoon,
12 Dennis.
14 afternoon.
15 SENATOR KRUEGER: We have your
16 testimony.
17 If everybody would take their
18 conversations outside. Thank you.
20 Should I start?
21 I appreciate this opportunity to share
22 with you the activities and initiatives of
23 the Office of the Medicaid Inspector General.
24 OMIGís efforts to protect the
1 integrity of the New York Medicaid program
2 continue to serve as a national model. Our
3 investigative work, partnerships with state
4 and federal law enforcement agencies,
5 innovative auditing techniques, and OMIGís
6 extensive compliance initiatives and provider
7 education efforts are projected to result in
8 more than $2.3 billion in cash recoveries and
9 cost savings for 2016.
10 A core function of OMIG is identifying
11 and recovering Medicaid overpayments.
12 Preliminary numbers indicate 1,724 audits
13 were initiated and 1,707 were finalized in
14 2016. Cash recoveries for 2016 -- including
15 audits, third-party liability, and
16 investigations -- total more than
17 $418 million, representing an increase of
18 more than $79 million over our 2015 cash
19 recovery.
20 In addition to pursuing cash
21 recoveries, OMIG's cost-avoidance efforts
22 prevent, up front, improper Medicaid costs
23 and billings. Proactively eliminating
24 improper payments in the first place is far
1 more cost-effective than later identifying
2 and chasing after dollars that have been paid
3 out inappropriately. According to
4 preliminary data, OMIG's cost-avoidance
5 initiatives for 2016 saved nearly
6 $1.9 billion.
7 OMIG works both independently and in
8 collaboration with partners at all levels,
9 including local, state, and federal law
10 enforcement, provider organizations, and
11 managed care plan special investigation
12 units. OMIG also plays a critical role in
13 collaborative law enforcement actions that
14 result in the takedown of major fraud
15 schemes, enrollment fraud arrests, and drug
16 diversion cases.
17 For example, OMIG's pharmacists and
18 investigators worked with the Attorney
19 General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit to
20 obtain the conviction and sentencing in 2016
21 of Long Island-based pharmacists Ira Gross
22 and Glenn Schabel for their roles in a
23 massive black-market HIV prescription drug
24 ring. The scheme involved the sale of more
1 than $274 million worth of diverted,
2 medically worthless medications from
3 wholesalers in multiple states to Medicaid
4 recipients in New York State. The pair were
5 sentenced to lengthy prison terms and ordered
6 to pay back more than $30 million to the
7 Medicaid program.
8 As part of the fight against opioid
9 abuse, OMIG has been very involved in drug
10 diversion cases. For example, in 2016 OMIG
11 investigators provided critical evidence that
12 helped lead to the conviction of Brooklyn
13 pharmacist Kian Gohari for illegally
14 distributing more than 25,000 medically
15 unnecessary oxycodone pills between 2012 and
16 2015. Gohari's accomplices bought
17 prescriptions for oxycodone and other
18 high-price medications from patients, filled
19 them, and then sold them on the black market
20 throughout the New York City metropolitan
21 area. He was convicted in federal court in
22 November of conspiracy to distribute
23 narcotics and conspiracy to commit healthcare
24 fraud, and he faces up to 30 years in prison.
1 Prescription opioid abuse is a
2 recognized national healthcare crisis, and
3 New York is not immune, as you all know. A
4 key tool in OMIGís arsenal to address this
5 epidemic is its Recipient Restriction
6 Program, which prevents duplicate
7 prescription fills through doctor or pharmacy
8 shopping by restricting patients suspected of
9 overuse or abuse to a single designated
10 provider, pharmacy, or both.
11 Preliminary data for 2016 show that
12 1,961 of the 2,331 Medicaid recipients whose
13 files were reviewed were recommended by us
14 for restriction to the appropriate managed
15 care plan, county agency, or New York State
16 of Health. As a result, more than
17 $58 million in cost savings to the Medicaid
18 program was realized.
19 Also, OMIG is a member of the Federal
20 Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership.
21 Working with the Centers for Medicare and
22 Medicaid Services, the Department of Justice,
23 the FBI, and national insurance companies,
24 OMIG helped identify practices and strategies
1 to address opioid abuse in general, and
2 opioid prescription abuse in particular. On
3 January 19th of this year, the Partnership
4 released a white paper entitled Healthcare
5 Payer Strategies to Reduce the Harms of
6 Opioids, which arose out of this
7 collaboration. It describes best practices
8 to address the dangers of opioids while
9 ensuring access to necessary therapies and
10 reducing fraud, waste, and abuse.
11 Overall, OMIG's 2016 preliminary
12 enforcement activity statistics are robust.
13 OMIG opened 3,493 investigations, completed
14 4,418, and referred 1,079 cases to law
15 enforcement and other agencies. Referrals
16 include 155 to the New York State Attorney
17 General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and 924
18 to the New York City Human Resources
19 Administration and other federal, state and
20 local agencies. In addition, preliminary
21 2016 data show OMIG issued 929 Medicaid
22 exclusions.
23 OMIGís Managed Care Investigation Unit
24 meets regularly with, and receives complaints
1 from, managed care organizations relating to
2 network provider fraud, and works with their
3 special investigation units to develop
4 comprehensive investigative plans.
5 Preliminary data for 2016 show that referrals
6 from MCOs to OMIG totaled 518, up from
7 344 referrals in 2015.
8 OMIG has also worked closely with the
9 State Department of Health in developing
10 amendments to the Managed Care Model Contract
11 to enhance program integrity. These
12 amendments include the creation of a
13 clearance process to ensure that OMIG and
14 MCOs are not duplicating audit and
15 investigative efforts; the submission by each
16 MCO of a quarterly report showing all
17 Medicaid overpayments it has identified or
18 recovered; a provision enabling OMIG to
19 obtain MCO assistance in recovering
20 overpayments made to network providers
21 identified by the state; and provision
22 allowing an MCO to share in recoveries made
23 as a result of a referral to OMIG. The model
24 contract is currently under federal review.
1 Lastly, OMIG continues to emphasize
2 provider outreach and education, particularly
3 in the area of compliance. Through a
4 comprehensive array of webinars, guidance
5 materials, self-assessment tools, protocols,
6 and presentations, OMIG's oversight
7 activities and educational efforts increase
8 provider accountability, contribute to
9 improved quality of care, and save taxpayers
10 dollars.
11 In 2016, OMIG issued 15 compliance-
12 related guidance materials and conducted more
13 than a dozen educational presentations and
14 seminars. The compliance section of the OMIG
15 website is among the site's most active
16 areas, with close to 40,000 visits to
17 compliance webinars, over 30,000 visits to
18 compliance publications, and more than
19 40,000 visits to compliance resources and
20 FAQs. Many of our webinars are accredited
21 for legal, accounting, or compliance
22 continuing-education credits. In 2016, we
23 had 439 participants receive credits, up from
24 428 in the prior year.
1 With the transformational changes
2 occurring in the Medicaid program, OMIGís
3 commitment to protecting the integrity of the
4 program and ensuring a cost-effective,
5 sustainable healthcare delivery system
6 remains unwavering.
7 Thank you. I am certainly happy to
8 address any questions. I'd ask you to speak
9 up. If you remember last time, sitting down
10 here, I had a little problem.
11 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you very much.
13 it. But if you could speak up, I'd
14 appreciate it.
15 SENATOR VALESKY: We have extra chairs
16 up here.
18 I'll be up there. In fact, I think that
19 gentleman over there was one of the hardest
20 for me to hear.
21 But if you have questions, I'm happy
22 to answer them either here or up there.
23 SENATOR HANNON: I have no questions.
24 Each time I had a question in my mind, you
1 answered it in the next paragraph of your
2 testimony. Thank you.
3 SENATOR KRUEGER: I just have one
4 question.
6 SENATOR KRUEGER: So I believe it's
7 Erie County, it might have been a couple
8 other counties of the state -- maybe I'm
9 wrong on Erie County. One of them, at
10 least -- one of our counties has started a
11 lawsuit against some of the opioid drug
12 makers for their falsifying and -- basically
13 falsifying information and basically
14 marketing their drugs even when they knew
15 what was going wrong, and that they are
16 attempting to challenge -- that this violated
17 the law.
18 Is there any parallel role for you in
19 that kind of work?
21 of that, and I've had discussions. But in
22 terms of a lawsuit of that nature, there is
23 no role for us.
24 I think the largest role we have that
1 is often not fully realized by the public or
2 even you folks is that we work extensively,
3 as I touched on in the statement, with other
4 law enforcement agencies on drug diversion
5 cases, opioid abuse, and other related kinds
6 of cases.
7 And what will happen is you will read
8 about a major case brought by the Department
9 of Justice or, say, MFCU, or even a local
10 district attorney, particularly in New York
11 City -- and you very often might not see our
12 name in it, because they will issue a press
13 release talking about the case where they
14 will thank us for having worked the case up
15 and then coming to them to prosecute it.
16 But when they release the information
17 to the public, it's somebody's just been
18 indicted, that's the focus of the story, and
19 that's about the DOJ or the AG's office or
20 the district attorney. But you can bet that
21 in most cases where there's a major drug
22 prosecution, we've been involved.
