Statement From Senator John Defrancisco on Thruway Tolls

John A. DeFrancisco

December 17, 2012

When the Thruway Authority proposed a plan for a 45 percent toll increase on trucks and other commercial vehicles earlier this year, I immediately expressed my opinion that it was unacceptable and advocated against the increase. 

I am very pleased with the decision today that this ill-conceived toll hike plan has now been reversed.

The Thruway Authority's proposed toll increase would have had a terrible impact on countless businesses across New York state, hurting job creation and adding new costs for consumers.

Throughout the past two years, Governor Cuomo and the legislators have been working hard to help move New York's economy back in the right direction. Together, we have lowered taxes on middle class families, reduced wasteful spending, and enacted a wide array of new job-creating initiatives.

This massive proposed toll hike would have undermined these efforts to grow our economy, and moved New York state in the wrong direction.

Today's news is clearly a major victory for all New Yorkers, and I commend all of our local business representatives and concerned citizens who helped to defeat this misguided toll hike.