Ritchie Attends Brier Hill Volunteer Fire Department’s Annual Bullhead Feed

Patty Ritchie

April 26, 2014

State Senator Patty Ritchie visited with the Brier Hill Volunteer Fire Department at its 77th annual bullhead dinner on Friday.  Begun in 1937 as a community fundraiser, Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY) has honored the event as a living example of what was once a mainstay in rural communities across the state.

Fishing for bullheads, a bottom feeding scavenger fish, which resembles a catfish, continues to be a traditional rite of spring across Northern New York for many families. “Bullhead feeds” traditionally serve as community fundraisers, most often organized and prepared by men’s groups, according to TAUNY.  The Brier Hill Fire Department event is one of the oldest events of its kind in New York State.