23 And we have put a lot of work into it.
24 Usually we'll testify in the grand jury, but
1 it will be released by the prosecutor, the
2 story. And again, their press releases are
3 usually very grateful to us. They might even
4 have a quote from me, but it's not that
5 likely to make it into the press.
6 But again, our major efforts are
7 focused on the undercover stings. I
8 mentioned our Recipient Restriction
9 Program -- the folks that do that do a
10 wonderful job, too, of tracking prescribing
11 patterns by doctors or prescription filling
12 patterns by recipients. So we'll see, for
13 example, patterns where you've got doctors in
14 Queens who have a clientele that consists of
15 people 300 miles upstate that are coming down
16 there for prescriptions for dangerous
17 medications. And our folks will spot that,
18 they will see those patterns, they will look
19 at recipients' patterns, for example, in the
20 examples that I gave with respect to putting
21 people on restricted programs.
22 They do a wonderful job of tracking
23 what medications Dennis Rosen is taking, how
24 many of them he's taking in a month, and is
1 it off the charts. And we really have been
2 emphasizing that, because when I first came
3 to the agency, frankly, I got a phone call
4 that my secretary put through from a guy who
5 turned out to be the father of a
6 20-something-year-old son who had just had
7 his third emergency admission because of an
8 opioid abuse. And again, this kid was going
9 to two or three pharmacies, getting the same
10 prescription filled.
11 So we have really put an emphasis on
12 that, and that's where our focus has been in
13 these kinds of situations.
14 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you very much.
15 Assembly?
17 Assemblyman Gottfried.
19 actually don't have a question, I just wanted
20 to say you and I have met several times and
21 talked through a lot of interesting issues.
22 And I just wanted to say, as far as I can
23 tell, you're doing a very good job. You
24 bring in money, you're helping to reshape
1 behavior, and nobody has complained to me
2 about anything you've ever done.
4 even gotten a call from my wife?
5 (Laughter.)
8 want to say that, you know, we're in a tough
9 role because we -- I want to do good law
10 enforcement, and I want to bring in money
11 that's been improperly collected so that we
12 can put it back into the program for good
13 providers and for recipients to get services
14 that they need. And particularly with the
15 global cap, that's very important.
16 But what is also important to me as a
17 regulator -- and I've always exercised this
18 kind of policy in other places that I've
19 been -- is that we do the reach-out to the
20 people that we're regulating and the people
21 that sometimes we might even do an audit of,
22 or go after in some fashion. And that's why,
23 frankly, I think our numbers are very good
24 with respect to enforcement and what we are
1 bringing in.
2 But on a personal level, the numbers
3 that also appeal to me as much are the ones
4 at the end that some people may think are a
5 little superfluous, but about the kinds of
6 outreaches that we do. And that's a
7 reflection of conversations that people such
8 as myself and other folks at the agency have
9 with the industry, where we try to be
10 engaged.
11 And I think if you are going to
12 regulate people, you had better know what
13 their issues are and you also better indicate
14 to them what your perspective is, and what
15 you think is important and what you don't
16 think is important, and what their safe
17 harbors are.
18 So again, I appreciate the
19 conversations with you, because you help to
20 clue me into what's going out there in the
21 world. Because the last thing I want to do
22 is regulate a significant industry like this
23 that impacts the public so importantly and
24 not have a good sense of what's going on out
1 there.
2 So again, I appreciate -- with a
3 number of you -- the conversations that we've
4 had.
7 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Inspector General,
8 I had a few questions.
10 again, please speak up so I don't have to sit
11 next to you.
13 remember that from last year, that you were
14 actually -- you actually joined us on the
15 dais.
16 So can you hear me now?
18 (Laughter.)
19 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: You've had so many
20 titles, it's hard to keep track of. But I'm
21 glad you're "Inspector General" now.
23 starting to get an echo with you now. So
24 if -- can I come up? Or can you repeat it a
1 little slower?
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. Well, I'll
3 ask -- how about this. I'll ask my first
4 question. Is OMIG currently on track to meet
5 its audit recovery target for the current
6 fiscal year?
8 target for the fiscal year, did you say?
9 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: For the current --
10 so the current -- the recovery targets for
11 this year are $1.16 billion, correct?
13 I've got to come up there. I'm just having
14 trouble hearing you.
15 I could hear fine in the audience.
16 I'll just -- I'll get your question and then
17 I'll sit down.
18 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay, I guess we
19 can do --
21 down.
22 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. Well, I was
23 asking about the $1.16 billion target for the
24 recovery this year for OMIG. And are you on
1 track for that?
3 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. We need a
4 mic.
5 SENATOR KRUEGER: The answer was yes,
6 they are.
7 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: How about this.
8 Why don't we --
10 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. Does that
11 work?
13 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay, great.
14 So you are on track for the recoveries
15 this year. What new auditing strategies and
16 technological innovations is OMIG now using
17 or considering adopting in the future to
18 improve Medicaid fraud recoveries?
20 constantly upgrading our software. We're
21 constantly interfacing with ITS, we have
22 private vendors that we deal with. And what
23 we've done in terms of dealing with an
24 industry that's really, as you all know,
1 incredibly transformational at this time is
2 we form project teams from all different
3 units, so you've got people representing
4 every aspect of the agency where they focus
5 on specific issues that have to do with
6 what's happening in healthcare today.
7 So, for example, you were talking
8 about PBMs earlier and some of those issues.
9 We have a pharmacy team. We have a managed
10 care team that looks at counter data, and how
11 it can be improved, and looks at -- is
12 starting to look at the data that network
13 providers -- that is, providers within a
14 managed care plan, at their data regarding
15 their expenses and what they should get paid
16 and comparing that to the MCO's data that's
17 paying them, in counter data. So we are
18 getting educated with respect to that.
19 We've got a project team that deals
20 just with data issues to make sure they are
21 always, as best we can, within physical
22 constraints on the cutting edge of the kind
23 of software that we need to do the kinds of
24 things that I was talking about earlier. And
1 to keep those numbers up and hopefully to
2 keep those rising.
3 So those are examples of how we are
4 trying to stay current. And, I mean, I have
5 been in a number of positions with the state,
6 leadership positions, and I have never been
7 in a position such as this with as many
8 challenges, frankly, as we have because of
9 the incredibly transformational changes that
10 are going on within this industry. Just to
11 move from fee-for-service to managed care is
12 incredible in terms of all the implications
13 it has, not just for the delivery of care but
14 even the metrics by which we measure whether
15 or not the job is being done.
16 You know, we've attended countless
17 meetings on value-based payments, which is a
18 whole 180-degree difference from
19 fee-for-service, where you're paid for
20 service. Now you're going to be paid based
21 on, is Dennis Rosen better for having gone to
22 you for services? If he's not, you're at
23 risk of not doing very well.
24 So those are the kinds of things that
1 we're trying to do.
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: That's one of the
3 things that you didn't hear me say earlier,
4 was I've called you many titles over the
5 years --
7 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: So now "Inspector
8 General."
9 But -- so it sounds to me like you're
10 more focused on recoveries from providers
11 than beneficiaries.
13 we are. But again, we will do recipient
14 reviews, as I said, to see if, for example,
15 somebody's getting the same prescription
16 filled three times. Which, one, takes money
17 out of the system improperly and, two, is
18 very dangerous for the recipient.
19 But usually the strategies involve
20 things like them going to, say, the managed
21 care plan and saying okay, Rosen needs to be
22 put on a restrictive program where he's got
23 one doctor, one pharmacy, that sort of thing.
24 We have collaborated with numerous
1 prosecutorial agencies -- for example, there
2 are a couple of prosecutions last year
3 through the Manhattan DA's office that we
4 were very involved in where there were folks
5 living in houses that were worth over
6 $1 million who were collecting Medicaid.
8 stories.
10 lot of the groundwork on that, put a package
11 together and went to the -- we went to the
12 Manhattan DA's office, where we worked
13 collaboratively, and there were indictments
14 as a result then.
15 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Do you see any
16 regional variations or trends?
18 major problems are throughout the state. For
19 example, opioid abuse. Frankly, I think one
20 reason why it's getting so much attention now
21 is that it transcends all areas and all
22 classes. It's just not a working-class or a
23 poor person's dilemma now.
24 When I started out as a young lawyer,
1 I was with the Legal Aid Society of New York
2 City for 10 years, in different positions,
3 and I saw -- there was an opioid crisis then.
4 But you didn't hear that much about it
5 because it was mostly limited to poor people
6 who needed Legal Aid lawyers when they got in
7 trouble. Well, now it's not that way
8 anymore.
9 So most of the trends that we see,
10 frankly, tend to be statewide.
12 Has outreach to providers regarding
13 compliance resulted in higher response rates?
15 that -- you know, people will say: How much
16 fraud is there out there? The GAO, for
17 example, recently said it's 10 percent; some
18 say higher.
19 But I do think that everything I look
20 at, and I've tried to -- I've been in this
21 for almost two years now, and I've tried to
22 get educated on what the trends have been
23 over the years -- and I think in many areas
24 there is better compliance now than there
1 was, say, five or 10 years ago.
