“Raise the Age: The Movement Behind the Slogan” Op-Ed

Senator Velmanette Montgomery

“Raise the Age” is more than just a slogan. For me and the members of the Senate Democratic Conference, it is part of a much larger movement to fundamentally change juvenile justice in New York State.

 As the ranking member of the Senate Children and Families Committee, and more importantly, as the mother of a young man of color, this is an issue that I simply do not have the privilege of ignoring.

Every time a child from my community is needlessly entangled in the criminal justice system, I think of what could have been, had the right resources been available to them.

To read Senator Montgomery's Op-Ed, pick up a copy of this week's Our Time Press or visit http://design2pro.com/ourtimepress/2017/202/files/assets/basic-html/page6.html