State lawmakers are now pushing new legislation to stop parkway bridge strikes

Originally published in CNY Central

Already in 2023, six vehicles have hit the bridge and more than 400 vehicles have set off the laser alert system.

If that pace continues, the bridge will set all-time highs for both strikes and alerts. And not to be forgotten are the four people who were killed after a Megabus hit the bridge in 2010.

The crash prompted the addition of many safety systems now in place to deter tall vehicles from hitting the bridge, yet the problem continues.

Sen. John Mannion and Rep. Bill Magnarelli are now pushing legislation demanding that NYSDOT study the parkway situation specifically and others like it across the state.

Both lawmakers said that this study will not just look for solutions, but also the cost of those solutions.

Do the local legislators expect results from their legislation and the studies? Or, might this go ignored just like a 2001 proposal, which would’ve also reduced traffic congestion in the Village of Liverpool?

Sen. Mannion said he wasn't sure why the proposals made in 2001 were never followed up on, “I’ve only been a legislator for about two years and five months and only represented the Town of Salina here for about five months. But I'm glad that is there. I think it’s something that could be helpful in expediting the process to come up with a solution.”