2 And I think that has a lot to do with
3 outreach efforts, with telling the
4 industry -- I think there are a lot of folks
5 out there who want to comply, but they don't
6 have the right checks and balances, they
7 don't have the right program-integrity
8 program that they've established.
9 We've got a Bureau of Compliance that
10 goes out and tells people how to put a
11 program together, they'll audit people's
12 programs -- not to recover money from them,
13 but to explain to them how they can improve
14 their program integrity to be more in
15 compliance with federal or state standards so
16 that they can avoid the money going out
17 improperly. I think --
18 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: So it's not always
19 a gotcha mentality.
21 think -- I mean, I've been dealing with fraud
22 and waste in one facet or another my whole
23 professional life, as an attorney and in
24 other respects, and I think, in my view, the
1 majority of money that is improperly spent is
2 done so out of somebody just not knowing how
3 to do it right -- having the right checks and
4 balances in place, so there isn't the waste.
5 Obviously there's, you know, other
6 kinds of fraud too, and we're very involved
7 with that with the prosecutors that I've
8 mentioned. But a lot of the money that's
9 wasted is wasted because people don't put the
10 right checks and balances in place.
11 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: How do you --
13 help with that. And that's why, again, I'm
14 very pleased with the kinds of statistics
15 we've got in terms of people going to the
16 website and doing our webinars.
17 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: How do you work
18 with the Attorney General in compliance
19 issues?
21 very good relationship with the Attorney
22 General's office. We have a statutory
23 obligation that if we find a level of
24 wrongdoing that rises to fraud -- where, for
1 example, you might -- it might be appropriate
2 to have a criminal prosecution -- we have a
3 statutory obligation to refer that case to
4 the Attorney General's office.
5 Sometimes they will look at a case and
6 give it back to us. But we work very closely
7 with them. And as I said earlier in my
8 comments, very often we'll work up a case,
9 we'll bring it to them, they'll bring an
10 indictment, and we'll continue as -- our
11 folks will be witnesses and provide sometimes
12 auditing data throughout the prosecution. So
13 we have regular meetings with them, and I
14 think it's a very good relationship.
15 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you for the
16 face to face. I appreciate it.
17 (Laughter.)
19 You're very welcome.
20 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. Anyone else?
21 No? Senator Rivera?
22 (Unintelligible.)
23 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay. Well, thank
24 you. Thank you, Inspector General.
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Okay, now what I
3 would ask -- I'll read off the next three
4 witnesses. So if you're the person coming
5 next, and that's Stephen Hanse, president and
6 CEO from -- oh, I'm sorry, first we have Bea
7 Grause, president of the Healthcare
8 Association of New York State, HANYS.
9 Following President Grause there will be
10 Steve Hanse and Mark Olsen. And then
11 following them, it will be Laura Haight and
12 Claudia Hammar.
13 So I'd like to welcome President
14 Grause. Thank you for being here, and thank
15 you for waiting so long.
16 MS. GRAUSE: Oh, sure.
17 Thank you, Senator Young. Thank you,
18 Chairman Farrell, and other distinguished
19 members of the joint hearing.
20 My name is Bea Grause. I am the CEO
21 of Healthcare Association of New York State.
22 We represent about 500 not-for-profit
23 hospitals, health systems, home health
24 agencies, nursing homes, and other providers.
1 By way of background, I'm a registered nurse
2 by training and also an attorney, and I've
3 spent the last 25 years in the policy field
4 in Washington D.C., in Vermont, and now in
5 New York State.
6 On behalf of all of our members across
7 the state, we thank you for your time today
8 and thank you for your support on the many
9 healthcare issues that we have been
10 discussing today.
11 You have my written testimony, and I'm
12 just going to focus on three topics.
13 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you. You are
14 a great role model for the following
15 witnesses, so thank you.
16 MS. GRAUSE: Well, I am certainly
17 mindful of your long day and the 49 people
18 behind me.
19 So the first topic is ACA repeal, and
20 I think we've talked a lot about that today.
21 It is something we are laser-focused on, it
22 is something the U.S. House is considering
23 today, coming up with an ACA repeal bill that
24 would change Medicaid, so we are very
1 concerned about that.
2 Our top concern around that is loss of
3 coverage for the 2.8 million New Yorkers who
4 gained coverage under the Affordable Care
5 Act, the economic impact to the State of
6 New York to counties, and also to providers
7 across the spectrum. In addition, as we have
8 been talking about today, the impact on
9 healthcare reform and all the progress that
10 New York State has made prior to the
11 Affordable Care Act and during the tenure of
12 the Affordable Care Act is also at risk.
13 So turning to the budget, I'll just
14 briefly talk about the issues that we support
15 and the issues that we are watching. Again,
16 as was raised today, we are supportive of the
17 capital funding in the Governor's budget --
18 very important for that -- for healthcare
19 reform efforts. We also are supportive of
20 the concept of the regulatory modernization
21 effort, have been speaking with Deputy
22 Commissioner Shepherd about that, and also
23 the other various flexible funding --
24 including value-based payment for the next
1 budget year. Again, taken together, those
2 three initiatives are important for the
3 multiyear effort of improving our healthcare
4 system.
5 In addition, we urge you to consider
6 additional funding for financially distressed
7 hospitals. There are 27 on the watch list
8 for the Department of Health currently.
9 We're concerned -- and those hospitals are in
10 rural and urban areas all across the state.
11 We are concerned that that number will go up,
12 and again urge you to pay particular
13 attention to financially distressed
14 hospitals.
15 And then, in addition, we support a
16 number of other initiatives, but particularly
17 the Doctors Across New York. You can't
18 provide healthcare without healthcare
19 workers, and recruiting and retaining
20 healthcare physicians and other healthcare
21 workers is critically important.
22 Turning as our third topic to issues
23 that we are watching, again as has been
24 discussed today, we do not support the budget
1 superpowers that have been discussed earlier.
2 We also don't -- Senator Young, as you
3 raised, we have questions and do not support
4 the potentially preventable emergency room
5 visits for all the issues that you raised.
6 In addition to that, it may
7 disproportionately hurt areas where there is
8 a significant number of Medicaid recipients,
9 particularly in areas where there's not the
10 primary care infrastructure in that
11 community.
12 And then lastly, there are various
13 other cuts I won't mention -- but again,
14 that's in our written testimony -- that we
15 are watching and will continue to work with
16 you as you work through the details of the
17 budget.
18 With that, I'm happy to take your
19 questions and look forward to talking with
20 all of you in the weeks to come.
21 SENATOR KRUEGER: Senator Savino, did
22 you have a question?
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Well, thank you
3 very much.
4 MS. GRAUSE: You're welcome.
5 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: We appreciate you
6 being here and everything that you do.
7 MS. GRAUSE: Thank you.
8 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: And we'll take your
9 suggestions under serious review and
10 consideration.
11 Our next speakers are from the
12 New York State Health Facilities Association,
13 and that's Stephen Hanse, president and CEO,
14 and Mark Olsen, administrator for the
15 Kingsway Community.
16 And following them, as I said, is
17 New York State Association of Health Care
18 Providers, and after that the Home Care
19 Association of New York State.
20 So welcome, gentlemen.
21 MR. HANSE: Thank you very much. Good
22 afternoon, Chairwoman Young, Chairman
23 Farrell, members of the committee.
24 Again, I will follow the lead and
1 pretty much cut to the chase and get to --
2 since you have our testimony, get to our
3 critical issues that we are facing in the
4 2017-2018 Executive Budget.
5 There are four issues that are of
6 significant concern to the skilled nursing
7 community here in the State of New York.
8 Just as an aside, I'd like to mention the
9 New York State Center for Assisted Living,
10 whose executive director is Shelley Wagar,
11 will be testifying later today about the
12 important need for an increase in the SSI
13 rate for assisted living providers.
14 From NYSHFA's position, NYSHFA
15 strongly opposes the Executive's proposal to
16 eliminate bed-hold payments for skilled
17 nursing providers. NYSHFA would advocate for
18 establishing a separate managed
19 long-term-care rate cell for nursing home
20 care within the 2017-'18 Executive Budget.
21 We also support the extension of the
22 nursing home benchmark rate within the budget
23 and the importance of funding healthcare
24 infrastructure investments for skilled
1 nursing providers within the Health Care
2 Facility Transformation Program proposed in
3 the 2017-2018 Executive Budget.
4 The Governor's budget, as you heard
5 earlier, proposes to eliminate Medicaid
6 payments to skilled nursing providers to hold
7 beds for residents who are temporarily
8 hospitalized. Presently New York reimburses
9 skilled nursing providers with at least
10 95 percent occupancy at 50 percent of their
11 Medicaid daily rate for up to 14 days in a
12 calendar year for residents who are admitted
13 to a hospital.
14 A nursing home's costs do not decrease
15 when a bed is vacant. Moreover, as a
16 consequence of the 2011 MRT cuts to skilled
17 nursing providers, Medicaid pays only half of
18 the daily rate to reserve a bed for a
19 resident who is hospitalized. The Executive
20 Budget proposal would eliminate bed-hold
21 reimbursement and would further reduce
22 funding for nursing home providers in
23 New York State by $22 million, all the while
24 arguably extending resident hospital stays
1 and potentially disrupting the residents'
2 ability to return to their same room or, even
3 worse, the same healthcare facility.
