Outdoor Fitness Court Officially Opens to Residents

The ribbon was cut on Thursday, June 7, for a new fitness court during a dedication ceremony in the City of Newburgh. HUDSON VALLEY PRESS/ Chuck Stewart, Jr.
NEWBURGH – The shiny, new blue and white fitness court, sporting an assortment of challenging aerobic and strength activities, was filled with curious political dignitaries Thursday afternoon.
Some were simply admiring the newly placed apparatus in utter awe; while others decided to jump right in testing their all-around athletic prowess. Carrying the namesake, “Fitness Court,” the World’s Best Outdoor Gym, the impressive outdoor fitness center was officially opened to the City of Newburgh Thursday afternoon with a well-attended ribbon-cutting ceremony.
“That’s it, just like that,” shouted out a motivating onlooker as Assemblyman, Jonathan Jacobson, a major player in securing funding for the Court, tried out a machine testing his core strength.
Meanwhile, City of Newburgh Mayor Torrance Harvey, clad in a sharp black Adidas sweatsuit, could be seen eying the pullup bar, assessing his chances of making good on this lofty test of strength.
Offering seven, one minute (45 seconds for exercise and 15 seconds for rest) stations, the popular Fitness Court, which has garnered rapidly growing nationwide appeal, includes seven stations, each targeting a different movement zone (core, squat, push, pull, lunging, agility and bend.) Within each of those zones are contained hundreds of potential exercises, training the body though functional movement patterns. The possibilities alone are a reason for excitement in the City of Newburgh.
“I like things that create stuff; this is something that can be used by all people no matter what kind of athlete they are,” said Jacobson, who had energetically tested out several of the machines. “It’s something permanent too.”
Located in the back of The Activity Center, behind the basketball courts, at 401 Washington Street in the City of Newburgh, the Fitness Court requires participants be at least 14 years of age and wear proper attire and gear. There is no charge and as many people as are interested are urged to take advantage of its multiple offerings, not only for their physical, but emotional and mental health. Now that the summer is upon us, and COVID cases continue to decline, there is no better time than now check it out.
“Today is another wonderful day in the City of Newburgh,” said NY State Senator James Skoufis, who first saw the incredible benefits of this physical apparatus in the Village of Haverstraw and immediately wanted to bring it - along with all of its positivity - to the City of Newburgh.
“Especially as we come out of the Pandemic, there is now a new emphasis on being outside and enjoying all it has to offer,” said Skoufis. “Many residents here in the City can’t afford a gym membership, so to be able to have this access, free to all, is a wonderful thing.”
It’s also a tangible addition, something Newburgh residents can physically see and use in a hands-on manner, while putting an emphasis on their health and improving the quality of their lives in limitless ways.