Community Town Hall on the Summer Shutdown of the G Train
Martin Malavé Dilan
March 13, 2014
- Transportation
- MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority)
- New York City
- Agencies
- Alternative Transport

State Senator Dilan will join Senator Squadron, US Rep. Maloney, Assemblyman Lentol, Councilmember Levin, Borough President Adams and CB1 for a community town hall on the summer shutdown of the G Train on Thursday, April 3, 6 p.m.
On July 26, through September 1, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will suspend G Train service between Long Island City and Nassau Avenue to make Superstorm Sandy-related repairs. Although, the MTA will provide full shuttle service for G riders, Senator Dilan, local elected and rider advocates want to provide the community a forum to discuss additional measures that may be taken to accommodate riders.
The town hall will be held at the Polish & Slavic Center, 176 Java St, Brooklyn (between McGuinness Blvd & Manhattan Ave). Take the G Train to Greenpoint Avenue.
The town hall is being held in cooperation with: US Rep. Velázquez; State Senators Montgomery and Gianaris; Assemblymembers Brennan, Davila, and Millman; Councilmembers Cornegy, Cumbo, Lander, and Van Bramer; the Riders Alliance; and Transportation Alternatives.