4 While the state's current 50 percent
5 reimbursement is insufficient -- and as
6 Commissioner Zucker acknowledged earlier
7 today, it's really not that much money --
8 New York's bed-hold requirements do provide
9 an essential source of revenue to skilled
10 nursing providers. These payments help
11 offset fixed costs while ensuring a nursing
12 home resident is able to come back from the
13 hospital to their original room with their
14 original clinical staff, so as to ensure both
15 the continuity of their care and the normalcy
16 of their life and living environment.
17 Second, we would respectfully request
18 the Legislature to establish a separate
19 nursing home rate cell within the budget.
20 Medicaid beneficiaries aged 21 or older who
21 enter a nursing home for long-term care and
22 are also Medicare-eligible are required to
23 join a managed long-term-care plan. New York
24 currently utilizes a blended-rate methodology
1 to calculate premium payments to managed
2 long-term-care plans to pay for care for
3 these beneficiaries. This blended rate
4 combines the generally lower cost of
5 community care with the higher cost of
6 nursing home care.
7 Faced with inadequate payments for the
8 Medicaid nursing home benefit under this
9 blended rate, coupled with growing numbers of
10 nursing home enrollees, many managed
11 long-term-care plans have reduced their
12 provider networks and are under pressure to
13 select network providers simply on price,
14 rather than on quality or consumer
15 preference. This is adversely affecting
16 enrollee choice, limiting access, and is
17 impairing the financial ability of nursing
18 homes to provide needed care.
19 To ensure that there is sufficient
20 funding to cover the cost of nursing home
21 care, NYSHFA respectfully requests that the
22 enacted 2017-2018 State Budget establish a
23 structure whereby managed long-term-care
24 plans receive funding based on a separate
1 single rate cell for individuals who are
2 receiving nursing home care.
3 Turning now to the benchmark rate. In
4 2015, the state established a benchmark rate
5 that would be paid by managed long-term-care
6 plans to contracted skilled nursing
7 facilities for each day of care provided for
8 a three-year period.
9 Generally speaking, the benchmark rate
10 is a provider's fee-for-service rate and is
11 set to sunset in 2018. In establishing the
12 benchmark rate, the state acknowledged that
13 it will assess the impact of its long-term
14 managed care policies and consider extending
15 the benchmark rate beyond the three-year
16 requirement.
17 The benchmark rate provides skilled
18 nursing facilities with vital rate
19 stabilization and has secured the capital
20 rate component necessary to help fund needed
21 facility renovations in order to optimize
22 resident care. As such, the benchmark rate
23 has served to provide a level of certainty to
24 providers that will be necessary for the
1 state's managed long-term-care program to
2 continue beyond the rate's sunset date. This
3 certainty is essential, especially as many
4 providers face delays in timely payments for
5 care from long-term managed care companies.
6 Without an extension of this important
7 rate protection in the 2017-2018 budget,
8 nursing homes will face reductions to already
9 inadequate Medicaid payment levels.
10 Finally, we would respectfully
11 request -- and I'll just really cut to the
12 end -- that the state include, within the
13 Governor's proposed Health Care Facility
14 Transformation Program, dedicating
15 $200 million in funds for capital
16 improvements for skilled nursing and
17 assisted-living providers.
18 In conclusion, it is vital that the
19 2017-'18 enacted budget establish a separate
20 single rate cell for nursing home care and
21 extend the nursing home benchmark rate.
22 Moreover, it is essential for the
23 state to dedicate funding for skilled nursing
24 and assisted living infrastructure
1 investments within the Healthcare Facility
2 Transformation program.
3 I would like to note NYSHFA's support
4 for the Governor's 2017-'18 budget proposal
5 to establish a multi-stakeholder Health Care
6 Regulation Modernization Team. As stated, it
7 would provide the state guidance on
8 restructuring and streamlining statutes,
9 regulations, and policies affecting
10 healthcare providers and facilities.
11 In closing, I am certain that we'd all
12 agree that to care for those who once cared
13 for us is one of life's highest honors. And
14 as such, the New York State Health Facilities
15 Association will continue to work together
16 with the Governor, the Legislature, and all
17 affected constituencies to ensure the
18 continued delivery of high-quality,
19 cost-effective long-term healthcare services
20 throughout New York.
21 Thank you.
23 Any questions?
1 MR. OLSEN: I'd like to just add a
2 comment.
4 course.
5 MR. OLSEN: Earlier this morning the
6 Medicaid director made a comment relative to
7 the bed-hold issue in nursing homes, in that
8 we would be able to make simple operational
9 adjustments to our operations when a nursing
10 home resident may be in the hospital when
11 we're churning our residents, so to speak, as
12 the medical director put it.
13 That's simply not the case. In the
14 28 years I've been in this profession, we
15 have never been able to make any operational
16 adjustments relative to a few residents being
17 in the hospital at any given point in time.
18 Case in point, if I have two residents
19 on a certified nurse assistant's caseload
20 that may be in the hospital, out of the eight
21 residents that she may be taking care of, I
22 can't simply send 25 percent of that
23 caregiver home or decrease her pay by
24 25 percent. That person needs to stay, care
1 for the other residents. And that's just a
2 simple example of the ways that simple
3 operational adjustments cannot be made in our
4 environment to deal with adjustments in a few
5 folks being in the hospital. And that's
6 generally what we're talking about.
7 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you for that.
8 Anyone else?
10 Mr. Raia.
12 Actually, I was one of the people that
13 asked that question this morning.
14 What's the impact on a patient with
15 dementia or Alzheimer's if they're forced to
16 go to the hospital and come back to a
17 different room that they don't know?
18 MR. OLSEN: It is dramatic, because
19 they do remember their environment that they
20 may have just been in three or four days ago.
21 They do remember their staff members, for the
22 most part. Sometimes they may not remember
23 their own family members, but they do
24 remember the staff member that cared for them
1 the day before.
2 Them not being able to return to the
3 same bed, or even potentially the same
4 facility, would have a dramatic effect on
5 their well-being moving forward.
7 MR. HANSE: And just to follow up on
8 that. As the statute and regulation read, it
9 really comes down to an $11 million state
10 savings for taking an individual who does go
11 to a hospital and may or may not be able to
12 go back to their room. You're going to end
13 up with an individual who's going to actually
14 stay -- potentially stay at a hospital longer
15 and then be displaced.
17 MR. OLSEN: Thank you very much,
18 Senator.
19 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you so much.
20 MR. HANSE: Thank you.
21 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Next we have Vice
22 President for Public Policy Laura Haight and
23 President Claudia Hammar, from the New York
24 State Association of Health Care Providers.
1 Following them, we will have the
2 Home Care Association of New York State. And
3 following them, we'll have LeadingAge
4 New York.
5 Welcome.
6 MS. HAMMAR: Good afternoon. Thank
7 you.
8 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Good afternoon.
9 MS. HAMMAR: Good afternoon, Senator
10 Young, Assemblymember Farrell, distinguished
11 members of the Senate Finance, Assembly Ways
12 and Means, and Senate and Assembly Health and
13 Aging Committees.
14 HCP is a trade association
15 representing approximately 350 offices of
16 licensed home care services agencies,
17 certified home health agencies, and
18 health-related organizations. On behalf of
19 HCP's board of directors and our members,
20 thank you for your continued support for home
21 care and the industry.
22 Home and community-based care has been
23 widely recognized as an important component
24 for new models of healthcare delivery aimed
1 at achieving New York State's goals of
2 improving care, improving health, and
3 reducing costs within the Medicaid system.
4 Home care is the patient-preferred option
5 that allows individuals to receive essential
6 healthcare and personal care services so that
7 they can continue to live independently in
8 their communities.
9 Aging baby boomers are reaching age 65
10 in record numbers, so the demand for home
11 care services in New York is expected to
12 grow. Fortunately, New York has a broad
13 network of home care providers that can
14 deliver a wide range of healthcare and
15 personal care services.
16 Most of HCP's members are licensed
17 agencies that provide long-term care services
18 for the disabled, chronically ill, and
19 elderly New Yorkers. Many serve as fiscal
20 intermediaries for the state's Consumer
21 Directed Personal Assistance Services
22 program.
23 Long-term care provides value to the
24 state's Medicaid system by helping people
1 remain in their homes and communities for as
2 long as possible, instead of in more costly
3 settings. Home care workers are often the
4 first to identify changes in a patient's
5 condition that can be quickly addressed to
6 keep the patient stabilized and at home.
7 Home care has already played a major role in
8 achieving cost savings in the state's
9 Medicaid program, and has the potential to
10 provide even greater value with an
11 appropriate investment in healthcare
12 information technology and workforce
13 development.
14 Over the past few years, home care
15 providers have faced unprecedented
16 challenges, with mounting labor costs,
17 reimbursements that do not begin to cover
18 agencies' real costs, and a rapidly changing
19 regulatory environment. New York's minimum
20 wage increase and recent changes to the
21 federal overtime payment requirements for
22 home care workers have added more than
23 $1 million in labor costs just in the past
24 year -- $100 million in labor costs just in
1 the past year, and these numbers will go up
2 significantly as the minimum wage is
3 continued to be phased in.
