Senator Montgomery’s Bill Creating School Based Health Center Fund Gets Governor’s Approval
State Senator Velmanette Montgomery’s (D-Bedford-Stuyvesant, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Boerum Hill, Sunset Park) bill to create a personal income tax check-off box for donations to a newly formed School-Based Health Center Fund (S4487-B/A2660-B Ortiz) was signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo last week.
The legislation is expected to create at least $2 million in new revenue for School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) across New York State. This new measure will also create an additional stream of funding for SBHCs by allowing individuals to donate to the fund through a personal income tax check-off box. Revenue generated would be deposited in the “School-Based Health Centers Fund” in the custody of the Comptroller to be used by the Department of Health (DOH) to support expansion of medical services at existing school based health sites or to establish new sites.
“Every year we have to fight for School Based Health Centers in the budget. I am so glad the Governor signed my bill to create a new funding opportunity for our centers. Our SBHCs take an enormous burden off parents who cannot miss work or afford insurance and copayments. Young people already go through enough without having to worry about where to get health care,” said Montgomery.
To read the full story, visit https://www.kingscountypolitics.com/brooklyn-lawmakers-on-the-move-oct-11-2018/