Ferry riders can fill out report cards on service at lawmaker's mobile office

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Ferry riders with problems and concerns about the Staten Island Ferry need go no farther than the St. George Ferry Terminal to voice those complaints to state Sen. Diane Savino.
She will host a mobile district office at the terminal debuting the Ferry Service Report Card. Riders will be able to fill out the cards, which are detailed questionnaires surveying the availability of retail outlets, service, cleanliness, security and frequency of bus and subway connections.
The program will go one step further, allowing commuters the opportunity to talk with experienced constituent caseworkers about any concerns or issues they may have, as well as receive assistance in navigating state and local agencies. Informative brochures are available on topics such as renters' rights, senior services, women's health and Internet safety for children.
The mobile office was open today and will be open again tomorrow from 7:30 to 9 a.m. In addition, the senator's district office at 36 Richmond Terr., Suite 112, is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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