4 The Governor and Legislature
5 recognized the financial impact of these
6 changes and included funding last year in the
7 state budget to support these costs.
8 However, home care providers have had
9 tremendous difficulty getting these funds
10 from Medicaid managed care plans. Stronger
11 mechanisms are needed to ensure these funds
12 are actually passed through to the home care
13 providers to support their workforce.
14 The implementation of HCP's
15 recommendations will help ensure that
16 New York's elderly and frail citizens will
17 continue to have access to high-quality home
18 care services.
19 Thank you.
20 MS. HAIGHT: I'm Laura Haight. Thank
21 you for this opportunity today.
22 As with previous years, HCP's
23 priorities for this year's budget are
24 adequate reimbursement for home care
1 providers for performing reimbursed services,
2 funding for recruitment and retention of a
3 qualified home care workforce, and grants to
4 support investment in healthcare information
5 technology and other needs.
6 The Governor's budget proposal
7 contains funding to address all of these
8 needs. However, unless certain changes are
9 made, it is unlikely that this funding will
10 flow through to home care agencies as needed.
11 On the minimum wage funding, HCP
12 greatly appreciates the continued commitment
13 of the State Legislature and Governor Cuomo
14 to include additional Medicaid funding in the
15 state budget to support the minimum wage
16 increase for healthcare workers.
17 The home care industry is by far the
18 largest healthcare sector impacted by this
19 increase. Home care agencies in New York
20 employ more than 300,000 full and part-time
21 home care workers across the state, most of
22 whom are paid base wages at or near the
23 minimum wage. Consequently, of the
24 $44 million in state Medicaid funding
1 appropriated for the minimum wage increase
2 this year, $41.2 million went to home care
3 workers. And in the Governor's proposed 2018
4 budget, that includes $255.4 million for this
5 purpose, of which $242.7 million is earmarked
6 for home care. So we're a large section of
7 the minimum wage cost.
8 While HCP continues to work with DOB
9 and DOH to refine the state's cost
10 projections, this amount does appear adequate
11 in this year's state budget to meet the bare
12 minimum cost of compliance with the state
13 minimum wage mandates.
14 However, HCP has three important
15 caveats. First, the money needs to come
16 through to home care workers, home care
17 providers, to pay our workers. And we
18 discuss this in more detail in our written
19 testimony -- we had enormous challenges
20 getting managed care plans to commit to
21 reimbursing us for these services even though
22 the state went through a great deal of
23 effort, great lengths, to ensure that this
24 funding was in hand in advance of
1 December 31st.
2 Second, overall home care provider
3 reimbursements continue to be inadequate, and
4 even if we fix the minimum wage, that's not
5 enough to achieve sustainability.
6 And third, as other groups have
7 expressed in previous hearings, the minimum
8 wage is not enough to support recruitment and
9 retention of direct care workers.
10 Therefore, HCP is offering three main
11 budget recommendations, and I'll keep my
12 comments short.
13 One is we're recommending that the
14 state has to include budget language to
15 address this issue of reimbursing home care
16 providers for the base costs of compliance
17 with state and federal and local laws.
18 Between 2015 and 2016, home care agencies saw
19 their labor costs increase dramatically
20 across the state due to a wide range of
21 increases. Yet despite these escalating
22 costs, our reimbursements in Medicaid managed
23 care stayed static or went down in that year.
24 And prevailing managed care
1 reimbursement rates in New York City for that
2 year, 2016, were between $18.50 and $19 an
3 hour. And this is well below what either DOH
4 or HCP calculates to be the actual cost of
5 providing such services when you factor in
6 all of the taxes and benefits that are
7 required to be paid.
8 The state has recognized the
9 precarious financial condition of the home
10 care industry and included additional funding
11 to support these increased costs, including
12 not just the minimum wage but also the new
13 federal Fair Labor Standard Act overtime
14 rule, which significantly increased our
15 overtime costs and other expenses. However,
16 much of this funding has been delayed or
17 never been passed through to home care
18 agencies to pay their workers.
19 For example, when this FLSA rule
20 change went into effect, the state and
21 federal government approved $45 million in
22 emergency pass-through funds and later
23 amended the MLTC plan rates to support this
24 compliance moving forward. Our providers
1 still have not received all the emergency
2 payments. Those payments arrived, you know,
3 starting six months after the new rule went
4 into effect. And overwhelmingly, the plans
5 have refused to pass on increased
6 reimbursements to home care providers, even
7 though the plans have been getting this money
8 in their rates since April 1, 2016.
9 So while HCP really appreciates the
10 significant effort undertaken over the past
11 year by DOH and the Cuomo administration to
12 help make these resources available to home
13 care providers to meet these increased labor
14 costs, there needs to be a better way.
15 Ultimately, this piecemeal approach
16 taken by the state is not a sustainable
17 solution, and we recommend that language be
18 included in the budget requiring that managed
19 care plans reimburse home care providers for
20 the cost of compliance with these mandates.
21 And we believe the state has an obligation to
22 ensure this, that you can't just walk away
23 and say, Let them negotiate with the managed
24 care plans. We have to have our base
1 obligations met.
2 Secondly, there is money in the budget
3 that could help us with this. There is the
4 home care workforce recruitment and retention
5 funding. Close to $300 million a year is put
6 into the budget for workforce recruitment and
7 retention in the home care sector. But in
8 Medicaid managed care, we're not seeing where
9 this money goes any longer. It used to be,
10 you know, a separate item listed on your
11 remittance under fee-for-service. Now
12 providers don't know what they're receiving
13 or if they're receiving it, and when they
14 contact plans, they might be told it's in
15 your -- it's embedded in your rates.
16 Well, our rates are too low, so it
17 appears that this money is being used to
18 backfill compensation. And it's not
19 additive, as it's intended, to support
20 recruitment training and retention of
21 non-supervisory home care services workers.
22 So we have recommended some language
23 regarding transparency and oversight of this
24 funding.
1 And lastly, we too really see an
2 opportunity with the Health Care Facility
3 Transformation Program funding. Billions of
4 dollars have gone out in capital funds as
5 well as all the money from DSRIP -- very
6 little of that if any has gone to home care,
7 and in fact last year was only the first year
8 we could apply for the transformation program
9 funds, which we appreciated. But even then,
10 the constraints were very limiting.
11 This year's program is designed to
12 address a broader range of purposes,
13 including what's most important to us, is
14 healthcare IT. This is essential for us to
15 be able to participate in the new integrated
16 models of healthcare delivery that the state
17 is working on, and we've been sort of on the
18 sidelines with this because we've lacked the
19 resources to really invest and present the
20 full value, as Claudia described, that we can
21 to the system. We are in the homes of our
22 clients, we can do a lot to help keep them
23 well and prevent them from injury and
24 entering into more expensive care settings.
1 So thank you very much. We believe
2 that these are -- this is the time to invest
3 in home care, to meet the growing demands,
4 and we look forward to continuing to work
5 with you.
6 Thank you very much.
8 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Any questions?
9 Okay, I think we're all set. So thank
10 you for your testimony.
11 MS. HAIGHT: Thank you.
12 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Our next speaker is
13 Al Cardillo, executive vice president of the
14 Home Care Association of New York State.
15 Following him will be LeadingAge
16 New York, and following them will be Hospice
17 and Palliative Care Association of New York.
18 Hi, Al.
19 MR. CARDILLO: Thank you, Senator.
20 Thank you, chairs, and all the members of the
21 committee.
22 One of the main aspects of the
23 Hippocratic oath is to do no harm. So today
24 in my testimony I will forgo reading my
1 testimony to you, and the variety of our
2 attachments, and mainly we'll focus on the
3 four critical points that we really want to
4 emphasize.
6 MR. CARDILLO: They are actually
7 attached in a one-pager to the testimony.
8 And my colleagues Claudia and Laura really, I
9 think, set the table very well, presenting
10 the breadth of the home care picture in the
11 state and of course really reflecting the
12 urgency of the needs.
13 So within the four areas -- let me
14 tell you just a bit, certainly, about the
15 Home Care Association. So the Home Care
16 Association represents home health providers
17 of all types across the state. We also have
18 within our membership long-term-care plans,
19 which you've heard a lot about during the
20 testimony today, hospice providers, providers
21 of waivered services, and other allied
22 providers.
23 So the areas that I want to focus on
24 are rate adequacy and payment adequacy for
1 both managed long-term-care plans and home
2 care agencies, the home care and state
3 regulatory structure, and the need for
4 capacity support within the home care system
5 and the home care infrastructure.
6 So starting on the issue with rates,
7 you heard in the prior presentation and
8 well-documented in the attachments is data
9 from the certified cost reports of the plans
10 and home care agencies that really paint a
11 very concerning picture of the financial
12 status of plans and providers. It was
13 discussed earlier when the Commissioner of
14 Health and the State Medicaid Director was
15 here that the managed long-term-care home
16 care partnership solution is a very critical
17 one for the state. It's virtually where the
18 state has invested all of its energies and
19 currently its policies in providing care for
20 individuals who are very, very needy in the
21 long-term-care system.
