Listen to Senator O'Mara on AM 1480 WLEA's 'Newsmaker Show' ~ Topics include this year's 'Woman of Distinction' and legislation to require testing for lead in school water systems

Listen to Senator O'Mara's interview on AM 1480 WLEA's 'Newsmaker Show' with Brian O'Neil.

Listen to Senator O'Mara's May 7, 2016 interview with Brian O'Neil on the "Newsmaker Show" on AM 1480 WLEA in Hornell.

On the show, Senator O'Mara addresses a range of current topics, including his recent selection of Dawn Smith of the Bath VA as a 2016 "Woman of Distinction" as well as the continuing effort to extend the time between parole hearings for violent felons; ongoing legislative initiatives to combat the heroin and opioid addiction crisis; the extension of New York's "Hire-A-Vet" tax credit; legislation to require the testing for lead in school water systems; and an update on Common Core.