Skoufis secures record funding for local governments

During budget negotiations, Skoufis said he stressed the importance of providing cash-strapped local governments with significant funding. Amid the Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed cuts to local government’s primary state funding source - the AIM program - Skoufis said he helped secure full restoration of the proposed cuts, including $5,873,998 for the municipalities in his Senate District that need this funding for basic local services like garbage pickup and water services.
“Throughout the pandemic, New York’s local governments stepped up to provide COVID testing, access to vaccines and fundamental services for constituents,” said Senator Skoufis. “One of my top priorities during these negotiations was to bring back record funding for the services we all depend on - and depended on more than ever the past year. I will continue to be a committed partner to local governments as we work through reopening our state’s economy and building it back stronger.”