22 In addition, separately in terms of
23 home care, home care really crosses the
24 entire expanse of the system, from maternal
1 and child health services to pediatric
2 services to postsurgical services to public
3 health services to palliative care. So home
4 care on its own accord is really providing
5 services across the continuum in partnership
6 with physicians who write the orders for the
7 services.
8 So as I say, the data -- that data
9 that we have that speaks from the certified
10 cost information really paints a very
11 concerning picture with the majority of plans
12 and providers struggling to meet margin, most
13 below margin.
14 The last two years, the Legislature
15 has incrementally improved the language in
16 the statute that directs the department on
17 the methodology that it uses to reimburse
18 plans and providers. HCA is requesting that
19 this year you further strengthen that
20 language to ensure that the methodologies are
21 actually on point with the real costs that
22 are experienced by plans and providers in
23 trying to care for New York's most vulnerable
24 citizens.
1 We have provided language to the
2 Legislature for your consideration that would
3 strengthen that component of the statute and
4 hopefully ensure a truer methodology in terms
5 of payment.
6 The Governor's budget includes funding
7 for minimum wage. There's $242 million in
8 state year funding. There's certainly a
9 great deal of concern that those funds be
10 able to be made available sufficiently to
11 managed care plans and to home care agencies
12 to truly meet the wage needs associated with
13 minimum wage and in fact decent wages for all
14 workers statewide. The process that has been
15 implemented thus far has been a very
16 difficult one for both plans and providers,
17 and it's really not been clear how those
18 funds ultimately go from the state and then
19 ultimately to the provider in order to ensure
20 payment of the worker. And that really needs
21 redress in this budget.
22 The other aspect about the funds is
23 that those funds just cover the Medicaid side
24 of the equation, and they also do not cover
1 costs for individuals that are compensated
2 above the minimum wage and have long been
3 compensated just above the minimum wage but
4 now really are deserving of an adjustment as
5 well.
6 So that's something we just want to
7 make sure the Legislature and Governor are
8 mindful of when determining your final number
9 for an adjustment under this system.
10 And the last item I'd like to mention
11 with respect to the wage -- the rate issue is
12 related to managed long-term care
13 specifically. The Governor's budget proposes
14 a series of cuts in adverse financial actions
15 that are pointed at managed long-term-care
16 plans: A carve-out of the transportation
17 reimbursement, a cut in the quality
18 innovation fund for managed long-term-care
19 plans, a change in eligibility, and a
20 restriction on marketing.
21 All those were discussed earlier with
22 this panel and the Medicaid director. I
23 don't need to go into the details. But HCA
24 would encourage you to revisit, reject, and
1 restore the funding associated with those
2 adverse proposals. The system in its fragile
3 state really can't take anything more.
4 On the regulatory side, with the state
5 moving to new models of care -- ACOs,
6 advanced primary care, DSRIP, managed Care --
7 there is a tremendous opportunity for home
8 care's contribution to really maximize the
9 benefit to patients and the cost
10 effectiveness to the system. The regulatory
11 structure for home care was created and
12 largely functions around home care as a
13 separate, sole-serving, independent, fully
14 responsible model for the patient.
15 But in these new models, the state
16 envisions a shared partnership between a
17 diversity of providers -- behavioral health,
18 physicians, hospitals, and other providers.
19 And so within that model, your roles are
20 distinctly different, and there's a capacity
21 for a very nimble level of involvement that
22 yields very, very significant returns in
23 terms of the patients and the system.
24 Just one quick example. In New York
1 City, it's projected that something like
2 50 percent of asthma cases are
3 environmentally related. If a physician had
4 the ability to -- say, you know, a child has
5 presented with exacerbating symptoms on
6 asthma. I could send a home care agency to
7 evaluate that patient, report to me on the
8 environmental conditions, and then on that
9 basis I could then determine next steps for
10 treatment.
11 But whenever home care gets involved,
12 it gets involved under the current rule of
13 regulation which has a very, very broad set
14 of requirements, again presuming that the
15 home care agency is going to be fully
16 responsible assessing and managing that case.
17 It's really a case of the doctor --
18 and it's a case where the doctor, if they
19 partner with the home care agency, can
20 achieve immeasurable results in terms of
21 public health advancement, public health
22 protection, and mitigating that disease
23 situation for the patient.
24 So that's just one of many examples.
1 HCA has provided the Legislature with
2 legislative language for Article VII that
3 would create a separate section within
4 Article 36 that would allow you to facilitate
5 the regulatory environment for home care's
6 participation in these new models. And we
7 ask your careful review and consideration of
8 that language.
9 At the same time, the Governor has a
10 major regulatory modernization team in the
11 budget. There were comments made today by
12 the members of the committee with respect to
13 concerns about the breadth of the model and
14 perhaps the Legislature's prerogative in
15 terms of deciding exactly how statutes and
16 regulations would be changed.
17 We are in sync with the Legislature on
18 those concerns. We support those concerns.
19 We wholeheartedly support regulatory relief,
20 but it's very, very important as we are --
21 what we are seeing under DSRIP already is
22 that providers who are not licensed home care
23 agencies, who are not licensed hospices, are
24 actively moving into the licensed protected
1 sphere of those agencies.
2 So you have entities that are out
3 there providing services and seeking to
4 provide services in the home that really go
5 beyond the scope of their current licensure
6 and go straight into the licensure category
7 of Article 36 and Article 40s.
8 We would have grave concerns that --
9 certainly that there be safeguards in any
10 regulatory reform process that does not
11 further escalate that activity within the
12 system.
13 I'll talk to you about my last two
14 items quickly. In terms of home care
15 capacity, there is a tremendous need for
16 there to be a comprehensive review of the
17 needs of the home care system and really of
18 communities and patients for home care in
19 this state. It's a long overdue process. If
20 you talk to hospitals in the North Country,
21 if you talk to the Statewide Senior Action
22 Council, if you look at areas whether they're
23 urban or especially rural, what you see is
24 that the shortage of capacity is impairing
1 the functioning of the system and really
2 affecting the ability of patients to be able
3 to access services quickly and nimbly.
4 We recommend that the Legislature --
5 we've provided language for the Legislature
6 to really require a comprehensive policy for
7 meeting the home care capacity needs across
8 this state and especially in the rural areas.
9 And Assemblyman Gottfried, thank you
10 for hosting the upcoming hearings that will
11 really focus very, very closely on that
12 issue.
13 And finally on the infrastructure.
14 The Home Care Association applauds the
15 proposal of $500 million in the state budget
16 for infrastructure health facility
17 transformation. We also applaud the fact
18 that within the proposal last year the
19 Legislature, when it was funded at
20 $200 million, actually set aside a minimum
21 level that should go for community-based
22 care. In a situation where the state as a
23 policy is looking to move 25 percent of the
24 acute care system into the community, we
1 would urge that at least that proportional
2 amount be considered on the $500 million
3 program -- so at least a proportional amount
4 of $125 million.
5 And I say that in the context of the
6 fact that of the billions, the 7 to 8 billion
7 dollars that have gone to DSRIP, less than
8 4 percent of those monies go into another
9 category which applies to community
10 providers. And in recent years --
11 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Al -- excuse me,
12 Al.
14 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Al, I'm sorry, but
15 you're over your time.
17 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: And just to be
18 considerate of the people behind you --
19 MR. CARDILLO: Thank you, Senator.
20 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: -- I think you can
21 wrap it up. You gave us great testimony --
22 MR. CARDILLO: Thank you, Senator.
23 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: -- in writing, so
24 we really appreciate all that you do.
1 MR. CARDILLO: Thank you very much.
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you for being
3 here today.
4 MR. CARDILLO: Thank you, Senator.
6 I remind the speakers to please stay
7 within -- oh, we do have a question.
8 So go ahead, Assemblyman.
10 I was asking Jason Helgerson about the
11 nursing-home-eligible language relating to
12 MLTCs and I asked how would someone who needs
13 120 days of home care but isn't nursing
14 home-eligible gets it from Medicaid --
15 because I think the language as written says
16 you can't -- and he said, Well, you would
17 just get it through fee-for-service Medicaid.
18 Setting aside the fact that the
19 language doesn't say that, what is your
20 assessment of the availability of an
21 infrastructure and administrative structures
22 in many communities for fee-for-service home
23 care these days?
24 MR. CARDILLO: Well, Assemblyman, my
1 concern about the infrastructure would span
2 whether it would be fee-for-service or under
3 managed care, because it's the same
4 infrastructure, basically. The managed care
5 plan contracts with a network of providers,
6 and that network of providers delivers the
7 services. So I would be concerned either
8 way.
9 But speaking specifically to your
10 point about eligibility, we certainly have
11 concerns with respect to the change, because
12 that change is also likely to create
13 instability in the MLTC structure, which has
14 been rated in terms of its premium and its
15 activity to service the population that's
16 120 days and longer, just as you've set the
17 eligibility today. So we would be concerned,
18 certainly, about that change.
19 In the fee-for-service structure, the
20 way it would work now -- and we'd certainly
21 take a look at the legal language, but the
22 way it would work now is until you have
23 reached a point of eligibility to go into
24 managed long-term care, agencies within the
1 community -- so certified agencies and
2 long-term home healthcare providers who would
3 act like a certified agency -- would be in a
4 position to or certainly would be eligible
5 for the patient to go into for services.
