Oppenheimer Names Reina Schiffrin 2012 Woman of Distinction

Suzi Oppenheimer

June 8, 2012

At a ceremony held in Albany  on May 15th, Senator Suzi Oppenheimer (D-Mamaroneck) paid tribute to Reina Schiffrin, naming her a 2012 Woman of Distinction.  Ms. Schiffrin is the President/CEO of Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic (PPHP).

As one of the most senior women in the Senate, Senator Oppenheimer welcomed the honorees at the 2012 Women of Distinction ceremony:  “Tonight we honor outstanding women who make our world and our lives better.  With us today are individuals of remarkable character.  They have demonstrated initiative and commitment in the pursuit of higher goals for themselves, as well as acting as role models for all women.”

Of her own honoree Oppenheimer said, “Reina is a true leader and visionary.  She has guided PPHP through successful capital campaigns and implemented innovations that have allowed Planned Parenthood to operate more efficiently and effectively.   Under her leadership, PPHP has empowered thousands of women and young adults to make responsible choices regarding their sexuality and sexual health.”  In 2011 alone, observed Oppenheimer, PPHP  provided healthcare services to over 30,000 women, educated over 26,000 youth and adults, and mobilized over 15,000 advocates.

“For her many contributions, Reina Schiffrin truly is a Woman of Distinction.”