Senator Fuschillo Statement on Tsa’s Decision to Abandon Proposal Allowing Knives on Airplanes

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

June 5, 2013

“The Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) decision to abandon its proposal allowing small knives to be carried onboard airplanes is welcome news for every airline passenger and flight crew throughout the nation.

I strongly opposed this proposal because of the potential safety risks it posed to both passengers and flight crews, concerns which were shared by officials, organizations, and residents from across the country. A knife, regardless of whether the blade is under or over 2.36 inches, is a potential weapon that can be used to kill, injure, or threaten. Placed in the hands of a criminal or terrorist in a crowded airplane, it becomes a very real safety threat to both passengers and the flight crew.

I applaud the TSA for its decision and for listening to the concerns of those who would be affected by this proposal.”