6 But there's been changes since the MRT
7 which have certainly changed, say, the scope
8 of services for the long-term home healthcare
9 programs so you don't have the waivered
10 services in that program anymore like you
11 used to. But the state has just gone to an
12 episodic reimbursement system for the
13 long-term home healthcare program, really
14 similar to what you proposed several years in
15 a row. But it's not for the same scope of
16 services, it's a much narrower scope. If
17 that were broadened, again, as it was, you
18 would at least have a fee-for-service
19 alternative.
21 you.
22 MR. CARDILLO: Thank you very much.
23 Thank you, Senator.
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Our next speakers
3 are Ami Schnauber, vice president of advocacy
4 and public policy, and James W. Clyne, Jr.,
5 president and CEO of LeadingAge New York.
6 Following them -- oh, it's just Ami.
7 MS. SCHNAUBER: It's just me today. I
8 will try and --
10 -- Hospice and Palliative Care of
11 New York, and following that we would have
12 the New York Health Plan Association.
13 So welcome.
14 MS. SCHNAUBER: Thank you. Thanks so
15 much.
16 I am submitting formal testimony; I'm
17 not reading that. I'm just going to provide
18 a few highlights. But I would like you to
19 open the first page, because on the first and
20 second page we've provided some charts for
21 you because we're very concerned about the
22 sweeping cuts to long-term care in this
23 budget.
24 We have a problem in this state and in
1 this country. The baby boomer generation has
2 started reaching age 65. Ten thousand people
3 a day reach age 65. That started many years
4 ago; the first wave is now 71. We already
5 have significant service gaps. We've been
6 talking to the administration about the fact
7 that they have to invest in long-term care
8 because we're going to be unprepared.
9 And you heard from HANYS, NYSHFA, HCA,
10 HCP -- they've gone over what some of the
11 issues are, and we concur with them. But I
12 just hope that you can appreciate that -- the
13 why of why you should care. We have a big
14 problem, and we have to start addressing it.
15 The yellow line is the long-term care
16 cut. It's $168,000. And we think that the
17 elderly and the people with disabilities in
18 this state are shouldering the bulk of the
19 cut in this year's budget, and we think that
20 we need to be going in the other direction.
21 There have been some investments in
22 long-term care, and on the second page you
23 will see our pie chart that shows the DSRIP
24 investments that have gone out. I shared
1 this chart last year; the difference here is
2 this actually -- the first pie chart I showed
3 was what was proposed to be spent. This is
4 actually first-year spending.
5 And once again, you will see that the
6 vast majority of that funding is going to
7 primary and acute care. And nursing
8 homes are the little tiny orange slice. And
9 I'm not sure if you can see hospice, because
10 that's the thread that connects the gray and
11 the orange. I think it's pretty clear this
12 is not an area that we're investing in, and
13 it's a major problem.
14 The good news is that there is a
15 capital investment proposal in the budget by
16 the Governor. It's $500 million. We would
17 suggest that $200 million of that ought to go
18 to long-term-care providers. Long-term care
19 is about 40 percent of the Medicaid budget,
20 and so we would suggest they ought to get
21 40 percent of this healthcare spending.
22 We also suggest and ask that you add
23 assisted living programs and hospice programs
24 to the providers who can be eligible for this
1 funding, because once again they've been left
2 out, and we think they're an important part
3 of the continuum.
4 New York State doesn't do very well in
5 terms of -- if you look at other states in
6 terms of hospital deaths, we rank 50th in the
7 states. We rank 48th for our use of hospice.
8 We know we have a major problem in assisted
9 living. We haven't had an SSI increase for
10 assisted living since 2007, and costs -- a
11 daily cost for assisted living is about $70 a
12 day, and the state reimburses $40 a day.
13 We have a huge population of aging
14 people, and if we don't start investing in
15 these areas, they are going to be in nursing
16 homes. Nursing homes, 85 percent of the cost
17 of nursing home is borne by the Medicaid
18 program. It is completely unsustainable.
19 The state has to start investing in some of
20 these areas.
21 MLTC rate adequacy. It's a big issue
22 that several of the prior speakers talked
23 about. We represent the provider-sponsored
24 MLTCs. Half of our MLTCs in the state have
1 negative premium margins. Unfortunately, the
2 premiums tend to be at least a year behind.
3 We've been adding new wage mandates, we've
4 added new populations such as nursing homes,
5 and the reality is is that the rates simply
6 have not kept up.
7 Managed long-term-care plans are
8 struggling because the number of nursing home
9 members that are moving to MLTCs has grown
10 faster than the department expected, and what
11 this has caused is some of the plans to start
12 narrowing their nursing home networks. We
13 have to figure out a way to make sure that
14 enough money is going into the rates so that
15 we can accommodate the nursing home component
16 of the benefit.
17 NYSHFA mentioned the nursing home
18 bed-hold cut. We are concerned about that.
19 We don't believe that there is a churning
20 that is happening. What our members know is
21 that if you have to transfer a frail
22 individual, there are always complications.
23 They often come back worse than they were.
24 You're not sending people to a hospital
1 unnecessarily. All this will mean is that
2 people are not going to be able to return to
3 the place that they call home, and we think
4 it's a big problem.
5 The other area that we would like to
6 see some investment in is in senior housing.
7 We know the Governor has already recommended
8 $125 million for senior housing. But we are
9 suggesting that some amount of money -- we
10 would suggest $10 million -- be funded for
11 service coordinators so that we can keep
12 seniors in the community longer. We know,
13 through the HUD programs, this has been
14 effective. We think it can save Medicaid
15 dollars by allowing people to be connected to
16 the services in the community.
17 We have a significant workforce
18 shortage in this state. I've testified
19 before about the fact that my younger
20 brother, who has a traumatic brain injury, is
21 in the dementia unit of a nursing home
22 because after 15 years we could not sustain
23 him in the community anymore. We would try
24 and get home care providers -- there simply
1 was not enough home providers. And it just
2 takes a toll on a family when parents have to
3 be caring for people as they become older
4 themselves.
5 We have to address this. The minimum
6 wage has gone up. Our members had
7 traditionally been paying people more than
8 the minimum wage; now they're competing with
9 people in retail. And recently we heard that
10 a number of our providers in the Western
11 New York region are losing staff because
12 communities are busing people to casinos. So
13 now people who are using transportation,
14 people who are providing home care, are going
15 to casinos to do work instead.
16 We're very concerned about the MLTC
17 and the adult day healthcare transportation
18 carve-out. We think using a state vendor is
19 a poor idea. We see examples in Senator
20 Young's area -- we had a member tell us that
21 they had to transport one of their residents
22 15 minutes to a doctor's appointment, and the
23 state vendor was going to send transportation
24 from Schenectady, New York. We think this
1 should be local.
2 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Could you get me
3 more information on that?
4 MS. SCHNAUBER: I will.
5 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: I thought it was
6 bad when they were bringing people from
7 Buffalo to Cattaraugus County to pick
8 somebody up, take them to the doctor, and
9 then drive back to Buffalo.
10 MS. SCHNAUBER: Right.
11 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: That's far worse.
12 MS. SCHNAUBER: It is.
13 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Because that's a
14 four-and-a-half-hour drive each way.
15 MS. SCHNAUBER: Exactly. And our
16 plans are saying we want to be able to manage
17 the transportation.
18 We have one provider who was given a
19 HEAL grant in Senator Valesky's district, he
20 was given a HEAL grant to bill the
21 transportation and then, a year later, told:
22 We're going to take transportation out of
23 your MLTC rate.
24 It doesn't make sense. They all seem
1 to be individual suggestions and ideas and
2 proposals coming from the state that don't
3 always work together.
4 So those are the main points I'd like
5 to make. I do hope that we can continue to
6 work together and figure out how we can
7 address some of these issues and make sure
8 that our seniors and individuals with
9 disabilities are getting their fair share.
11 Any questions?
13 SENATOR KRUEGER: Thank you.
14 MS. SCHNAUBER: Thank you.
15 CHAIRMAN FARRELL: Any questions? No?
16 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: The next speaker is
17 Kathy McMahon, consultant with the Hospice
18 and Palliative Care Association of New York.
19 Following her will be Paul Macielak,
20 president and CEO of New York Health Plan
21 Association. And following him will be the
22 Coalition of Managed Long Term Care.
23 So if you're in the queue, please move
24 forward. We're not -- there's Paul -- we're
1 not as mean as we look. So we see all these
2 empty seats in the front; if people want to
3 fill them up, that would be great.
4 Welcome. And thank you for staying
5 within the time frame.
6 MS. McMAHON: I want to thank you
7 very, very much for giving me this
8 opportunity to provide comments on the
9 2017-2018 proposed Executive Health Budget.
10 I promise I'm going to be very, very brief
11 and I will -- with my comments, that I'm only
12 going to make one request. We have
13 additional requests, but they're in the
14 written testimony. I want to be very fast
15 here.
16 I wanted to start with that we were
17 very, very grateful when the Medicaid
18 Redesign Team called for greater access to
19 hospice and palliative care seven years ago,
20 MRT #209 for hospice and MRT #109 for
21 palliative care. And you know, here in
22 New York State, hospice utilization and
23 length of stay are extremely low. In fact, I
24 would say abysmally low.
