Senator O'Mara's weekly column 'From the Capitol' ~ for the week of February 3, 2020 ~ 'Warnings about meth need strong response'

Senator O'Mara shares his weekly perspective on issues facing New York State government.
Across the region, we would be wise to heed the clear warning. Indeed, over the past several years there have been steady reports of meth lab discoveries and other meth-related arrests and incidents.

Senator O'Mara offers his weekly perspective on many of the key challenges and issues facing the Legislature, as well as on legislative actions, local initiatives, state programs and policies, and more. Stop back every Monday for Senator O'Mara's latest column "From the Capitol..."

This week, "Warnings about meth need strong response" 

[See above attached copy of Senator O’Mara’s column in The Leader on February 2, 2020]