1 Ami had mentioned earlier that we're
2 48th nationally as far as hospice
3 utilization. Our utilization rate in
4 New York is 30.3 percent, versus 45.9
5 nationally. Our median length of stay is
6 16 days; nationally it's 23 days. And
7 regarding the 16 days, when I talk to the
8 hospice providers around the state, they're
9 all telling me that the majority of their
10 patients are two weeks or less, and within
11 that cadre it's usually a week or less. So
12 we're talking on hospice for three to five
13 days.
14 So we really need to do something
15 about that, and I would be asking for your
16 support on making sure there are not any
17 additional barriers for hospice access.
18 I think it's important to be aware of
19 the data that I just mentioned in light of
20 some of the language in the Governor's
21 proposed budget. There's a proposal intended
22 to clarify that Medicaid would not cover
23 hospice-related services otherwise covered by
24 Medicare. It's a $4.4 million reduction. It
1 still remains unclear to us how this proposal
2 would be implemented.
3 We've been working since the budget
4 was introduced to get some clarification, and
5 we originally received two explanations. One
6 was that it has to do with ancillary
7 services, and the second was that the cut
8 would be implemented as a cut to MLTC rates,
9 based on the assumption that hospice programs
10 are billing MLTC plans for services and
11 supplies that should be properly billed to
12 Medicare. Neither of these explanations
13 makes sense.
14 First of all, room and board is fixed,
15 the only thing -- the only service for which
16 hospice bills MLTC. Room and board would be
17 for hospice patients residing in nursing
18 facilities or in a hospice residence who are
19 also members of an MLTC. The hospice benefit
20 is carved out of MLTC. For dual-eligible
21 individuals, Medicare is billed. For
22 non-duals, straight Medicaid is billed.
23 Hospice is an all-inclusive service
24 billed at a per diem rate. That includes
1 physician, nursing, home health aide, social
2 work, psychosocial support, spiritual care,
3 therapies as well as durable medical
4 equipment, and also medications that are
5 related to the terminal illness.
6 Yesterday we did receive a third
7 explanation. I was on the DOH Twitter Chat,
8 and at that time we were told that the
9 provision was for dual and FIDA fully
10 integrated dual advantage program and MAP,
11 Medicaid Advantage Program, and that Medicaid
12 would no longer pay; providers would bill
13 Medicare. I find this confusing, since this
14 is already the case, and that billing is
15 being done correctly. It simply requires
16 education and communication, not a provision
17 in the budget.
18 Therefore, we remain -- because of the
19 kind of confusion over the explanations that
20 we've received, we remain deeply concerned
21 that hospice patients would be negatively
22 impacted by the proposed $4.4 million cut.
23 Therefore, we respectfully request that this
24 section be struck from the proposed budget.
1 Thank you for your time, for your
2 consideration. I would be very happy to
3 respond to any questions you may have.
4 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: No questions.
5 MS. McMAHON: Thank you.
6 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: Thank you very
7 much. We appreciate your participation.
10 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: The next speaker is
11 Paul Macielak, president and CEO of New York
12 Health Plan Association.
13 And as I said, following him will be
14 the Coalition of Managed Long Term Care, and
15 following them will be the Community
16 Healthcare Association of New York State.
17 So welcome.
18 MR. MACIELAK: Thank you, Senator.
19 First I'd like to say thanks to all of
20 you -- Senators, Assemblymen, chairs -- for
21 staying here this long and certainly well
22 into evening, as you'll be here quite a
23 while.
24 CHAIRWOMAN YOUNG: The fun is just
1 beginning.
2 (Laughter.)
3 MR. MACIELAK: I'm just going to
4 summarize the testimony which is being handed
5 out to you now. I want to cover about a half
6 a dozen issues and try and keep time short.
7 First, today I just want to make the
8 point -- it got raised earlier, certainly
9 when the commissioner spoke, and
10 Superintendent Vullo as well -- that
11 government, consumers, and health plans are
12 all concerned about stability of the health
13 insurance market. Anticipated federal action
14 is fueling a lot of turmoil, as you might
15 guess -- rumors, press statements, committee
16 actions in Washington, executive orders about
17 repealing and replacing or repairing the ACA,
18 all creating that instability.
19 I point that out as a backdrop for all
20 of you and urge caution as you address some
21 of the budget as well as pieces of
22 legislation during the balance of this
23 session. Please don't add cost in terms of
24 legislation, in the budget, or in the balance
1 of the session. Costs go to affordability,
2 and affordability is key in terms of
3 stability for the market. And that is also
4 key whether it is the Medicaid budget,
5 whether it's a consumer's checkbook in terms
6 of what they can afford or pay out-of-pocket,
7 and for health plans in terms of what they
8 can offer and what kind of losses they might
9 be able to incur in the market.
10 So with that as the backdrop, I'd just
11 like to say that HPA strongly supports the
12 Governor's effort in terms of creating a
13 pharmacy price cap and a surcharge proposal.
14 I know there's a lot of concern about it, and
15 I know there's a lot of questions, but I
16 would just urge some action be done in the
17 pharmacy arena. Something has to be done.
18 You heard statements earlier today
19 about how much the Medicaid budget has
20 increased. I know there were a couple of
21 years where it went up, in pharmacy, a
22 billion dollars a year. And that's certainly
23 when Harvoni, Sovaldi -- when those came out,
24 as well as some changes in terms of practice
1 protocols like prescriber prevails. But by
2 our numbers, the cost of pharmacy has
3 increased over 54 percent in the last four to
4 five years. And that's net of rebates.
5 That is unsustainable. As you have
6 heard earlier, pharmacy exceeds inpatient
7 hospitalization. And for those of us who
8 have worked in healthcare, that's a
9 staggering fact.
10 Pharmacy is making for scarce dollars
11 under the global cap. So whether it's the
12 Brooklyn solution, whether it's behavioral
13 health, financial support, whether it's
14 payments for different providers throughout
15 the system, all of those are competing
16 against pharmacy for scarce dollars. And I
17 would point that out, that we have to keep
18 that in mind while we're also waiting for
19 federal action which may decrease, certainly,
20 federal support for our government programs
21 like Medicaid.
22 Second point. We oppose the
23 superintendent's discretionary powers. I
24 know there was a lot of questions -- and
1 Assemblyman Cahill, you asked a number of
2 them. And I would just make the point that
3 there is no budget impact cited in the
4 Executive proposal regarding certainly the
5 increased fines or some of the other
6 discretionary powers. So without a budget
7 impact, I would just urge that you delete it
8 from the budget. It could be a policy
9 discussion we can have in April or May or
10 something like that, as opposed to trying to
11 do it in today's budget.
12 Our concern really has to do with the
13 superintendent's discretion. And you asked
14 some questions, Assemblyman, of the
15 superintendent about the definition of
16 unsound, unsafe, you know, whether they were
17 defined in statute or if they were really her
18 interpretation of it.
19 And we've lived with, as an example,
20 the prior approval rate process, which is
21 subject to the superintendent's discretion in
22 terms of rate-making decisions. And we've
23 experienced rate suppression, which we think
24 runs counter to actuarially sound rates in a
1 number of occasions, and those decisions
2 contribute to that instability in the
3 marketplace that I talked about.
4 Now. We can't forget Health
5 Republic's experience, which in part tracks
6 back to rate decisions that were made under
7 that discretionary power. I'd also point out
8 in the discretionary power that the increase
9 in fines from 1,000 to 10,000 -- that's per
10 violation -- the superintendent clearly
11 framed it in terms of bad actors and clearly
12 a malfeasance and the ability just to fine
13 somebody $1,000 versus $10,000 as a key
14 factor.
15 But I would hasten to say that the
16 experience of health plans has been, today --
17 on market conduct surveys, we've had a number
18 of plans where you will have a paper
19 violation and it might have been repeated
20 over a hundred cases or a thousand cases, and
21 you're facing fines in that situation running
22 now into the hundreds of thousands of dollars
23 and up to -- even out at a million dollars,
24 for what are technical paper violations where
1 there's not a significant consumer harm.
2 So we would say that -- take it out of
3 the budget. If you don't, at a minimum put
4 in some guardrails and safeguards. Put in a
5 framework to define, you know, repeat
6 offenders, degree of harm, types of
7 violations, number of violations, et cetera.
8 We also -- third point -- we oppose
9 extending HCRA for three years without some
10 reform. The Legislature adopted a HCRA
11 modernization task force, some
12 recommendations came out of them -- not
13 startling recommendations, but they're not
14 reflected in this extension. Those
15 recommendations should be built in at a
16 minimum.
17 We would also agree -- I know Senator
18 Hannon raised it earlier -- whether there's a
19 need for perhaps a modernization task force
20 number 2 to look at really some of what HCRA
21 is doing today versus what it was originally
22 intended to do. You know, it started out, in
23 terms of the public good funding, to fund GME
24 and bad debt charities. Those were the
1 historic roots.
2 Today, more than two-thirds of the
3 HCRA money goes to fund the General Fund and
4 in fact Medicaid. So it's becoming a cost
5 sub